Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 157 Finding Clues

Chapter 157 Finding Clues
After hearing Ayumi's words, Shengsi immediately raised his voice and replied: "It's nothing serious, Ayumi, you can play with Sister Xiaolan and the others here, I will be back soon!"

"Yeah!" Ayumi nodded obediently when she heard the words, and turned around to continue playing with Genta and the others.

But Xiaolan never got any response from Conan.

"Don't worry about that brat, just let him do whatever he wants." Uncle Maori gave Conan a disgusted look and said to Xiaolan.

"Hmph!" Xiaolan also snorted coldly to express her dissatisfaction. The Seiji knows how to respond to Ayumi at such a young age, but Shinichi, you are a high school student and you still don't know how to coax others!It's abominable!

"Bang!" Shengsi and Conan walked out the gate.

This time, Xiaolan's face turned even darker.

"Miss Yami was definitely wronged, and her life is in danger now, because as long as she dies, the real criminal will go unpunished!" Conan said immediately after leaving the Mori office.

"En! I thought so too, so we're going to Miss Yami's house now!" Shengsi nodded.

Now the two of them must rush to Miss Yami's house as soon as possible. If it is too late, maybe she will be killed by the real robber!
While talking, Shengsi got on Conan's solar skateboard, and Conan drove the skateboard and took Shengsi to the distance at high speed.

After walking for a while, Seiji and Conan found that they didn't even know where Ms. Masami's home was, so now Conan used his voice changer to change into the voice of Uncle Mori to ask Police Officer Megure for information.

"Brother Megure, where is Hirota Masami's address, can you tell me again?"

"Brother Maori, we have searched there, and there are no useful clues there." The voice of Police Officer Mu Mu came from Conan's earphones.

"Of course I know this, but I still have some doubts and want to go to the scene to confirm!" Conan's voice of becoming Uncle Maori sounded again.

"That's it, her family lives in Room [-] on the fifth floor of Luohua Apartment in Mihua Town!" Police Officer Megure told Masami Hirota's address without thinking too much.

After getting the address, Conan and Seiji rushed there at full speed!

However, because the speed of the two people on the skateboard was limited, by the time Seiji and Conan arrived at Luohua's apartment, half an hour had passed.

The two of them reached the fifth floor in a few steps, and when they reached the third door, they stopped.


This is the name written on the sign next to the third door. It seems that this is Masami Hirota's room.

"The door is locked, how can I get in?" Shengsi found that the door in front of him was locked, and there was no window for him to climb in this kind of apartment building, so Shengsi wanted to see how Conan would get in.

"It's very simple! Take the key to open it!" Conan smiled slightly when he heard this, squatted down, and took out a key from under a flower pot at the door.

Wow, Conan's power of observation is really terrifying. Because of the light, Seiji never found the key. Unexpectedly, Conan discovered it when he first arrived. What a great power of observation!
To Shengsi's surprise, Conan had already opened the door with the key.

After opening the door, Conan went in directly, seeing this Shengsi hurriedly followed.

First of all, there is a porch (Baidu by yourself), and after taking off their shoes and stepping on the porch, the two walked straight to the bedroom.

Because a person's bedroom is the most likely place to hide things, the two went directly to the bedroom and started looking for clues.

"Shengsi, you go to that side, I'll go to this side!" Conan pointed to the right and left sides of the bedroom and said.

"En!" Shengsi nodded and walked to the right side of the bedroom.

This bedroom is relatively large, with a large bed in the middle, a desk and wardrobe on the left, and a few paintings and a dressing table on the right. Generally speaking, it is very simple and looks very comfortable.

So, Shengsi rummaged through the dressing table.

After a while, there was a burst of exclamation from Conan's side: "Shengsi, come quickly, I found something!"

"Coming!" Shengsi heard the words and ran over quickly, and found that Conan took out a key from a socket. Shengsi took a look and found that there was a number on the key - 26.

"What's this? The key to the locker?"

"Yes! I think there should be that 10 billion yuan in the cabinet corresponding to this key, as long as we are." Conan nodded and explained, but just halfway through speaking, Shengsi suddenly covered his mouth mouth, pulled it into the closet by the wall, and made a gesture to silence it.

Just when Conan was wondering why Seiji did this, he heard footsteps.

Oops!There are still their shoes in the entrance, and now another person comes in, it seems that they have been discovered!Seiji and Conan realized this problem at the same time.

Just when the two of them thought about it, a crisp female voice sounded in the bedroom.

"You don't need to hide, I know that two children have come into my room, come out quickly!"

Seeing this, Shengsi opened the closet and Conan came out. Anyway, he had been discovered, and it would be useless to hide it any longer.

"Masami Hirota?" After coming out, Seiji tilted his head and questioned. At the same time, he frantically searched for the name in his mind, but he didn't find any information. It seems that Seiji has never heard of this person.

"That's right! I'm Masami Hirota, so can you two give me the key in your hand now?" A young woman in white with long hair stood at the door of the bedroom, she turned her head Glancing at the plugged socket, he said to the two of them.

Conan found the key from a socket just now, and now it was discovered all at once.

After hearing Masami's words, Conan tightened the key in his hand, "Sure enough, this key is so important to you, it seems that the 10 billion yuan should be hidden in the storage box corresponding to this key!"

"Little brother is very smart! But I don't have time to play with you right now, so give me the key!" Yami directly took out a pistol and pointed it at the two of them, it seemed that she didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

The moment he saw the pistol, Conan's pupils shrank, and there was a gun!

Seeing this, Conan reluctantly handed over the key in his hand. The so-called good man does not suffer from immediate losses, and the other party has a gun, so it is better not to play tricks.

"Are you going to meet the mastermind behind the scenes? If you go, you will be killed!" Conan whispered as he handed over the key.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Yami snatched the key, and then tapped Conan on the back of the head with the butt of the gun.

'Boom! Conan fell down in response, and it seemed that he should have passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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