Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 149 Diwen's Reasoning

Chapter 149 Diwen's Reasoning

Divin almost knew what had happened by now.

He began to sort out the thoughts in his head carefully.

The first thing to say here is which four are the four top magic families in the world.

The first one is the White Dragon family in England. There is a water mage in the family. The name of this mage is Bailong. This family was established by him. He was promoted to be a magician, so his family also promoted to become a top magic family.

However, due to its short history and poor background, its strength is also the worst among the four top magic families.

And the second one is Russia's Love family, which has a fire mage named Love Bai, and their family's strength ranks third among the four top magic families.

The third one is the Ethero family in Egypt. This is a top magic family with a very long history. It is recorded in ancient books that from more than 1000 years ago until now, every head of the Ethero family A powerful earth mage.

Although the head of the Esero family told the world that he was the only mage in his family, the outside world always speculated that there were more than one mage in his family, because its historical background was too strong, and it was uncertain when his family would have more than one mage. An antique will pop out!
However, because the strength shown by the Esero family is only a mage, the magic world still ranks the Esero family second.

Finally, there is the William family mentioned earlier. The strength of this family is recognized as the strongest magic family in the magic world!In this family alone, there are two mages, William Smith and William Yax, and William Smith is also the mage who has been a mage for the longest time in the world. He has fully mastered the three departments. Magic, it is not an exaggeration to call it the world's number one magician!
Now that the situation of the four top magic families has been sorted out, the next step is to sort out the current situation.

Diwen estimated that because the resources in the magic world are getting less and less, some magic families must plunder the magic resources of other families if they want to develop. In recent decades, because of a magician conference, the entire magic world They all suddenly quieted down, and the war between the magic families was much less.

At the beginning, the magician conference was held because of the sharp decrease of magicians due to the war between magic families. In order to alleviate this situation, the magician conference came into being.

Now, after decades of recuperation, there are more magicians in the world. In this case, the magic resources that were gradually scarce are now even less.

In this way, the development of certain magical families was restrained, and some of them included the William family and the Love family.The William family, it is an ambitious family, the establishment of the Magicians Conference decades ago, if it were not for the coercion of the Esero family and the Bailong family, and the love of the Love family, the William family would not be able to survive at all. Will compromise on this, and there will be no magician conference.

Today, decades later, the ambitions of the William family began to expand again. They joined forces with the Chaoluofu family on the wall, and the wizards of the two families directly attacked the unknowing Bailong family.

No wonder, no one from the Luofu family came to this conference of magicians. It turned out that it was all premeditated!However, Diwen found that there was no one from the Esero family. Why?Diwen was puzzled, but no one answered him.

The above is Diwen's reasoning. He doesn't know what to do now. As the patriarch of an ordinary first-class magic family in the square, he is helpless in the face of this general trend sweeping the magic world. All he can do now is He kept trying to get in touch with Shengsi. He wanted to see what the Shengsi outside could do, but because the blocking circle was always open, Diwen kept waiting for the opportunity.

It has to be said that Divin's guess was very accurate. If Yax knew what Diwen was thinking, he might applaud him!

What their William family has to do now is to eradicate this White Dragon family, and then plunder its resources, and taking advantage of this magician conference, the William family wants all the magicians on the square to sign a contract with the William family. Then we can unify the magic world!
In fact, the William family planned to implement this plan at the next magician conference, but because a member of their family was injured this time, they followed this excuse to start the plan. Promoted the implementation of this plan of the William family.

Although the plan was carried out ahead of schedule, it went smoothly. Just now, Yax had received the news that Bailong had died, so he was even more unscrupulous now, and directly began to humiliate the Bailong family in the square.

"What? Don't talk? Does not talk mean that you choose the first one?" Yax walked to the group not far from the Bailong family and said casually.

With such a laid-back look, people who didn't know would think they were chatting.

"Hehe. Hahahahaha. The first one? I choose you to die!" The middle-aged man known as the Patriarch first laughed wildly, and then a silver-white scroll suddenly appeared in his hand.

The moment the scroll came out, it suddenly turned into a white light and went straight to Yax in front of the middle-aged man!

The speed of the white light was extremely fast, and it came to Yax in an instant, but Yax didn't feel any panic on his face when he saw the arrival of the white light. Instead, he smiled evilly, as if he knew this scene a long time ago.

I saw Yax raised his hand slightly, and the white light was slapped away by Yax's palm. After the white light was slapped away, it danced in the air for a while and then disappeared!

After the white light disappeared, Yax sneered and said: "That old man Bailong, who is not at peace after death, actually left a force on you."

After saying this, Yax shouted: "But it's all futile, now you make a choice! Surrender! Or die!"

Yax said it very straightforwardly, and directly threw out a choice between two.

After hearing Yax's words, the members of the Bailong family were shocked. They are very complicated now, and they don't know what to do. Not only their hearts are very complicated, but everyone in the square is also very complicated. They have their own thoughts, but these thoughts can only be implemented after the results of the collision between the Bailong family and the William family come out.

So everyone has been paying attention to the people of the Bailong family now, to see how the people of the Bailong family will choose!

PS: There are about three to four chapters left before this plot is over.

(End of this chapter)

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