Chapter 165 Contact
The moment he came into contact with Xiao Ai, Shengsi immediately wrapped her whole body with his thoughts. He estimated that the source of the charm magic before was Xiao Ai, so the first time he found Xiao Ai, Sheng Si had to do a full body checkup for her!
found it!
Shengsi immediately found a red (harmonious) magic group in Xiao Ai's body that was very similar to his previous brain. It seems that Sheng Si guessed right, Xiao Ai was cast with the seeds of charm magic.But there is no need to worry about this, this kind of seed is easy to get rid of, I saw that the red magic group in Xiao Ai's body dissipated when Shengsi moved his mind!

After finishing these, Shengsi carried Xiao Ai into the room behind him.

At the same time, in the Bermuda Delta, in an inexplicable corner of the deep sea, there is a long and secluded tunnel, leading to nowhere, passing through this tunnel, it is a magical world, and there is a magnificent palace in the center of the world , and there is a huge throne in the very center of the palace, and a young man with a very evil appearance is sitting on the throne. He is closing his eyes at this moment, just like a Fudo Myoko!Very strange!


"Huh?!" The moment Shengsi broke Xiao Ai's magic, the young man opened his eyes and let out a little Huh.

But that was just a light hey, after the light hey, the young man slowly closed his eyes again, as if nothing happened before.

His gaze returned to Seiji again.

After Shengsi carried Xiao Ai into the room, he put her directly on the bed in the bedroom.

After leaving a set of clothes and a note for him, Shengsi left the bedroom. Just now Shengsi ate the pizza that was originally reserved for Xiaoai, so he is going to cook now.

Xiao Ai fell into a coma due to the cold and overwork. Just now, Shengsi treated her with magic and dried her clothes. She must wake up after a while.

There is nothing wrong with the facts.

After a while, Xiao Ai on the bed woke up with a sound of '咕向'.

"Where is this?!" After realizing that she was in an unfamiliar environment, Xiao Ai jumped up from the bed in an instant, looking around with a vigilant expression.

"Eh?" When Xiao Ai scanned the surroundings, she found a brand new set of clothes on the table not far away.

After approaching, Xiao Ai found that there was a note on the clothes, seeing this, Xiao Ai picked up the note.

I saw it read: When you wake up, take a shower in the bedroom next to you. The clothes are here, they are new!I think it should fit well, let's go out to eat after changing clothes!About the time you came out after changing your clothes, my meal was just finished.

Shengsi put Xiao Ai in the master bedroom, and the master bedroom has a separate bathroom, so Shengsi asked Xiao Ai to take a bath in it and then come out after changing clothes.

But things backfired, especially for Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai didn't obediently follow Shengsi's instructions, but directly opened the door, came out of the bedroom, and then stood straight in front of Shengsi who was cooking.

"Who are you? Also, why am I here?!" Xiao Ai's tone was full of guard, but at the same time, there was a trace of doubt.

She looked at it just now and found that there were only two of them 'children' in this room, and there was no adult at all. This made Xiao Ai very puzzled. Could it be that the child in front of her lived alone?Where are his parents?
When he saw Xiao Ai appearing in front of him in the same clothes as before, Shengsi was taken aback for a moment, but after thinking about it, he understood that Xiao Ai is not a child, so follow your instructions if you are not so stupid Do, she is a smart person, she will be vigilant and think, and she will not be so easy to deceive like a child.

"My name is Shengsi Gongshui. You can call me brother Shengsi. As for why you are here, I found you lying at my door just now, so I brought you in." Shengsi first glanced at Xiao Ai, and then He talked while cooking, without raising his head.

After hearing Shengsi's answer, Xiao Ai frowned slightly, but still smiled and said, "Thank you, the one on that table."

"Clothes, right?! The bathroom in the bedroom is good. There are towels and toiletries in it. They are all new. You can just change after washing!" Shengsi interrupted before the little sad words were finished. After her, Shengsi was very strong, as if he could not be refuted.

"I" Xiao Ai looked hesitant to speak.

"Why are you still here? Go take a shower, I'm going to finish my meal soon!" Shengsi raised his head, his tone was a bit serious, but the movements in his hands didn't stop.

"Oh!" Xiao Ai replied in a slight panic, then turned around and went back to the bedroom. Somehow, in front of Shengsi, Xiao Ai always felt that her aura was a little weaker!
Looking at Xiao Ai's back as he walked away, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly.

Ten minutes later, the bedroom door was opened again.

A little brown-haired head popped out from the crack of the door, and Xiao Ai stood at the door looking around, as if looking for something.

"I said, the meal is already prepared for you, what are you still dawdling about?! Come and eat!" Suddenly, Shengsi's voice rang out in the living room.

After hearing the voice, Xiao Ai immediately followed the reputation and found Shengsi who was sitting at the dining table.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai smiled awkwardly, and then walked over.

"Huh?" Sitting on the chair, Xiao Ai looked at the Chinese cuisine on the table, and was in a dazed state.

Is this Chinese food?Xiao Ai has seen Chinese cuisine before, and it seems to be like this. Not only has she seen it, but she has also eaten it when she was on a mission.However, this is Japan!How can anyone eat Chinese food at home?Is he a Chinese?
Thinking of this, Xiao Ai looked at Shengsi suspiciously.

Seemingly aware of Xiao Ai's doubts, Shengsi said with a smile: "This is Chinese cuisine. I stayed in China for a while and learned it for a long time."

In fact, Shengsi didn't lie, he stayed in China for a long time, but that was in his previous life.

"Thank you for saving me!" Xiao Ai didn't answer Shengsi's words, but said to herself, full of cold temperament.

But next second.

"Gu..." Xiao Ai's stomach growled with hunger.

Maybe it was because the stomach growling was a little loud, Xiao Ai's face was slightly red, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help laughing and said: "Hehe. You should eat first, and talk about it later if you have anything to do."

After saying that, Seiji turned around and walked towards the sofa.

After taking two steps, Shengsi suddenly turned around and said, "Right, can you use chopsticks? If not, well, you can!"

Originally, Shengsi planned to teach Xiao Ai to use chopsticks, but when he turned his head, Xiao Ai was holding a piece of meat with chopsticks and putting it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Shengsi had no choice but to give up, turned around and waited on the sofa beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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