Chapter 152 Gifts
"Hongzi, tell the elders of the clan to come here quickly. I have something to discuss with Shengsi." After hearing Hongzi's question, Shengsi was about to answer, but Diwen spoke first.

"Oh~." After hearing Diwen's words, Hongzi was a little unhappy, but she still went to call the elders as she said.

Seeing Diwen push Hongzi away, Shengsi asked suspiciously, "Uncle Diwen, what's wrong?"

"Sage, we have to have a good talk." Diwen seemed a little cautious when speaking, there was no way, in front of a magician who could easily crush a wizard to death, he was already very good at doing this.

After hearing Diwen's words, Shengsi was taken aback for a moment, and with what Diwen said just now, Shengsi could probably guess what Diwen was thinking.

Diwen probably didn't know how to get along with him because he watched him show off his power just now, so at this moment he was thinking about how to deal with their relationship in the future.

Seeing this, Shengsi said directly, "Ahem Uncle Diwen, I'm really sorry for what happened today. It was really an accident that I killed that Yax. The main reason is that I didn't expect him to be so weak. So I went all out and killed him by accident."

"Hehe." Diwen didn't know what to say about this. He killed a magician, but Shengsi accidentally killed him. If he was serious, wouldn't he be able to blow up the whole world? !
Now that Diwen heard Shengsi's words, he became more determined to hug Shengsi's thigh tightly!If this kind of powerful magician stays in the Koizumi family, then the Koizumi family must be promoted to a top magic family!
Shengsi looked at Diwen thinking there, thought for a while and then said with a smile: "Uncle Diwen, don't worry, my Shengsi is now the elder of the Koizumi family, and I will definitely be the elder of the Koizumi family in the future! So, you just Do not worry!"

"I know, in fact I..." After hearing Shengsi's words, Diwen was very moved, and he really did not misunderstand the person!Shengsi is indeed a person who knows how to repay favors!
"Boom!" However, before Di Wen finished speaking, the door of the room was suddenly opened!
The three elders and Hongzi appeared at the door together. As soon as they entered, the first elder asked, "What's wrong with you, Diwen? And Shengsi, why are you back now?"

"Uncle Diwen, Sister Hongzi and I will go out first, you guys should talk about it! No matter what happens, give me a voice transmission and I will come right away!" Diwen was about to say something, Shengsi led Hongzi out directly, leaving only Diwen and the three elders staring at the room.

After Shengsi left, the three elders looked at Diwen suspiciously: "Diwen, what is this?"

After hearing what Shengsi said just now, Diwen knew that Shengsi had already expressed his position. It seems that the Koizumi family has already hugged this thigh tightly!
Thinking of this, Diwen talked about what happened at their magician conference with a relaxed face.

"Is such that."

Looking at Shengsi again, he dragged Hongzi out and teleported directly to Los Angeles.

He promised to take Hongzi to Hollywood to play, but he was delayed because of some things just now, now that he has time, of course he has to make up!

So, the two played in Hollywood for a few more hours, during which Hongzi kept asking Shengsi what happened before, but Shengsi kept smiling and said nothing, just telling Hongzi that she would know when she got back.

Although Hongzi was very curious, the attraction of Hollywood was still greater to him. After asking a few words and found that Shengsi kept silent, Hongzi's attention was attracted by various scenes in Hollywood.

After visiting Hollywood, it was almost dinner time.

At this time, Shengsi sent Hongzi back to Koizumi's family and left directly. He didn't want to be surrounded by those three elders and asked questions. The mouths of those three old uncles were very powerful. provoke.

Although Shengsi left very quickly, when he left, Shengsi told Di Wen, and then ordered a lot of magic books and some things in the central castle of the Koizumi family.

Now, Shengsi will be able to study hard.

After leaving the Koizumi family, Seiji returned directly to his own home.

When Shengsi got home, he found that there was no one in the house, which made him very embarrassed. It's time to eat, why is there no one?Did they all go out to eat?
Thinking of this, Shengsi directly contacted Xiao Xi with sound transmission.

A few seconds later, Shengsi knew that his parents, Ayumi Xiaoxi, and Sanye were all eating out.

Sensing Xiao Xi's location slightly, Shengsi teleported directly to the toilet of that restaurant.

After getting out of the toilet, Shengsi discovered that it was a European-style restaurant, which was located next to the Tokyo Tower. At this time, Xiao Xi and the others were sitting by the window. Judging from the empty table, they It should have just finished ordering.

"I'm coming!" Seiji ran over directly, found a seat next to Ayumi and sat down.

Because Xiao Xi had already said that Shengsi would come soon, everyone was not surprised by Shengsi's arrival, but they were a little confused about what Shengsi was doing today.

"Shengsi, what did you do today? Why didn't I see you all day today and last night?! If Xiao Xi hadn't said that you had something to do, we would have called the police!" Mom reprimanded worriedly .

Although my mother is very reassuring about Shengsi, but that's because he hasn't been out for a long time!And this time Shengsi went out for a day, how could she not be worried?

Seeing her mother reprimanding Shengsi, Xiao Xi and Ayumi were giggling beside her, and even Mitsuha covered her mouth and smiled, as if watching a joke.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, he had expected this a long time ago.

"I went to the United States to do something, so I just came back now! I brought a gift for each of you!" Shengsi had already expected that he might be reprimanded, so he had already made up his mind. There is a way to deal with it. He bought a lot of things in the United States before, and now as a gift to them, my mother's anger should disappear.

"Gift?! Is it from the United States?" Everyone looked expectant when they heard the words, and they were immediately distracted, and their mood improved.

"En!" Shengsi nodded and began to take out things from the 'back' one by one.

"First of all, this bag and mask are for you, mom!" Shengsi took out a pink bag and a box of masks and put them in mom's hands. After receiving them, mom beamed and seemed very happy.

This mask was blessed by Shengsi with magic. After my mother used it, not to mention eternal youth, at least 60 years old looks like 30 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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