Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 167 Continuing the Conversation

Chapter 167 Continuing the Conversation
"Okay, your name is Miyano Koko, you're an orphan, right?" Shengsi raised his eyebrows and believed Xiao Ai on the surface, but he laughed inwardly. Xiao Ai is so funny that she won't even tell a lie A fool can tell at a glance that Xiao Ai is lying.

"Yes!" Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, this should be regarded as ... coping with it, right?

"So, you have nowhere to go now? Are you wandering?" Shengsi's smile grew stronger, and he tried his best to pretend that he had guessed it.

Xiao Ai's face turned pale when she heard the words, and said to herself: That's amazing!It's all guessed.

"Yes." Xiao Ai replied a little nervously, because Shengsi didn't look very 'friendly', so she was worried that Shengsi would drive her out.

"That's really great!" Shengsi clapped his palms suddenly. Shengsi would not play cards according to common sense in front of Xiaoai. I feel that Xiao Ai is very cold and rarely smiles, not like a child, well, she is not a child in the first place, but Shengsi doesn't want Xiao Ai to be as cold as before.

Because people who are cold on the outside are always indifferent on the outside because they don’t want people to touch their hearts, and these people have been hurt in their hearts, so they are very exclusive, such as Xiao Ai in the previous life. xenophobic!But now Shengsi has met Xiao Ai, so he will not let Xiao Ai get hurt, maybe in this case, it should be able to slowly change Xiao Ai's character.

"Eh?" Xiao Ai was a little puzzled, why Shengsi suddenly applauded and applauded.

"I don't like your original name. Starting today, your name will be Hui Yuan Ai! From now on, this will be your home! Also, go to Didan Primary School with me tomorrow to go through the admission procedures, okay ! That's it! " Shengsi spoke very fast, but Xiao Ai could hear clearly.

"Nani?!" Xiao Ai was stunned when she heard the words, and Shengsi actually said all the answers to the questions she wanted to ask in one breath, which is really, really great!
Xiao Ai was at a loss before taking the small medicine. Her sister died, and she was arrested because of the resistance organization. At that time, she thought that maybe it would be better to die, so Xiao Ai at that time was determined to die. Going to take the medicine that made it smaller, in her heart, what she took was an uncertain poison, but when she finished taking the medicine that made her smaller, she found that she was not dead, and could escape from the pipeline by virtue of her body .

Now, she began to think about her own future. In Xiao Ai's imagination, she is now a child, and she should change her identity and find someone to live with, and then use her knowledge to make money in that person's home and repay her. They then use this to research the antidote and restore themselves.

Of course, this is just an idea of ​​hers. In fact, her plan is to come to find Conan, who has taken the medicine to become smaller like her, and then talk about other plans at that time. This is why Xiao Ai appeared in front of Conan's house.

And now the conditions that Shengsi said were completely tailored for her previous plan, except for the fact that she was going to primary school, Xiao Ai was acceptable to other requirements.

"How?" Seeing Xiao Ai thinking there, Shengsi asked.

"Why?!" Xiao Ai didn't rush to answer, but asked the question in his heart.

Xiao Ai felt that Shengsi was too strange, living alone at such a young age, and still staying up so late, rescued her at the door of the house, and now she still looks like she wants to take her in.

Shengsi seemed to be waiting for her specially, as if Shengsi knew when she would appear, knew her thoughts, and knew that she needed a place to stay.

And these, Shengsi has prepared for her, if one is a coincidence, then so many things cannot be a coincidence, so at this time Xiao Ai has a great curiosity about Shengsi.

Why not suspicion? That's because Xiao Ai can sense that Shengsi has no malice towards her, so Xiao Ai is only curious about Shengsi, not suspicious.

"Why? Hehe, I will save this question tomorrow when you call me Brother Shengsi, but now, you can go to sleep obediently!" Shengsi said, got up and opened the door of the master bedroom behind him.

Xiao Ai escaped from the organization today, and after taking the medicine to make her smaller, she is actually very tired by now, but just now the holy priest cast a spell on her to get rid of her fatigue, so now she has the strength to speak.

Although the physical fatigue can be removed by Shengsi, Xiao Ai has not recovered from the mental fatigue, and it is already past eleven o'clock, and it will be bad for the body if you don't sleep, so Shengsi let Xiao Ai Sad to go to sleep.

"Eh? Sleeping now? But I'm not sleepy now! Mine." Xiao Ai was still arguing energetically at first, but just halfway through speaking, Shengsi directly touched her sleeping point and made her fall asleep.

Shengsi guessed that Xiao Ai would definitely not be able to fall asleep even if she went to bed, so he directly touched Xiao Ai's sleeping point. In this case, she must have had enough sleep tonight.

The house that Shengsi bought is a two-storey room. The first floor and the second floor have the same structure. There is a hall, a kitchen, a master bedroom and a guest bedroom. In addition, there are dining rooms and toilets.

It is worth mentioning here that this house also has a yard and a balcony on the second floor. Generally speaking, it is not bad.

After clicking on Xiao Ai's sleeping point, Shengsi directly carried Xiao Ai into the master bedroom on the first floor.

At the same time, Shengsi moved his mind, and the style of the whole bedroom changed immediately. The original white bed instantly turned pink, and the wall was also covered with doll patterns, uh. In fact, Shengsi hesitated when posting this doll pattern. Yes, but after thinking about it, he posted it anyway.

There is also an LCD computer on the desk, all kinds of utensils are placed around the computer, and the wardrobe is also full of clothes worn by little girls. Finally, this room has completely turned into a girly room!

After doing this, Shengsi put Xiao Ai on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then walked out of the bedroom calmly.

I believe Xiao Ai will be shocked when she wakes up. Thinking of this, Shengsi has an inexplicable excitement.

With excitement, Shengsi walked into the master bedroom on the second floor. When he met Xiao Ai just now, he sent a voice transmission to Xiao Xi saying that he would not go back today. Xiao Xi knew it, and of course parents knew it too. , so Mom and Dad won't worry about Shengsi's safety anymore.

Therefore, Shengsi slept here directly tonight. Before going to bed, Shengsi moved his mind, and the whole house became tidy.

After doing this, Shengsi fell asleep peacefully
Soon, a peaceful night passed.

(End of this chapter)

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