Chapter 155 Details
"I know! I know! The Mitsubishi Bank that was reported on TV seems to have been robbed of 10 billion yuan! The suspect has not been arrested yet! Something like this should be played by our young detective team! You say Isn't that right? Shengsi?!" Yuan Tai suddenly yelled after hearing Conan's words, and asked Shengsi for advice after the call.

The corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard this, the boy detective team?Isn't it the Teenage Death Squad?Especially you Yuantai, are you sure you won't screw things up?It seems that you are the most vicious person every time the youth death squads appear on the field, right?
"Yuantai, this is not a game, they all have guns! Also, leave these dangerous things to the police!" Conan said speechlessly, propping his chin with one hand.

Yuantai is a single-minded person who can say whatever comes to his mind. Fortunately, there is a holy priest who can take care of him now, otherwise there will be some troubles.

"Genta, are you going to explore? That's really great! I want to go too!" Ayumi skipped Conan's words and said to Genta excitedly.

In Ayumi's eyes, if there is a saint, no matter where she goes, there will be no danger!
"Ayumi is going too?! That's really great!" Yuan Tai cried out happily when he heard this.After hearing what Conan said, he originally thought that everyone would object, but he didn't expect Ayumi to agree with him now.

What's the matter with me? !Conan, who was still earnest just now, just tilted his hand when he heard the words, and hit his little head on the table.

Please, don't you understand what I said?The other party has a gun!It's still a group of vicious gangsters, aren't you all afraid?

Conan just wanted to pry open Ayumi's brain and see what was inside.

"I said, aren't you afraid of Ayumi?"

After hearing Conan's words, Ayumi took it for granted and said, "Brother Shengsi is here! He will protect me! I'm not afraid at all!"

"Really?!" After Ayumi said this, Conan was speechless for a while!
There is nothing wrong with this!Shengsi's terrifying strength, I believe he should have no problem even facing gangsters with guns
"That's right! With Shengsi here, what are we afraid of?! Maybe our young detective team can solve another big case!" Yuan Tai also remembered how powerful Shengsi is, and now he is not afraid at all.

"It's true that Shengsi is powerful, but if we go to so many people at once, can Shengsi protect him alone?" Although Conan believes that Shengsi can protect himself when facing a few gunmen, he can't protect himself any more. The words of others must be more than enough but not enough.

"It's okay! Brother Seiji is so powerful, he will definitely protect us! So, don't worry about Conan, tell us everything you know!" Ayumi waved her hand, indicating that this is nothing serious Son!

"That's right, Conan, tell me quickly!" Even Mitsuhiko who was on the side couldn't wait to go on an adventure. Mitsuhiko found that as long as he was with Shengsi, there was no danger at all, and it was also very interesting, so he is looking forward to it now Do things with Shengsi!

"Aha?!" Conan glanced at Shengsi upon hearing this, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Seeing this, Shengsi did not express any opinion, but said lightly: "Conan, just tell me, I am very interested in this robbery case!"

Speaking of this 10 billion yuan robbery case, Shengsi suddenly remembered something. Although Shengsi didn't watch Conan very much in his previous life, he had heard of it. In the Conan TV series, there was a bank robbery that robbed 10 billion yuan. It is a very important plot, as if it is related to someone very important.

Because Shengsi has only seen the previous levels of Conan, so he doesn't know who the important person is now, but Shengsi guesses that this person is the little girl named Huihara Ai, because Shengsi has seen it several times in his previous life. In this theatrical version of Conan, in addition to Conan Ayumi and the others, there is also a little girl with brown short hair, her name is Haibara Ai!

But the origin of this little girl, when she was born, and when she joined Conan and the others, none of these saints knew.

His impression of Hui Yuan Ai was that she was a little girl who didn't like talking very much, and Shengsi didn't know anything else.
After Conan heard Shengsi's words, he knew what he meant. It seems that Shengsi is many times more terrifying than he imagined. He can protect all of them from the attack of several gunmen. But it's really awesome!Chinese martial arts is really awesome!

"Okay! Let me tell you what happened yesterday. I was in that bank at noon that day."

Conan finished talking about what happened to him yesterday during the break, and just after finishing speaking, the class bell rang.

After returning to his seat, Seiji began to recall what Conan had just said.

When Conan said just now, he explained certain details of the matter very clearly. Sheng Si knew that Conan was speaking for him.

At noon yesterday, for some reason, Conan left Mitsubishi Bank alone. When he walked to the parking lot, he saw two armed robbers hijacking the cash truck inside, threatening the police to take the money. Moving from the armored van to their car, seeing this, Conan immediately hid aside and began to observe, but after observing for a while, Xiao Lan and Uncle Mao Li also came out, and after seeing Conan here, they couldn't help calling him .

Unexpectedly, the sound of 'Conan' immediately alarmed the robbers inside.

When Conan was explaining to Xiaolan and the others, the two robbers ran away in a car. Seeing this, Conan immediately chased after him on his solar skateboard, but due to some reasons, he lost it in the end.

Not long after Conan returned to the bank, the police found the robber's vehicle abandoned by the river!
Conan followed the opportunity directly, and here he found the clue that the robber had lipstick on his mask, and began to suspect a suspicious employee in the bank—Masami Hirota!
When Uncle Mori was saving money at noon, Masami Hirota kept looking at his watch, as if he cared about the time.Of course, suspicion of Hirota Masami is one aspect. Besides this, there is another very suspicious person, that is, the police officer who moved the banknotes under the duress of the robbers, because when the police asked him, his answers had many loopholes , so Conan is also very suspicious of it!
That's all the information Conan said during class. As he said, after hearing these words, Seiji also became suspicious of these two people. In fact, no matter who heard Conan's insightful words, they would doubt these two people. There is no way. Conan said that there are too many doubts about these two people, it's hard not to doubt!
PS: This book will be available on May [-]st.
(End of this chapter)

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