Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 168 Enrollment Procedures

Chapter 168 Enrollment Procedures
The next day, Shengsi got up at 06:30 in the morning. He knew that he was busy today, so he got up early.

After waking up, the first thing Shengsi did was to make breakfast.

In the past, when Shengsi was at home, his mother made breakfast, and Shengsi only needed to get up to eat, but now, not only no one cooks for Shengsi, but Shengsi also cooks breakfast for others!

It's a hard life, but Shengsi is happy.

Soon, Shengsi's fried egg and milk set meal was freshly baked.

After putting the breakfast on the table, Shengsi silently came to the door of Xiao Ai's room and opened the door.

All these movements are so natural, as if they have been rehearsed many times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Shengsi leaned against the door and knocked on the door three times with his fingers.

The sound of Shengsi's knock on the door was not too loud, it just seemed to be able to wake Xiao Ai up just now.

After hearing the knock on the door, Xiao Ai on the bed sat up blankly, rubbed her confused eyes with her little hand, as if she hadn't woken up.

"Xiao Ai! Wake up and eat!" Shengsi looked at Xiao Ai who was still confused, and couldn't help shouting again.

Shengsi touched Xiao Ai's sleeping point last night, so she fell into a deep sleep, but now she was woken up suddenly, so she hasn't recovered for a while.

After hearing Shengsi's call, Xiao Ai immediately looked at Shengsi.

Seeing that Xiao Ai finally noticed him, Shengsi pointed to the bathroom in the bedroom and said, "There are brand new toiletries there, go brush your teeth and wash your face, and then come out for breakfast!"

After saying that, Shengsi turned and left!
Who is Xiao Ai?me?This was what Xiaoai was thinking about when Shengsi left.

But the next second, she froze.

"Eh?!" How did the room become like this? !I clearly remember that yesterday was not like this!

What is the cartoon pattern on the wall going to do? !besides!How did this bed turn pink? !It's so ugly!

the most important is!How can I sleep here? !Wasn't he talking to Shengsi last night?Afterwards, it seemed to be clicked by Shengsi, and he fell asleep.

Could it be that Shengsi brought him here? !Thinking of this, Xiao Ai remembered that she was carried into the room from outside by Shengsi yesterday.

no!I must give Seiji a good meal!Let’s just forget about it, Shengsi doesn’t look like an ordinary person, and it’s okay to put up with it now, so it’s better not to mention this matter in front of him now, just pretend that you don’t know up.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai let go of her previous thoughts, and began to take a good look at her 'refreshing' bedroom.

Although the wall stickers and the bed in the bedroom made Xiao Ai very speechless, but the others were still very good, such as the computer on the desk and some stationery, and the clothes in the closet also looked good.

Could it be that Shengsi sorted these out last night?If so, Shengsi even prepared his own bedroom, then living here is almost a sure thing!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but feel a little touched, for a stranger to be able to do this, Shengsi should be a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

That's right, Shengsi said just now that he wants to wash up by himself and then go out to eat.

Having said that, I was really a little hungry. After thinking about it, Xiao Ai jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash up.

A few minutes later, Xiao Ai, who had washed up, stood in front of Shengsi alive and well.

"Eat!" Shengsi didn't lift his head, drinking milk by himself.

On the surface, Shengsi didn't go to see Xiao Ai at all, but in fact he has been observing Xiao Ai with telekinesis.

Xiao Ai sat down at the dining table and ate eggs.


After taking two bites, Xiao Ai suddenly said that she was continuing to ask the question from last night.

"I said it last night, the prerequisite for me to answer the question is to call me Brother Shengsi!" Shengsi raised his head and smiled evilly at Xiaoai.

"Don't call me!" Xiao Ai said with a cold face. Although she wanted to know why Shengsi did this, it was impossible to call him brother by herself!

"Hmm." Shengsi shrugged and continued to drink his milk.

For a while, the room suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Xiao Ai finished eating the eggs, raised her head and asked lightly: "What is the situation in Didan Primary School?"

She tried to stay calm, so her brain could function as it should.

"Call brother!" Shengsi put down the empty cup he had already drunk, got up and walked towards the sofa.

The meaning of Shengsi is very obvious. If you don't call brother, you can't answer the question. In fact, Shengsi is sometimes very stubborn. It can be said to be a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In short, he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

"Hmph!" Xiao Ai was also stubborn, and was not moved at all. After humming softly, she continued to drink the milk in her hand.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, picked up a schoolbag from the sofa, turned around and said, "Hurry up and finish drinking the milk, we'll go to school right away to go through the formalities!"

Xiao Ai didn't speak when she heard the words, but the speed at which she drank the milk obviously accelerated, and after a while, Xiao Ai finished drinking the milk.

"Let's go!" Shengsi threw the schoolbag to Xiao Ai, and then walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai quickly took the schoolbag and followed. Although she wanted to ask Shengsi many questions in her mind, she felt helpless whenever she thought of Shengsi's words "call me brother". It's impossible for him to want to call him brother!

And the thought in Shengsi's mind at this time is: small sample!Still fighting with me?I don't believe you will hold back and never ask me!

So, the two left the house together with their own ideas in mind.

On the way to Didan Primary School, the two of them didn't speak a word. In addition, the road was very quiet in the early morning. Now, except for the chirping of the early birds, the road became even quieter.

After a while, Shengsi and Xiao Ai came straight to the principal's office of Didan Primary School.

With a lot of money to open the way, it took the two of them less than 10 minutes to get Xiao Ai's admission procedures, and she was still in Class B of the first grade.

After receiving the admission procedures, Shengsi took Xiao Ai to Teacher Xiaolin.

Along the way, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was very cold, but Shengsi kept smiling and was in a good mood.

After seeing Mr. Kobayashi in the classroom lounge, Seiji went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Xiaolin, this is Haibara Ai, a distant cousin of mine who just came to Tokyo recently and is now studying in our class." Shengsi handed over the admission procedures, and at the same time introduced Xiao Ai who was next to her.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai, who was looking around, suddenly turned her gaze to Shengsi, with a hint of complexity in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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