Chapter 148 Shocked!

"What's wrong? What happened?! Why did the sky suddenly darken?!"

"What's going on here? Could it be that the William family made a mess again?"

Various voices of doubt popped out from the crowd.

However, no matter how confused people were, no one gave them an answer. Even the Longquan and Bailong families in the center were also very puzzled at this time. What happened?Could it be that the William family did something wrong?

Although this is a doubt, the people of the Bailong family know that this must be the fault of the William family. This is the place inside the William family. Except for their own people, it is impossible for anyone else to set up such a situation inside their family. A big magic circle!

"The magic world has been so kind for a long time! So! Now! Our William family is going to carry out a big cleansing in the magic world!" Just when everyone was wondering, an old voice suddenly came from the square.

The sound came from all directions, so that everyone didn't know where the person who made the sound was.

The unknown is always frightening. People in the square looked left and right in the dark, looking for someone to speak.

"Who's talking?! Who?! Come out!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Who are you?! Stand up for me!"

"Flash me to death! Are you looking for death?!"

"Damn it, what kind of white light technique did you throw! It killed me, ouch!"

After hearing those words, the square suddenly exploded. Due to the sudden darkness, some magicians threw white light spells. Maybe it was because a light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and a few irascible magicians were thrown into a flash. When they arrived, they were cursing non-stop.

When Diwen heard that voice, his head was shocked, what a deal!He recognized that this old voice belonged to the water magician just now!

As the strongest family among the top magic families, the words of the William family simply represent the direction of the entire magic world.And judging from what Yax said just now, it is estimated that the William family will make a big move!And it was a big move that could affect the entire magic world!

"No matter how noisy you are, you will die!" The old voice sounded again in the square, but this time the voice did not come from all directions, but from above everyone's heads.

And after this sentence was finished, the magic circle on the square seemed to be revoked, and the whole square suddenly lit up. Not only that, the people standing on the edge of the square found that they had been completely surrounded by the law enforcement team of the William family!

After hearing the majestic words of the old man, everyone turned their eyes to the sky. After they saw that the speaker was Yax, they all kept silent and lowered their heads. The threat of a wizard is very powerful. Yes, although there is only one level of difference between a magician and a great magician, that little difference stops 90.00% of nine great magicians!

Everyone would never dare to offend a wizard, because it only takes a moment for a wizard to kill a great magician!So they put their heads down and they're thinking, what the hell is going on here?Why did it suddenly become like this? Also, why did Yakes say that? Could it be that something big is about to happen?
Although Yax's words carry weight, there are always people with the same authority who will challenge his authority.

As soon as Yakes finished speaking, an old man from the White Dragon family in the center of the square shouted to the sky: "Yakes! On behalf of the White Dragon family, I ask you, what is your William family doing? !"

This is a great magician of the fire department, and he looks very vicious!
But this ferocious appearance became a joke in front of Yakes.

"What are we going to do? Hehe, of course we will destroy your Bailong family!" Yax was still smiling one second, but the next second he stretched out his right hand and pointed at the old man of the Bailong family!
Yax's fingers flashed white light twice, and in the gap between these two flashes, the fire magician of the White Dragon family instantly turned into a water man, and finally landed on the ground.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this person is dead!

"Yax! What are you doing? Aren't you afraid to provoke a war among the magic world?" Seeing the death of an elder in his own family, a middle-aged man from the Bailong family jumped out and asked Yax in the air. .

"Hehe, start a war?! Let's see how many members of your Bailong family are there now?!" Yax sneered and said indifferently.

"What?!" The middle-aged man suddenly had a bad feeling.

I saw him take out a jade tablet from the dimensional space, and then felt it inside. Two seconds later, he murmured in disbelief: "The family's energy stone is shattered! This... this is not Possibly, unless the family is destroyed and my father dies, it is impossible to be destroyed!"

"Patriarch! What's the matter? What you said just now is that the energy stone is broken?!" An old man next to the middle-aged man said with a shocked expression.

The old man's voice was a little loud, and people from the nearby Bailong family and Longquan family heard it.

After hearing the old man's words, all the people around him rioted!For a while, the square began to be noisy again.

Maybe it was because the noisy voice was a bit noisy, Yax snorted heavily, and this cold snort contained his magical power, and suddenly an invisible ripple spread around Yax as the center, touching Everyone who saw the ripples felt their internal organs tremble, and a feeling of heart palpitations rushed straight to their hearts. At this moment, even talking became a luxury for people.

After watching everyone quiet down, Yax coughed and said, "I don't want to let you go, our William family and the Love family have joined forces. Taking advantage of this magician's conference, Smith and Bayi will go to Your Bailong family attacked the old man Bailong, it is estimated that Bailong has been killed by Smith and Bai, and you should be the only ones left in your Bailong family now!"

"So, you people have only two choices now, one is to sign a contract, and you will be loyal to our William family in the future! The other is to die!" Yax flew down from the air, and said to the group of Bailong family go.

After hearing what Yax said, everyone in the square was shocked at this time, but because Yax said before who quarreled and who died, and Yax's cold snort just now, so at this time the square The public has been very quiet, and people kept their uneasiness in their hearts. At the same time, they were also carefully paying attention to the choices of the group of people from the Bailong family in the center of the square.

And Diwen, who was standing in the crowd, almost guessed the whole thing when he saw it.

PS: I’ve had so much trouble coding this plot, I don’t even know how to write it
(End of this chapter)

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