Chapter 156 Reasoning
After school in the afternoon, the group went directly to the Maori Detective Agency.

This is what they agreed before. As soon as school is over in the afternoon, they will go to Uncle Maori to get further information. The nickname is: to explore.

Xiao Lan extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the Shengsi people.

After Xiaolan put drinks on the coffee table next to the sofa for everyone, Sheng Sita said what he wanted to do.

"Uncle Maury, we're very interested in that bank robbery, so we're here to see if you have any clues."

"Oh?! Shengsi, your young detective team is also interested in this case?" Uncle Mao Li sat on his office chair and said leisurely. He has also heard the name of the young detective team, and has solved several This big case has become famous in the Tokyo police circle!
In fact, Seiji was very surprised to see Uncle Mori on the chair. At this time, shouldn’t Uncle Mori be drinking beer and watching Miss Yoko’s TV series and shouting 666?

"Yes, Uncle Maori, I suddenly became very interested in this case after I heard Conan talking about it." Seiji replied politely. He himself felt that such an answer was a bit silly, but as a There is nothing wrong with a child answering like this.

"So that's the case. Then I'll tell you about it." Uncle Maori gave Conan a sideways look and said seriously.

This kind of 10 billion yuan robbery is a big case, and he usually won't tell the inside story to ordinary people, but Shengsi and the others are not ordinary people anymore, so Uncle Maori told the latest developments last night.

"Last night, those two robbers were all killed!"

"Eh?! Killed?" Shengsi was slightly surprised when he heard this.How was it killed?In an instant, Shengsi thought of the words black eat black.However, Shengsi still wants to listen to the details.

"Yes! One of the robbers was called Shiro Kaizuka. He was originally a racing driver. He was killed in his home last night. The police found the sketch of the bank and the timetable of the armored vehicle in his home. With their escape route and plan, it is because of these things that the police identified this person as one of the robbers in the bank robbery."

"In addition to this person, another person was also killed! That is the guard, Mr. Kishii!"

"Mr. Kishii?" Seiji was a little puzzled.

Seeing this, Conan quickly explained: "It's the problematic police officer I mentioned."

"Oh~" Shengsi dragged out a long tone, indicating that he already understood.

Seeing that Shengsi understood, Uncle Maoli continued: "Mr. Kishii has always liked gambling, and now he still owes a large amount of gambling debts. As far as I know, because of the characteristics of the armored vehicle, that kind of door is absolutely impossible to open from the outside. It was opened, so Mr. Kishii could only open it from the inside, and he owed a lot of debts and had the motive of robbery, so I guess he is the accomplice who assisted them in the robbery!"

"According to what you said, then these two people were killed by another robber. The purpose was to silence them and take the money for themselves!" Shengsi easily explained the problem.

"Yes! Officer Megure also checked in this area, because the police found a pink lipstick in that shell mound's house! After checking, it was found that the lipstick was the same as the lipstick mark on the mask. besides"

Uncle Mao Li made a fool of himself when he said this, intending to adjust the atmosphere and then suddenly say it to make him appear to be very powerful, but Conan didn't give him face and said it directly.

"It's the same lipstick that Ms. Hirota Masami at the bank counter window is using! Isn't it?!" Although Conan asked, his tone was very certain.

After hearing Conan's words, Uncle Maori couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Conan, a nasty brat, wouldn't let himself finish pretending, it's really abominable.

So, Uncle Mao Li continued with a displeased face: "Yes, you are amazing! You discovered all of this! Ms. Yami used lunch as an excuse to leave. She must have joined their actions during that time." gone."

"But why do the employees of the bank want to rob money?" Xiaolan came over to answer the question.

She had been entertaining Ayumi and the others over there just now, and she just came here now.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko were impatient to listen to Uncle Maoli's analysis, so they ran to the other side to watch TV when they first entered the door.

"I'm not very clear about this, but Ms. Yami has already submitted her resignation to the bank! It is said that she submitted her resignation this morning." Uncle Maori continued, but was interrupted by Conan in the middle of the sentence. "What?! Ms. Yami resigned?"

This time, Uncle Maoli did not have Bird Conan, but continued: "Speaking of Ms. Masami, Police Officer Megure has investigated her. She has only been working in the bank for half a year. It seems that she should have gone there to scout and inquire about this robbery case. situation!"

After finishing his sentence, Uncle Maori paused for a moment and then continued: "It's really a scheming thing. I have been squatting for half a year, and now I am committing a crime. If we hadn't found that lipstick at Kaizuka's house, we really wouldn't have put doubts on Masami. The lady is thinking about it!"

Hehe, would a person who spent half a year planning a robbery make such a low-level mistake?The answer is of course not!As for the fact that Ms. Yami accidentally dropped her lipstick on the scene of the crime, no matter whether people believe it or not, Shengsi would not believe it anyway, not only Shengsi did not believe it, but Conan also did not believe it!
In addition to Conan's disbelief, he also found that the lipstick mark on the mask did not fit Miss Yami's face at all. If Miss Yami wore the mask, the lipstick mark was exactly on her chin.

Also, if Ms. Masami wore that mask, there should be a smell of cosmetics on the mask, but Conan smelled it when he was holding that mask, and there was no smell of cosmetics in it at all!

If you want to come this way!If the robber in this case was someone else, he would put all the charges on Miss Yami, if Miss Yami was killed by a real criminal again!In this way, the so-called 'robbers' will all be dead, and the real criminals will always be able to get away with it!
Thinking of this, Conan shuddered all over, and immediately ran out while leading Shengsi next to him!
At this time, Shengsi also thought of the same point as Conan, that is, the murderer is someone else!So he also let Conan lead him out.

"Conan?! (Brother Shengsi) What are you going to do?" Xiaolan and Ayumi in the living room shouted at the same time as they watched the two people walking towards the door quickly.

Although Ayumi has been watching TV over there, she has been paying attention to her elder brother Shengsi. No, she found out right after Shengsi left.

(End of this chapter)

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