Chapter 154 One billion yuan robbery incident

After Sanye walked away, my mother looked at Shengsi suspiciously, "Shengsi, what did you say to Sanye just now? Why did she obediently pack her things as soon as you finished talking?"

In fact, she had discussed this issue with Sanye before Shengsi came back, but for some reason, she stopped talking after a few words. She could see that Sanye was very reluctant to leave them here, but now Shengsi just After saying a word, Sanye obediently went to pack her things, which is really amazing.

"Secret!" Shengsi smiled slightly when he heard this, and made a fool of himself here.

Seeing this, the mother nodded in a daze and did not speak. She really has nothing to do with this eccentric son now. Since Shengsi doesn't want to talk about it, that's fine, and the father beside him is smoking Shengsi's hand all the time. He enjoys his cigar very much.

Because Seiji said that this cigar is harmless, and there is a faint fragrance in the smoke, so my mother did not stop my father from smoking at home.

After a while, Sanye came out of the room with a small schoolbag on her back. Because Xiao Xi had bought some clothes for Sanye, now Sanye was wearing new clothes, standing there pretty, very cute.

"Brother Shengsi, let's go." Because she knew that she could come back at any time, Sanye couldn't wait to go back. She hadn't seen her mother for two days. Before, she didn't feel that everyone was with her, but now she remembered that she would go back soon. Now home, Sanye couldn't help but miss her mother, and wanted to go home early.

Seeing this, Shengsi nodded, and said to Xiao Xi and the others, "Come back soon", and then Shengsi led Sanye out of the house.

As soon as he left the house, Shengsi took Sanye through the 'secret passage' to the grass field not far from Sanye's house.

"Look, Sanye, is it convenient to go through the secret passage? In this case, if you want to come to Tokyo to play in the future, you can notify me through the necklace on your chest at any time!" Seiji pointed to the necklace on Sanye's chest. said the necklace.

"Well, I know, brother Seiji!" Sanye nodded, she now knows that she can go to Tokyo anytime, so she is very happy now.

"Then Sanye, you should go back quickly, your mother should be waiting, and also, say hello to Grandma Ye for me." Because Shengsi has experienced a lot today, he is already a little tired at this time, and he wants to go to sleep now Now, if you enter Gongshui's house now, you will definitely be nagging, so Seiji still doesn't go in.

"What? Brother Shengsi won't go in?" Sanye asked suspiciously while holding Shengsi's hand.

"En! Brother Shengsi has to go back quickly, just like you have to go back quickly. If you go back late, Mom and Dad will be worried!"

"Okay then." Sanye was also very sensible, and walked towards her home step by step.

Seeing that the door of Sanye's house was opened by Aunt Erye, Shengsi turned and left.

After returning to his home, Shengsi told his family that he had a shower and went to bed immediately after returning. Shengsi was really tired, so now he needs to sleep to recover his energy.

Tonight, Shengsi slept peacefully, but the William family far away in the United States was not very peaceful.

"Who tell me! Who is that brat?! How could he kill Yax all at once?!" In a palace, on that huge throne, a burly old man was patting The armrest by the throne roared.

The old man's angry voice echoed endlessly in the palace, making everyone in the hall terrified and afraid to speak.

"Say it! You bastards!" Seeing that no one answered, the old man roared again.

"Master Smith, I don't know about it," said an old man in his sixties in the palace, bowing and trembling.

"Hehe, I don't know, I don't know again!" Smith on the throne said softly that he didn't know, and then roared in the next sentence!Along with the roar, the sixty-year-old man who spoke up burst into a ball of blood foam!The walls around the palace, the floor, and the people around the old man were all covered in blood.

Although the scene before them was terrifying, none of the people in the palace made a single sound, not because they didn't want to make a sound, but because they didn't dare!

They knew that in front of the furious Smith, if they dared to do something that caused his dissatisfaction, there would be only one end-death!

"Anyone else have any information?"

Like death curse, Smith's deep voice sounded again in the palace.

After hearing this sentence, everyone in the palace fell to the ground and trembled. They were so scared that they didn't dare to say anything. The blood of the old man in front was still on their body!They dare not speak at all now!Afraid of being killed by the furious Smith!
"Trash! They're all trash! Get out! Get out!" Seeing that none of the people in the palace dared to answer, the enraged Smith directly told everyone to get out!

Everyone rushed out when they heard the words. They could smell the breath of death all the time in the palace. Now that they can finally walk out of the palace, it feels like they have been reborn!
After everyone left, Smith continued to vent his fury in the palace, "Fack! Why do people lose their chains every time this happens!"

"Fake! Fake!"

The next morning, Shengsi came to the school early.

After a night's sleep, Shengsi has already resurrected with full blood!
The break of the second class.

"Conan, why haven't you talked?" Seiji and his group were discussing what they did on the weekend, but only Conan was sitting on the table with a pensive look on his face. Seeing this, Seiji glanced back at Conan .

"That's right! Why haven't you spoken, Conan, tell us what you did over the weekend?" As soon as Shengsi spoke, everyone turned their attention to Conan and surrounded him.

Conan had been thinking about one thing just now, but now surrounded by everyone, he couldn't help being stunned.

"what happened?"

"Conan, we all talked about what we did on the weekend, now it's your turn to say it." Shengsi said it again, he already treats himself as a child now, I don't know why, Shengsi likes the feeling now , very comfortable, very leisurely!

"Eh?!" Seeing everyone looking at him expectantly, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched.

"Huh?" Seiji raised his eyelids, waiting for Conan to speak.

"It's nothing, I just went to a bank to save money with Uncle Maori yesterday, but I just met someone robbing the bank, I was just thinking about that!" Conan didn't intend to say it at first, but he glanced at Shengsi Finally, he told him what happened yesterday, and Conan wanted to see what Shengsi thought about it.

"Ah?! Robbing a bank?!" Guangyan was surprised when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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