Chapter 151 Back to Tokyo

Nani? !What the hell? !what happened? !Everyone in the square was stunned at this moment!
what did they see !As soon as that child stretched out his hand, Yax, the majestic wizard of the William family, turned into a lump of flesh? ! !Killing a mage is as easy as slaughtering a dog, this is too perverted!
Could it be that the child is the legendary sage?Otherwise why is it so powerful? !At this time, everyone had the illusion that Shengsi was a sage.

Diwen in the crowd was also in a dazed state at this time, what happened?Shengsi killed such a powerful mage all at once?Or were they killed without any resistance?This is too scary!
Not only were others puzzled and shocked, but even Shengsi himself had a look of disbelief, so he died?Shengsi can be sure that Yax in front of him has no life fluctuations at all!It's really dead and can't die anymore!

But why are mages so weak?Shengsi thought that he might die in the hands of Yax, so he kept up his energy and was always ready to use the teleportation technique to escape. He didn't expect that he would kill a powerful wizard so quickly. Killed!It's incredible!
At this time, Shengsi suspected that this Yakes might be a fake mage!

Although Shengsi felt very strange in his heart, the fact that Yax was dead could not be changed!
Thinking of this, Shengsi fell from the sky and walked straight towards Diwen.

The people in the square dispersed one after another the moment Shengsi fell, leaving a large open space for Shengsi. When Shengsi walked towards Diwen, wherever he went, the people there would automatically disperse , to make way for it.

This is an existence that can instantly kill a magician. Everyone is terrified of it, and they dare not approach the holy priest at all, and they dare not even discuss it!They were afraid of being 'pinched' to death by Shengsi.

In this way, Shengsi walked to Diwen's side in a few steps.

"Uncle Diwen, let's go!" Shengsi glanced at the people around him, then looked at Diwen and said softly.

Diwen nodded in a daze when he heard the words. The shock given to him by Shengsi was too great, and Shengsi changed his appearance again. If Shengsi hadn't called him now, Diwen would not have thought that he was in front of him. The person in charge is Shengsi, so Diwen hasn't recovered from it until now.

However, just as Shengsi was about to take Diwen to teleport away, the law enforcement members of the William family who had been surrounding the periphery had already rushed over and surrounded Shengsi and Diwen.

There were a lot of them, and they surrounded Shengsi two times in three circles.

After the order of the law enforcement elder, hundreds of law enforcement magicians and dozens of law enforcement captains threw magic at Shengsi together.

Thunder surges, fireballs, freezing spells, explosive bombs, etc., all came towards Shengsi and the others. Under the interference of these magics, the space here directly became chaotic, which made Shengsi unable to be safe. The use of teleportation.

Seeing this, Shengsi directly raised a mind shield around himself and Diwen, blocking all these magics from the outside.

After the magician releases a spell, there will be a small period of magic adjustment. At this moment, Shengsi shouted: "I don't want to kill people anymore, you guys go away!"

Shengsi has never been a person who can't fight back when he is beaten. I saw Shengsi shouted and waved his little hand. He directly used his thoughts to arrest all the magicians wearing the law enforcement uniforms of the William family, and went to the distance. Throw it everywhere!

Shengsi is not a person who kills indiscriminately, so he used ingenuity this time. It is estimated that except for a few unlucky ghosts who were crushed, the rest of these people should be unscathed.



Looking at the scene in front of them, there was a gasp from the crowd from time to time.

Hundreds of people were thrown out of the air by Shengsi, and the appearance of covering the sky and the sun was simply shocking!This is simply an invincible existence!
No matter what other people think, Shengsi clapped his little hands after finishing all this, turned his head to Diwen and said in a relaxed tone: "Uncle Diwen, there should be no major problems now, let's go!"

"Uh..." Diwen didn't know what to say when he saw Shengsi's mighty and boundless appearance. No matter what he said, he looked down on Shengsi!
How is this a great magician? The magician was strangled to death in the hands of Shengsi like a chick, and now this group of law enforcement magicians of the William family are being manipulated by Shengsi like toys. , You must know that this is not a group of junior magicians. To become a law enforcement magician of the William family, at least an advanced magician level is required, and the captain of the law enforcement is at least a great magician!And just now Shengsi grabbed a group of great magicians just like playing!it's horrible
At this moment, Di Wen only had one thought in his mind, to hug Shengsi's thigh tightly. In this case, the Koizumi family will probably be able to soar into the sky in the magic world!

Seeing that Diwen nodded in agreement, Shengsi directly used a teleportation technique, and the next second, Shengsi and Diwen disappeared from the square.

After Shengsi left, the square immediately exploded, and all kinds of speculations and discussions about Shengsi's origin arose. At this time, everyone's focus was on Shengsi, and they didn't even care about the members of the William family.
Somewhere in Los Angeles.

Shengsi and Diwen appeared directly beside Hongzi.

Because the sudden appearance of the two caused some panic among the surrounding people, seeing this, Shengsi threw an oblivion spell directly at the surroundings, so that they would not remember what happened in the past few minutes.

The oblivion technique is actually a spell that Shengsi learned a long time ago, but after he casts this spell on people, it will damage the brain cells of the person being cast, so Shengsi has never used it, but now he can't take care of it anymore , directly used a forgetting technique!

After doing this, Shengsi said directly to Hongzi: "Sister Hongzi, don't resist, it's me, Shengsi!"

After hearing Shengsi's words, Hongzi nodded. Seeing Shengsi, he used the teleportation technique again. The next second, the three of them disappeared from Los Angeles. When they reappeared, the three of them had already arrived in Nagoya. The Koizumi family.

Because the most impressive thing about Shengsi here is the guest room where he stayed for one night, so Shengsi was directly teleported to this guest room.

After arriving here, Shengsi easily removed the magic on his and Hongzi's faces. At this time, there was no need to pretend anymore.

"Shengsi, Dad, what happened?" After confirming that Shengsi would not teleport again, Hongzi asked hastily.

When she was standing at the intersection waiting for Shengsi, she was really anxious to death. She was very uneasy all the time, thinking that something serious must have happened, so she was worried about Shengsi and the others just now.

But now that Shengsi and Diwen have returned safely, Hongzi is relieved but at the same time has some doubts. She is very puzzled about what happened just now?So ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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