Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 153 Sending 3 to Ye Zhang's Family

Chapter 153 Send Sanye Home

"This one is for Dad!" Shengsi took out a box of cigars and handed it to Dad again. Similarly, this box of cigars was also blessed by Shengsi with magic. Physical immunity and physical fitness!It is simply a good medicine for traveling.

Dad was all smiles after receiving the gift, obviously very happy.

"This necklace is for my sister!" Shengsi took out a blue-green necklace and handed it to Xiao Xi. This is a piece of magic equipment that Shengsi got from the Koizumi family. It can attract the magic elements around. It is very helpful for spiritual practice.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Xi could sense the magic fluctuations in the necklace. She knew it was a good thing, but she didn't say anything like before, "It's too expensive and I can't take it." Xiao Xi knew that they It's a family, and the family doesn't say thank you.

"Ayumi here! This is the bear you want!" Shengsi asked Ayumi what gift she wanted before, and she said she wanted a doll bear. No, Shengsi brought her one.

"Thank you, brother Seiji!" Ayumi happily kissed Seiji on the face after taking the bear.

After the kiss, Ayumi found that everyone was staring at her, she immediately hid behind the little bear shyly, her face was flushed, and she didn't dare to show her head.

That cute look made everyone laugh.

Ayumi's appearance was so funny, Seiji also smiled happily when he saw this, and after laughing for a while, Seiji turned to Mitsuha and said, "Finally, this is a gift for little Mitsuha!"

Seiji took out a small sapphire necklace and handed it to Mitsuha, "Do you like it?"

"I like it so much! Thank you! Brother Shengsi!" Sanye said shyly after taking the necklace.

In this necklace, Shengsi directly inlaid a magic circle. This magic circle can make people nearby feel happy, and at the same time, it can protect people and gather magic elements around. The purpose of Shengsi's gift of this necklace is to let others Be happy every day, be happy!

Seeing that everyone was satisfied with his gift, Shengsi also said in a timely manner: "What? Where did you take Sanye to play today?"

"I've been to a lot of places! There are museums, Chinatown, the aquarium, and sundae shops." After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi, who was still shy just now, felt as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, and took them all day in one go. The place is clean.

Because today is the weekend, so my parents also accompanied them.

"Wow! I've visited so many places, Sanye, can you tell me how you went today?" Seiji turned to look at Mitsuha after hearing Ayumi's words.

"Today." Sanye softly talked about her experience today.

After a while, the table was full of dishes.

The European-style restaurant Shengsi and the others rarely come, no, they have never been, and they came this time because they have never eaten Sanye, so they want to bring her to try something new.

In fact, there is not much to eat in the European-style restaurant, and the dishes served are only steak, fried chicken, roast chicken, fried potatoes, etc. Compared with those Chinese restaurants, the variety is more than a step behind!
Although Shengsi was making complaints about this European-style dish, I have to say that the taste of these dishes is not bad, at least there is that unique flavor in it, which makes people feel very fresh when eating.

While eating, everyone was still discussing the topic of what they went to play today.

Soon, an awkward European-style dinner ended in the discussion of everyone.

Why do you say it's awkward? It's because people don't use knives and forks when they eat, but chopsticks.
Although eating western food with chopsticks looks awkward, but everyone is happy to eat, this is enough.

After dinner, the group went home, because everyone was tired after playing all day today, so they were going home to rest now.

Sanye was walking towards home with Xiaoxi and her parents, but Seiji wanted to send Ayumi home alone, so she separated from the rest of the group.

After sending Ayumi home, Seiji also returned home soon. Today is already Sunday night, so Seiji is going to send Mitsuha home today, and she has to go to class tomorrow.

After arriving home, Shengsi found that Sanye and the others were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and there was a cup of tea in front of everyone, it was really relaxing.

"Shengsi is back, by the way, are you going to send Sanye away?" Seeing Shengsi come back, my mother asked.

Shengsi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then replied: "Yes."

Shengsi made an agreement with Grandma Ye to send Sanye back before Monday, and now it's Sunday night, so it's time to send her back.

Sanye on the side looked gloomy when she heard everyone discussing about sending her back, her little hand tightly pinched the teacup in front of her, with a nervous look on her face.

After these two days of getting along, Sanye has become familiar with everyone, without the feeling of strangeness when she first came here, Sanye also has a strange feeling for this place now.

Now that she heard that she was leaving soon, she felt a faint sense of parting.

Seeming to have noticed Sanye's emotional change, Xiao Xi quickly hugged Sanye's shoulder and said, "It's okay Sanye, if you want to come again, just call and ask Brother Shengsi to pick you up!"

"That's right, as long as Sanye wants to come here to play again, you can ask Shengsi to pick you up at any time!" Mom and Dad also like Sanye very much, and they want to keep Sanye, but Sanye is also For those who have parents, Sanye's parents haven't seen Sanye for a long time, so they can't force others.

"But...but" because she knew that she was leaving soon, Mitsuba sobbed slightly.

Shengsi is the one who hates girls crying the most. Seeing this, Shengsi hurried over and whispered in Sanye's ear: "Sanye, it's okay, as long as you want to come and play, hold the bag I gave you. Necklace and thinking of my name so I can go straight over to pick you up!"

The necklace that Shengsi gave Sanye was made by himself, and it has its own source of magic power inside. As long as Sanye senses the necklace with heart, Shengsi can also sense it.

"Really?" Sanye said in disbelief.

"Of course it's true! I can have a secret passage! Ouch, Mitsuha is crying like a cat!" Shengsi said firmly, and at the same time wiped away the tears on Sanye's face.

"Hehehehe." Hearing what Shengsi said, Sanye broke into a smile instantly, and wiped the tears on her face shyly.

"Then Brother Shengsi must pick me up!"

"En! Of course! Let's pull the hook!" Seiji stretched out his little finger and Sanye pulled the hook!
"Hanging hooks must not be changed for 100 years!"

"Ahahahaha" After letting go of the knot in her heart, Sanye's silver bell-like laughter resounded throughout the living room.

"Okay, Sanye, go and pack your things, your mother must be waiting now." Shengsi said, stroking Sanye's head.

"En!" Sanye nodded, and obediently went back to the room to pack her things.

(End of this chapter)

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