Chapter 150 Mage?Pawn!
"I choose," said the middle-aged man called the head of the house.

"Ah!" But before he finished speaking, he let out a scream, and the next second, he suddenly turned into a water man, following in the footsteps of the old man just now.

Yax, who was in front of him, withdrew his right hand, patted his sleeve and said, "How dare you procrastinate and secretly release the forbidden spell! You're looking for death!"

After cursing, Yax turned his attention to the rest of the people again: "Okay, the rest of you make a choice quickly, my patience is running out, if you don't choose again, I will help you choose Already!"

The threat in Yax's words was obvious.

After hearing Yax's words, there were two opinions among the members of the Bailong family. One was to find that the family had been wiped out, and they had nowhere to go.And the other is to find out that the family has been wiped out, and the head of the family has been killed, so he has to avenge the family, and he must kill Yax in front of him!
These people who want to surrender have been standing in place, unmoved.

And those members of the Bailong family who were driven by hatred all stared at Yax with red eyes, looking like they wanted to eat his blood and swallow his flesh, but because they were afraid of Yax's strength, they were all in the same way. It's like wanting to go but not daring to go.

"Huh!" For these people, Yax helped them make a choice, and he snorted coldly, and those people who stared at him with fierce faces all turned into water men, because the number of water men turned into too many There were too many, and a small pond formed in the center of the square for a while.


This sudden scene startled the people nearby and caused some commotions.In this environment, a small riot could turn into a big one!

Seeing this, Yax flew straight into the air so that everyone in the square could see him. At this moment, he coughed slightly, then pointed to the water stain in the center and said: "Okay, everything Quiet me! What I want to say now is that everyone in the square has only two choices! One is to sign a magic contract with our William family! The second is to end up like these people!"

Yax's flat voice resounded throughout the square. Although the speaker was only a thin old man, no one dared to underestimate him at this moment!

"Your William family is really deceiving people!"

"You want me to sign a contract! No way!"

"go to hell!"

After hearing Yax's words, several roars suddenly came from the crowd.

Obviously, some people don't want to be signed a contract and be subject to the William family. They are now attacking and wanting to resist Yax.

However, these are all in vain. Looking at these resisting people, Yax waved his hands directly. The next moment, those people who shouted and resisted in the crowd just now turned into water men, and then exploded directly. Everyone nearby was splashed with water.

"Now! At this moment! Is there any objection?" After finishing all this, Yax stood in the air like a king, and shouted loudly while watching the crowd in the square.

Yax's voice carried the aura of a mage, shocking people's hearts, making everyone terrified and afraid to speak.

"Is there?" Yax's frivolous voice sounded again, and it could be seen that he was in a very happy mood.

The crowd was silent.

"If there is no objection, then sign these contracts!" Yax took out a large pile of parchment from the dimension space and held it in his hand.

At this time, everyone was still silent.

Seeing this, the corners of Yax's mouth turned up slightly. It seems that the William family's idea of ​​unifying the magic world is about to come true.

However, just as Yax was about to hand out the parchment in his hand with a relaxed face, a childish voice came from behind him.

"I object!"

"Who?!" Hearing the voice coming from behind him, Yax turned his head in surprise, and found Sheng Si who was floating not far behind him at this time!
How is it possible, how is it possible that someone will come out from behind him? !This is simply impossible!And what appeared was a child with a bigger fart, which is even more impossible!

Not only Yax was very puzzled, but everyone in the square was also very puzzled. Whose child is this?so awesome?How dare you jump out to trouble Yax at this time?
Unlike everyone's doubts, Diwen in the crowd was worried.

He has been using sound transmission to contact Shengsi just now, but because of the blocking magic circle, he has been unable to contact Shengsi. However, the scroll used by the Patriarch of the White Dragon Family just now was shot away by Yax. Just made a hole in the blocking circle, and at this moment, Diwen contacted Shengsi immediately.

After contacting Shengsi, Diwen quickly told Shengsi the situation on his side in short words, and at this time Shengsi was sitting with Hongzi in a taxi bound for Hollywood.

After hearing Diwen's news, Shengsi directly called the driver to stop the car, and after telling Hongzi to wait where she was, Shengsi ran directly to an empty alley and teleported over.

At this time, the scene just now appeared.

In fact, Shengsi was a little apprehensive when he heard that there were wizards here. After all, wizards are the embodiment of extreme control over an element. I still have to come here to save Diwen!

The Koizumi family's kindness to him is as high as a mountain, and Shengsi will never do such a thing of dying!
Therefore, he must come morally, and he must also come in his heart!

Knowing that he was facing a mage, Shengsi raised his spirits. As soon as he came here, Shengsi heard Yax asking if anyone objected to him. Seeing this, Shengsi immediately answered If he objected to it, Yax would definitely be distracted at this moment.

His distraction this time was an opportunity for Shengsi. At the moment of Yax's distraction, Shengsi's thoughts rushed directly towards him, because he knew that the opponent was stronger than himself, so Shengsi directly used all his strength. !

Seiji's full strength is incredible!The strength enough to lift a mountain quickly slammed into Yax who was in a state of astonishment from all directions!
Then Yax, who looked puzzled, turned into a lump of meat!The dead can't die anymore!
When he died, Yakes had a puzzled look on his face. He was very puzzled, why did he die?
The holy priest's attack was formless and formless. Although Yax felt a sense of danger before he died, the holy priest's attack was too fast. with him!

PS: The network was disconnected just now, so I am posting now.
(End of this chapter)

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