Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 161 Settle Masami

Chapter 161 Settle Masami
"Okay, where are we going?" Yami said after getting in the car, looking at Shengsi in the passenger seat. She is very curious about Shengsi now, with his miraculous medical skills, super reasoning ability and calm brain, Any aspect makes Masami very curious.

"Yokohama! I have a house there, you can live there, or I can buy you a house in Tokyo, you choose." Seiji said absent-mindedly, looking at the night view outside the window.

"You buy one?! What do you mean?" Yami heard Shengsi say that buying a house is like buying a toy, so she is guessing Shengsi's life experience.

But before Masami finished speaking, Seiji interrupted her, "You mean to choose to live in Tokyo?!"

"No, no, no! I choose Yokohama!" Masami didn't want to see the members of the organization at all now, and Tokyo is the place where the members of the organization are most active in Japan, so she chose Yokohama without even thinking about it!Also, Yami didn't expect Seiji to be so strong that he wouldn't even give her a chance to ask questions.

"Then drive, and I will tell you how to go when you get to the place." Shengsi entered a state of meditation after finishing this sentence.

On the other hand, Yami watched Shengsi close his eyes and said nothing, she was also very helpless, after complaining slightly, Yami had no choice but to drive the car full of doubts.

Although it only took a few seconds for Shengsi to travel from Tokyo to Yokohama, at that time, Shengsi was flying, and the speed was extremely fast!But now it takes more than an hour to drive the car!
More than an hour later, Seiji and Masami arrived in front of Seiji's villa in Yokohama.

"Shengsi, could it be that this villa is where I will live in the future?!" Yami looked at the villa in front of her and said in surprise. She never thought that the place Shengsi said would be a villa. She always thought that It was just an ordinary apartment, but now seeing that it was a villa, the whole person was shocked.

Shengsi didn't answer the words, but silently opened the door of the villa, and then threw the key to Yami who was already stunned.

"This is the kitchen, the toilet is over there, there are seven bedrooms above, and there is a safe in the master bedroom, the code is 500, and there are 100 million yen in cash and a card with [-] million US dollars in it. , the password of the card is the same as that of the safe, you can use all of these! That’s right! There is a mobile phone next to the bed in the master bedroom, which has my number stored on it, and you can call me anytime if you need it.” Just entered the villa , Shengsi pointed and said, after saying this, Shengsi turned around and said to Yami: "Okay, do you have any questions?"

"Nothing!" Yami replied blankly, she was so shocked by Shengsi that she couldn't find Bei at this time.

Now Shengsi gives her the feeling that she is definitely not a child, but a steady and mature adult!
Looking at Yami who was stunned in place, Seiji continued: "If there is no problem, I will leave first, and if there is anything else, just call me."

After saying this, Shengsi turned and walked towards the gate.

"Hey! Wait for Shengsi!" Seeing that Shengsi was about to leave, Masami shouted hastily.

"Anything else?" Shengsi turned around.

Yami saw that Shengsi was about to leave, so she shouted out of instinct, now that Shengsi turned around, Yami didn't know what to say.

"It's nothing, you go, I'll call you if I need anything!"

"En!" Shengsi didn't think too much, and then turned and left after nodding his head.

When Shengsi walked to the gate, he suddenly remembered that there was one thing he didn't say, so he immediately turned around and said: "There is one more thing I forgot to say, Sister Yami, your sister Miyano Shiho will be here in a few days." Out."

"What?! What you said is true?" Yami's eyes lit up strangely when she heard this, obviously this news made her very happy!
"I never tell lies!" Shengsi shook his head, opened the door of the villa, and walked out.

"Hey! Shengsi, wait! I want to ask" But when Yami chased outside the door, Shengsi had already disappeared, and she was forced to swallow what she wanted to ask.

"Hehe." Seeing this, Yami laughed dryly, and then returned to the villa. No matter what, Shengsi saved her and now she has told her such important news, so Yami's doubts about Shengsi have disappeared. , other than that, there is endless gratitude, and what she has to do now is to wait!

After Shengsi left the villa, he directly used a teleportation technique to come to his home.

"Ayumi?! Why are you still here?!" After coming home, Seiji saw Ayumi sitting on the sofa for the first time.

"Brother Seiji is an idiot! Leave Ayumi behind and run away with Conan!" After seeing Seiji, Ayumi threw her small hands across her chest, looking angry.

"Hehe, isn't this an accident? I thought I would be back soon, but I didn't expect to go out for so long." Shengsi explained helplessly. He really didn't expect Ayumi to wait here so late. he.

Seeing Seiji's helpless expression, the parents sitting next to Ayumi and Xiao Xi all laughed.

"I don't care, I don't care! Anyway, Brother Seiji left Ayumi and Conan to explore alone! It's unforgivable!" Ayumi continued to be arrogant, as if you don't come up with a satisfactory explanation, I will ignore you your posture.

Seeing Ayumi like this, and Xiao Xi and the others seeming to be watching a show, Seiji felt that this matter was a bit tricky, but these are trivial matters!

I saw Shengsi had an idea, and pulled out a colorful lollipop from the 'back'!

"Ayumi! Look! What is this?!"

"Wow! It's my favorite colorful lollipop!" Ayumi looked at this colorful lollipop, her eyes lit up!

"How is it? Does Ayumi want to eat it? If you want to eat it, please forgive me!" Seiji handed the lollipop to Ayumi and said in a seductive tone.

Ayumi heard this and thought about it, but she couldn't eat it!I absolutely can't eat it!

But after three seconds.

"Okay! I'll forgive you this time!" Ayumi couldn't resist the temptation of the lollipop in the end, she picked up the lollipop and put it in her mouth, "It's delicious! It's so good eat!"

Seeing this, the corners of Seiji's mouth turned up slightly, "Okay, Ayumi, it's already so late, I'll take you back!"

"En!" Ayumi said vaguely while eating a lollipop.

"I'll be back later!" After saying this, Seiji took Ayumi's hand and went out.

On the way to Ayumi's house, the two talked and laughed, and they were very harmonious. Ayumi ate the delicious lollipops and threw the previous unhappiness to grandma's house.

(End of this chapter)

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