Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 158 Abandoned Warehouse Area

Chapter 158 Abandoned Warehouse Area

After finishing all this, Yami looked at Seiji, the meaning was obvious, young man, you will be next.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately jumped onto the bed, covered his head with the quilt, and looked scared.

"I don't see anything, I don't see anything! Big sister, go away, I don't see anything."

Shengsi didn't do this stupidly, or anything else, he did this to not change the plot and let that 'important' person appear, because Shengsi still doesn't know who that person is, so it is best not to change the plot OK

"Hehe. What an interesting little brother." Seeing this scene, Masami Hirota laughed. After laughing twice, she turned around and left without embarrassing Seiji.

After Masami left, Seiji shook Conan awake directly.

"Conan! Conan! She's gone!"

"What?! Already gone?! Let's chase! Don't let her meet the mastermind behind the scenes! She will die!" Conan woke up with an extremely anxious tone, and immediately limped towards the door.

Seeing this, Shengsi reluctantly followed, because he didn't want Conan to know that he was special, so Shengsi didn't use any supernatural power in front of Conan.In this case, Conan will definitely not be able to discover his own specialness.

In fact, Shengsi didn't know why he did this, maybe it was a kind of obsession, anyway, Shengsi just didn't want Conan to know that he knew magic.

After the two of them got out of the room, they looked down and found that Yami was opening the door of a red car in front of the apartment building.

"Quick! Throw this transmitter on that car!" Seeing that the car was about to be driven away by Yami, Conan anxiously took out a transmitter from his clothes and threw it to Shengsi. Conan knew Shengsi's With a lot of strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to throw something into a car.

"Okay!" Shengsi took the transmitter and threw it at the car. He lived up to Conan's expectations and threw it very accurately. The transmitter stuck to the red car with a "swoosh" sound. The rear of the car is on.

"Yoshi! Let's chase after him!" Conan smiled at Seiji and walked downstairs with his skateboard.

Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head helplessly, and chased after him.

Because Conan just woke up from the dizziness, it was a little inconvenient to move. After a while, the two stepped on the skateboard and chased after him.

Maybe it was because the mastermind behind the scenes was extra cautious. The place where he and Masami Hirota agreed to meet was very remote, even in the suburbs of Tokyo.

This is an old warehouse area. When Shengsi and Conan chased here, it was already sunset. To be honest, Shengsi did not expect him to come out for so long.

Before, I and Ayumi said that I would go back immediately, but now they have been out for more than an hour. But fortunately, Seiji sent a voice transmission to ask Xiaoxi to pick up Ayumi and the others to go to his home for dinner. Ayumi shouldn't be angry, after all, there is food as compensation.

When the two came to the warehouse area, they found that there were many abandoned warehouses, and the transmitter was only displayed in this area. As for which warehouse it was, Shengsi and the others did not know, so they could only find it one by one. up.


Sudden!A gunshot sounded from afar.

It was a gunshot!This voice came from Ms. Masami, no good!Masami-san is in danger!

After hearing the gunshot, Conan immediately turned the direction of the skateboard and ran towards the direction of the gunshot.

At the same time, Shengsi also activated the telekinesis induction and shrouded in that direction.

Huh? !Is it these two people?

After seeing the scene with Ms. Yami, Seiji was stunned, because he found out that vodka and gin were behind the robbery!

It seems that this 'important' person can definitely be Hui Yuanai!It seems that Haibara Ai appeared on the stage because her sister died, so she escaped from the organization. In this case, this Hirota Masami should be her sister!
So Seiji can't change the plot now, otherwise Huihara Ai won't appear, then Seiji will let Gin and the others confirm Hirota Masami's 'death', and then leave!
In this case, Seiji doesn't have to do anything now, just make sure that Masami doesn't die.

In Shengsi's telepathy, Hirota Masami was shot in the abdomen, and the bullet stayed in the body, hurting the internal organs. If this kind of injury is not treated quickly, Hirota Masami will lose blood within 10 minutes Overdose and die of organ failure!

Although Hirota Masami's injury was serious, it was nothing to Seiji, as long as he could use wood magic at random, she could be cured, so Seiji was not worried about Hirota Masami's death at all.

Even without magic, the medical knowledge Seiji learned in his previous life could save Masami's life.

After Gin shot Masami, he walked over while talking with Vodka.

"You're so overwhelmed! Your sister's role is more than 10 billion yuan! So...hehe."

After Vodka came to Yami, he looked for something on him. After a while, he held a key numbered 23 and laughed silently.

"Let's go!" Watching Vodka get the key, Gin walked away with his mouth slightly upturned.

Vodka nodded and followed.

After a while, the two drove away in a black Porsche.

More than a minute after the two left, Conan and Seiji came to the door of the warehouse on skateboards.

"Miss Masami!" Conan looked at Masami Hirota who fell to the ground, yelled and ran over immediately.

"Cheer up! Ms. Yami, you will be rescued soon! I have called the police! The ambulance will come soon!" After approaching Yami, Conan squatted down and said.

After hearing Conan's voice, Hirota Masami, who was slightly unconscious due to excessive blood loss, woke up a little, "Conan?! How do you know this place?"

"I stuck to your car with a transmitter, and then Shengsi and I chased after you! I didn't expect it to be a step too late! It's disgusting!" Conan said with annoyed expression.

"Shengsi? What a good name!" Yami raised her head and glanced at Shengsi with effort. She knew her physical condition, and it was impossible for her to support the ambulance.

"I think so too!" Shengsi said with a slight smile when he heard the words, squatting down.

After squatting down, Shengsi continued: "Okay, Conan, get out of the way, I'm going to save someone, if I don't, Ms Yami might die!"

Shengsi said this very easily and calmly, his tone full of confidence and unquestionable majesty.

PS: Important notice: It will be available on May [-]st, and you will be charged at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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