Chapter 162 Waiting
Soon, Seiji sent Ayumi back home safely.

On the way home, Shengsi kept thinking about the organization in black. In fact, Shengsi investigated this organization a long time ago, but he didn't find any useful clues at that time.

And now, as Shengsi's understanding of this world continues to deepen, he has also discovered that this organization is unusual.

First of all, when Shengsi used magic to check the high-level figures of this organization, he found that he couldn't find it!How can this be? !You must know that with the current magic ability of the holy priest, he can cast detection magic, and even a magician can detect a thing or two!And when Shengsi went to investigate this organization, he couldn't find any really useful information.

Moreover, he also asked Di Wen if he knew such an organization, but Di Wen gave him the answer that he had never heard of it!You must know that the intelligence network of the Koizumi family is very large. Basically, there are people from him at the top of the whole of Japan, but he does not have any information about this organization!

Thinking about it this way, this organization hides really deep!Also, Shengsi discovered that the people in this organization seem to only act among ordinary people, and their main purpose seems to be to make money, but in the magic world, their deeds are as if they have never appeared before!Very weird!

Thinking of this, Shengsi now had to pay more attention to this organization, hiding it so deeply, and he couldn't even find any information about the top level of this organization with magic, which made Shengsi very puzzled and defensive.

After all, this organization is the biggest BOSS in Conan's world. Shengsi looked down upon it too much before, but now it seems that, as a BOSS of the world, this organization in black is still a bit of a weight!

However, now Shengsi doesn't think about it. Although the black organization is mysterious, it doesn't have much to do with him. As long as it doesn't mess with him, Shengsi will let it go.

When I got home, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Only then did Shengsi realize that he hadn't had dinner yet.

I didn't feel like I was doing things just now, but now that Shengsi came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that his stomach was growling with hunger.

"Mom! Make me a full meal!" As soon as he entered the door, Shengsi clamored for something good.

"Really! I came home so late, so I knew you hadn't eaten. I already made it for you. Go and eat!" Mom said, pointing to the table.

She already knew that Seiji hadn't eaten, so when Seiji sent Ayumi home, she made the meal.

"Wow! Stir-fried pork with potatoes, roasted pork with eggplant, and steamed fish are all my favorites! Thank you, mom! I really love you!" Shengsi yelled and went straight to the dinner table to eat.

Seeing Shengsi's hungry wolf rushing for food, everyone laughed.

After eating, Shengsi talked with his parents and Xiao Xi for a while, and then went to bed.

The next morning, Shengsi woke up very early. After picking up Ayumi at the old place, the two headed straight to school.

To be honest, Seiji doesn't know how long it will be before Hui Yuan Ai comes out, but in his previous life memory, the day Hui Yuan Ai appeared seems to be a rainy day, and she fainted at Conan's house after the sky darkened At the door, it was finally picked up by Dr. A Li.

So what Shengsi has to do now is to wait for a long time, but fortunately, Shengsi found that if he is sitting in the school, his telekinesis can just reach the door of Dr. Ali's house. I have been paying attention to the situation there 24 hours a day, and if Xiao Ai appears there, Shengsi will also know.

Thinking of this, Shengsi's heart also settled down, as long as he was the first to discover Xiao Ai, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Shengsi, what happened yesterday?" As soon as he entered the classroom, Shengsi was dragged aside by Conan.

Seeing this, Shengsi waved at Ayumi, and then walked aside with Conan, Shengsi knew that Conan was asking about Yami.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi nodded and said, "I've settled her down, right, what happened to the 10 billion yuan?"

"I have already called the police, and all the money has been handed over to the police. Also, I told Officer Megure my analysis last night, and Officer Megure also believed my inference. So, Miss Yami's suspicion is now gone. Washed away." Conan's voice was so low that only Shengsi could hear it.

"That's it, that's really great!" Shengsi smiled, although this news is useless to Shengsi, but at least it can save Yami from the harassment of the police.

After listening to Shengsi's words, Conan continued to ask: "Yes, Shengsi, how much do you know about that organization?"

In Conan's eyes, Seiji stayed with Masami for so long last night, so he should be able to know something about that organization.

However, Shengsi was afraid that he would disappoint Conan. After hearing Conan's words, Shengsi thought for a while and said: "Organization, isn't it just the group of people in black clothes? Didn't Sister Yami say yesterday? Shengsi you Why do you still ask? Why? Are you interested in them, Conan?"

In fact, Seiji knew something about that organization, but he didn't want to tell Conan.

"No, you! Forget it!" Conan was a little disappointed when he heard that. He originally planned to know some information about the organization from Shengsi, but he didn't expect that Shengsi didn't know either.

For a while, the two fell silent.

"Since there is nothing else, class is about to start, so I'll go back to my seat first!" Seeing this, Seiji walked towards Ayumi, and at the same time, his telekinetic induction directly unfolded, and he began to stare at Conan's house. block.

On the other hand, Conan shook his head and returned to his seat.

In this way, the peaceful day passed.

On this day, the 10 billion yuan robbery also came to an end, and the real robber disappeared because the police could not find the slightest clue. The response to the public was that the robber was dead, and Conan kept going. He searched for clues about the organization, and even proposed to Shengsi to find Masami, but was declined by Shengsi, but Shengsi knew that Conan would not give up.

Soon, it was the next day, and it was still the same as yesterday. Shengsi and Ayumi came to the school again, and Shengsi was still monitoring the vicinity of Dr. Ali's house with his mind.

But the difference between today and yesterday is that today is a cloudy day, and according to Shengsi's guess, it might rain this afternoon!

This made Shengsi pay more attention to the vicinity of Dr. Ali's house, because if it is cloudy, maybe Xiao Ai will appear tonight!
Thinking of this, Shengsi was so excited that he couldn't even attend class. In fact, Shengsi didn't even know why he was so excited. Maybe it was an inexplicable feeling. When he saw Xiaolan and Ayumi last time, Shengsi Also very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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