Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 164 Finally see Xiao Ai!

Chapter 164 Finally see Xiao Ai!

In a children's clothing store, Ayumi is wearing a colorful skirt and standing in front of the mirror, she is trying on clothes.

"Brother Shengsi, how are you? Does this dress look good on me?" Ayumi said expectantly after turning around in front of Shengsi.

Ayumi is eager to get the affirmation of Seiji.

"It looks good! I think Ayumi looks good in it. How about it? Does Ayumi like this dress?" Seiji asked back, and at the same time he kept looking around, looking for those plain clothes.

He is looking for clothes for Xiao Ai. In Shengsi's impression, Xiao Ai should be a cold and quiet girl. This kind of person probably won't like those fancy clothes, so Shengsi Look for clothes that are monochrome and look great.

"En! I like it very much!" Ayumi seemed very happy when she heard Seiji say that she liked it, and nodded repeatedly.

"Okay! Then we'll buy it!" This is the fifth dress that Ayumi has tried, and Ayumi always tries on the fancy and beautiful clothes. It seems that Ayumi likes it very much. Patterned clothes.

After saying this, Shengsi turned back to the waiter beside him and said, "Sister waiter, I bought this, this, this, this... and the one she is wearing!" Shengsi As he said that, he handed over ten [-] Japanese yen, and at the same time he said: "Pack up everything I said, and you won't have to look for the money!"

Seiji pointed out all the clothes that Ayumi had tried before, and at the same time he pointed out a few sets of clothes that were monochromatic and simple.

"Okay!" The waiter was stunned after receiving the money. She was afraid that the two children would come in to make trouble, and they had been trying on clothes since they came in, so she followed them all the time, but she didn't expect to see it wrong now. up!

When the waiter went to pack the clothes, Ayumi asked in a low voice: "Brother Shengsi, why do you want to buy those clothes?"

"Oh, those are gifts for new friends!" Shengsi said without thinking.

"Eh? Is my new friend also a girl of my age?" Ayumi found out that Seiji bought clothes according to her size, so Ayumi guessed that this new friend should be a girl of her age. After Seiji stayed for a long time, Ayumi became smarter.

"Ayumi is so smart! I guessed it right away!" Shengsi boasted, scratching Ayumi's nose.

"Brother Shengsi scratched my nose again, I hate it!" Shengsi's little gesture made Ayumi laugh again and again.

While Seiji and Ayumi were playing, the waiter had already packed the things.

"Little gentleman, do you need me to help you take it back?" Because there were a lot of things, at least more than ten catties, the waiter was worried that Sheng Si would not be able to carry them with his small body.

However, it was obvious that she was thinking too much.

"No, thank you!" Seiji immediately picked up seven or eight bags from the waiter's hand, then turned around and walked out with Ayumi who was wearing new clothes.

Only the waiter with a surprised face was left.

After leaving the clothing store, Shengsi and Ayumi turned directly into an empty alley, and when they came out, Shengsi had nothing in his hands.

In this way, Seiji and Ayumi passed by the snack shop, the toy store, and even because Ayumi came near the pizza shop and wanted to eat pizza, they went in and had a pizza.

After the two finished eating the pizza, an hour had passed, so the two set off on their way home.

What is worth mentioning here is that because Shengsi estimated that Xiao Ai probably hadn't eaten yet, he also brought a pizza home.

After a while, the two returned to the house, and just like that, Seiji and Ayumi continued to wait in the house again.

In the following time, Seiji sat by the bed and meditated, while Ayumi was playing with the toy he just bought, a harmonious scene.

After half an hour.

Ayumi asked while playing with toys, "Brother Shengsi, is that new friend here yet?"

"Should be coming soon." Shengsi opened his eyes and said with some uncertainty.

after an hour.

Ayumi is playing a video game console.

"Brother Shengsi, how long do we have to wait?" Ayumi's tone contained a hint of complaint.

"It's probably coming soon." Shengsi was also puzzled, it's almost eight o'clock now, and the weather is also light rain, why don't you come?Isn't it today?

After an hour and a half.

Ayumi was drowsy at this time, she sat next to Shengsi and listened to Shengsi's story.

At this time, Shengsi had just finished telling a story. Seeing this, Ayumi quickly asked, "Brother Shengsi, isn't that friend coming today?"

"Maybe." Shengsi looked at the light rain scene outside the window, and his thoughts drifted away for a while.

two hours later.

Seeing the empty seats around him and the silent scene outside the window, Shengsi sighed silently.

Just now Shengsi saw that Ayumi was about to fall asleep, so he sent her back first, and now he is the only one waiting here.

Three hours later, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Shengsi was almost sure that Xiao Ai did not show up today, but he had already waited until this time, so Shengsi planned to wait until 10:30. I went straight back.

Soon, another half an hour passed, because after waiting for so long, Shengsi was a little hungry, so Shengsi directly heated the pizza that was brought to Xiaoai with magic, and then ate it as a supper.

"Well, it looks like Xiao Ai won't come today." Shengsi looked at the empty street outside and couldn't help but sighed. He was sure that Xiao Ai would show up today, so he waited patiently, but the more hopeful, The greater the disappointment, now Shengsi didn't wait for Xiaoai, so he was very disappointed.

It's time to go back, it's already 10:30, and I have been asleep for a long time at this time before.

Thinking of this, Shengsi tidied up the place, closed the door and prepared to leave.

But when he closed the door and turned around, he was stunned!
Who is that short figure who fainted on the ground in front of the door? !Is it Xiao Ai? !
After seeing this scene, Shengsi immediately passed away without thinking, and when Shengsi picked up the figure, Shengsi saw it clearly.

With brown hair and a loose coat, it's Xiao Ai!Shengsi guessed that Xiao Ai should have escaped from the organization just after taking the medicine to make her smaller.

There is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village!Originally, Shengsi didn't think he could wait for Xiaoai today, but he didn't expect to meet him now!

In fact, Shengsi subconsciously wanted to meet Xiao Ai, otherwise he could have teleported away in the house just now, and now he plans to walk back because he expects to meet Xiao Ai on the road. Unexpectedly, he really let Sheng Si I met you!
Seiji's luck is really good!

(End of this chapter)

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