Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 163 Charm Magic!

Chapter 163 Charm Magic!

In a completely unfamiliar place, you will not know the inexplicable excitement of meeting someone you have seen or heard of before, unless you experience it once!
And Shengsi is feeling this way now, he is looking forward to it!Also very excited.

Soon, the whole morning passed, and Xiao Ai never appeared in Shengsi's telekinesis.

In the afternoon, school was over, and Shengsi bought a house directly opposite Conan's house in order to find Xiao Ai more accurately. Throughout the afternoon, Shengsi sat by the window and stared at a road in front of the house.

Shengsi knew that it was very likely that Xiao Ai would appear today, so Shengsi kept watching without letting up.

In the house opposite Conan's house, Seiji was drinking coffee by the living room window, and not far away, Ayumi was sitting on the sofa watching Masked Rider.

"Brother Shengsi, it's almost six o'clock now, why hasn't the person you were waiting for appeared yet?" Ayumi discovered something was wrong with Shengsi this morning, and after asking him why, Shengsi gave her the answer that he wanted to Waiting for a new friend.

And this wait is an afternoon.

"Wait a little longer, Ayumi, maybe she will show up soon!" Seiji said, taking another sip of coffee.

"But... Ayumi's stomach is so hungry!" After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi rubbed her belly and said pitifully.

"Huh?! Are you going to have dinner?" Seiji realized that it was so late, and he didn't expect to sit by this window for an entire afternoon.

etc!How could I be so excited? !Even the excitement has forgotten the passage of time!This is simply impossible!
In the killer training in the previous life, Shengsi has been able to keep calm at any time, but in this life, Shengsi is only slightly surprised and happy when he sees Conan and the others, but for Xiaoai, Shengsi is so excited that he forgets himself!
something wrong!Absolutely wrong!
Thinking of this, Shengsi was immediately surrounded by magic power, and his mental power was also at its maximum at this moment!He's checking what's wrong with himself.

After a few seconds.

"Hey!" Shengsi's magic power flowed, and he found a red magic group appeared in his mind!
It's charm magic!Shengsi felt the breath of charm magic from this group of magic power!And it's the kind of magic that disturbs the mind!
When did I fall under this spell? !And was disturbed mind!Seiji was puzzled.

After carefully sensing it, Shengsi discovered that the source of the disturbance was Xiao Ai whom he was waiting for!

If Ayumi's words hadn't awakened Shengsi just now, Shengsi estimated that he might be controlled by a big shot in the organization!
Now, Shengsi clearly realized that there must be magicians in this organization!And he is an extremely powerful magician, Shengsi now knows what happened to him just now.

Just now, Shengsi got a very clever charm magic, this kind of magic is extremely weird, as long as you think about the person who was cast, then a certain emotion of yours will be infinitely magnified, the more you think about it, the more obvious the effect, if If you don't restrain yourself, you will be controlled by that infinitely magnified emotion, and you will eventually become a puppet who only obeys the spellcaster!

Xiao Ai is probably the person who was casted by the spell, and the caster is probably the boss of the organization!
This magic is extremely difficult to discover. If Shengsi had not possessed the power of mind since he was a child, his soul was extremely developed. In this case, Shengsi could discover the imprint of that magic.

Although this magic is very strong, it is easy to get rid of once it is discovered. When Shengsi moved his mind, the pink magic ball in his head was wiped out by Shengsi!
"Ayumi, thank you so much!" After finishing these, Seiji kissed Ayumi on the cheek suddenly.

This time it was all up to Ayumi, if Ayumi didn't wake him up suddenly, maybe Shengsi would be controlled by this weird magic!

Ayumi was suddenly kissed by Shengsi, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her face flushed instantly, "Thank you for what?"

"It's nothing! I'll make dinner for my lovely Ayumi now!" Seiji was in a good mood, laughed a few times and walked towards the kitchen.

Only Ayumi was left with a flushed face and no idea what was wrong.

Shengsi told his mother at noon that he would not go back to eat tonight, so now Shengsi cooks and eats here very casually.

With the help of magic, after a while, Shengsi made three dishes and one soup that nourished Fengsheng.

"Ayumi, come and eat quickly! I made you your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs!" Shengsi put the dishes on the dining table.

"Coming!" Ayumi heard the words, hurriedly ran off the sofa, and ran over bouncing.

After eating, Ayumi took a bite of the ribs in the bowl and said, "Brother Shengsi! When will the person you are waiting for come?"

Children are at an active age now, but Ayumi has been staying in the room all afternoon, even though Masked Superman is watching, she is still bored.

Shengsi also saw Ayumi's unhappiness, thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll take you to buy clothes after dinner!"

Shengsi suddenly remembered that he didn't have little girl's clothes here. If Xiao Ai appeared later, wouldn't he have no clothes to wear? Shengsi didn't mind about this, but Xiao Ai would mind!So now Seiji is going out to buy some daily necessities and some clothes for little girls.

Hearing that Seiji would take her out to buy clothes later, Ayumi laughed happily, and even ate several times faster.

"Brother Shengsi, eat quickly! After eating, go shopping with me!"

Seeing that Seiji was eating slowly, Ayumi kept urging him from the sidelines.

Seeing Ayumi's excited look, Seiji shook his head, "Don't worry! I'll buy whatever you want today, but let me tell you in advance that the time is only one hour!"

Shengsi knew that Ayumi had no sense of time when she was shopping, so he had to get a vaccination in advance.

"One hour is just one hour! I want to buy a lot of delicious food! There are a lot of fun things! I also want a lot of teddy bear toys! Also! Also! I also want to buy a lot of beautiful clothes!" Ayumi grabbed her The little fingers counted happily there, as if they could buy everything in an hour.

"Okay! Okay! I'll buy them all for you!" Seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's lips twitched. Sure enough, women are really terrible creatures, even a little girl!

After eating.

Seiji took Ayumi to a nearby shopping street. Because they had to observe the situation of Dr. Ali at all times, Seiji and the others could not leave too far away, otherwise they would not be able to sense it.

(End of this chapter)

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