Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 160 Organization!

Chapter 160 Organization!

"I'm not dead?! I... I'm still alive." After Yami called Shiho's name, she realized that she was not dead, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Surprised for a while, Masami also saw Conan and Seiji beside the bed, "Conan, did you save me?!"

Conan shook his head when he heard the words, and turned to look at Sheng Si, "It was Sheng Si who saved you!"

After hearing Conan's words, Masami turned her gaze to Seiji, "Thank you! Seiji!"

She didn't believe it when she heard that Shengsi could save her before, but she believes it now!And I am very grateful to Shengsi.

"You're welcome! This is what I should do!" In the eyes of Shengsi, this is not considered a help, because he wants to contact that Hui Yuanai, so he is now selling favors.

"Ah?! What should be done? What does this mean?" Although Seiji thought so, Yami looked puzzled. Seiji didn't owe her anything, and it was the first time they met. Why should she? made?So she is very confused now.

"You will know later, but now, you can rest in peace! That's right! You are a 'dead' now, so you can't live here now, I have a house, you can live with me Let's go!" Shengsi said casually and changed the subject.

Yami seemed to think of something sad when she heard the words, she curled her lips in self-mocking: "Yes. I am a 'dead man' now! Hehe. What a mockery. I have worked for the organization for so many years, but I didn't expect to be abandoned in the end."

"What?! Organization?!" Conan grasped these two words sensitively!

"Yes, that is a huge dark organization, mysterious and powerful! I am just a peripheral member, not even qualified to know the secrets of the organization! For decades, I only know that the color of the organization is black The people in the organization are all dressed in black, with dark sunglasses!"

Hearing this, Conan was shocked again!Black clothes and dark sunglasses, could it be that the two men in black they met in the tropical paradise last time were from the organization? !

"What's wrong? Conan." Masami noticed that Conan's face suddenly turned pale, so she said.

"It's nothing. You continue to talk." Conan waved his hand to indicate that it's okay, but he was secretly thinking about the relationship between the organization and the two men in black.

"Actually, I don't have anything to say now. I'm a 'dead person' now, and I don't know what to do in the future. Maybe it was a mistake to save me!" Yami said with a gloomy expression, she is now confused , I don't know what to do in the future.

"Aren't you looking for your sister? Why? Give up now?" Shengsi's faint voice sounded quietly in the bedroom. Although the voice was not loud, to Yami's ears, it sounded like a bell on the main road, very awakening Ear!
"That's right! Zhibao! I haven't rescued Zhibao yet! How can I be so depressed? Thank you so much, Seiji, thank you for waking me up!" Seiji's voice was like an inscription, awakening Yami.

But in the next second, Yami seemed to think of something suddenly, and her face changed suddenly, "Wait! How did you know, Shengsi, that I was looking for my sister?!"

There was an inexplicable suspicion in Yami's eyes, and the "I owe you" that Shengsi said just now, so Yami had doubts about Shengsi's identity and purpose at this time.

"This, this..." Oh, I accidentally slipped my mouth, Seiji didn't expect Yami to be so vigilant, and could still find the loopholes in his words at this time.

"Miss Yami, Seiji is a very good detective, I think he should have deduced it." Conan replied from the side, he was afraid that Seiji would say 'guess' again, so he explained it for him first.

"Detective?" Hearing that, the suspicion in Yamei's eyes dissipated a little.

"Oh yes! I checked your information before and made an inference. If you were not a robber in this robbery case, then you must have been ordered by others, and why were you controlled by others? There must be some reason. Someone else, and this handle is very important to you, so important that you can give your life for it, then it is easy to guess." Shengsi was stunned at first, but quickly followed Conan's words.

"First of all, the handle must be relatives, and then add that you called 'Zhibao' just now. As for Zhibao, this should be a female name, sister? Sister? Mom? In this case, there are only three answers, and then I will I guessed one at random, but I guessed the first one right!"

"What you said seems quite reasonable, but why did you say you owe me?" Yami nodded, the suspicion in her eyes had dissipated, but she still clung to the question just now.

After hearing this question, Seiji did not answer, but said, "Sister Yami, take out that key."

"Huh?" Yami was taken aback when she heard the words, but she still took out the key from her pocket as she said. Shengsi knew that the key that Vodka took just now was a fake at all, and the real key was still on Yami's body.

After receiving the key, Seiji threw it to Conan who was beside him, "Conan, there are one billion yen in the locker corresponding to this key, if I guessed correctly, it should be in the east of Mihua Station In that row of lockers, go to the police."

After hearing this, Yami's eyes lit up, and she became more and more curious about Shengsi.

"What about you?" Conan was still dazed when he took the key.

"I sent Sister Yami to a safe place. Go and do your work. Don't worry about me. It would be bad if someone from the organization took it away. Also, by the way, help me tell Sister Xiaoxi I'll be back later." Seiji waved his hand, signaling Conan to leave quickly.

"Okay then, and no one is worried about you." Conan originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It would be better to call the police as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Conan immediately turned to Mihua Run to the station.

"Ah..." Shengsi was speechless.

After Conan left, Seiji turned his head to Masami behind him.

"Let's go!" After Shengsi finished speaking, he walked towards the door without looking back.

"Eh?!" Seeing Shengsi leaving so simply, Yami was stunned for a moment, but she suffered. Eh? !Didn't he get shot? !Why doesn't it hurt at all now?Exactly the same as normal people?

Shengsi's medical skills are too amazing!This is a gunshot wound!How long has it been? !It's like an hour at most, is that all right? !It's incredible!
"Wait. Wait for me! Seiji." Seeing that Seiji had walked to the door, Yami hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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