Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 169 Meeting Xiao Ai and Conan

Chapter 169 Meeting Xiao Ai and Conan
Shengsi actually said that she was his distant cousin. For some reason, after hearing this, Xiao Ai's heart moved, her eyes lost focus at this moment, and she was distracted.

Until Shengsi withdrew her.

"Eh? Oh! Teacher Xiaolin, please teach me a lot!" Although Xiao Ai seldom speaks, she still has basic courtesy. She didn't say hello to the teacher just because she was distracted. Now that she has realized it, Xiao Ai quickly responded.

"Teach me a lot." Teacher Xiaolin nodded with a smile, and then continued: "Huihara Ai, this name is really strange. It must have come from a far away place, right?"

"Yes!" Shengsi replied, after saying this, Shengsi suddenly remembered that it was almost the time that Shengsi and Ayumi agreed to pick her up, so Shengsi had to leave now!

Thinking of this, Sheng Si said: "That's right! Teacher Xiao Lin, Xiao Ai will ask you first, I have something to do outside."

Seiji wanted to leave after speaking.



After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai and Teacher Xiao Lin asked questions at the same time.

"What else is there for Shengsi? Class will start in about half an hour, besides, it will be better if you are by my side when I introduce Huiyuan to the whole class!" Teacher Xiaolin saw that Shengsi was about to leave. Said.

And Xiao Ai just saw Shengsi about to leave suddenly, and felt a little anxious, so she suddenly made a sound.

Shengsi immediately stopped the steps he had just taken when he heard the words, and thought about it, he should stay here, Xiao Ai's first school is still not to be missed, and as for picking up Ayumi, he doesn't have to go by himself ah!
Thinking of this, Shengsi moved his mind, and another 'Shengsi' suddenly appeared at the gate of Didan Primary School! After the 'Sage' appeared, he walked straight to the place agreed with Ayumi.

This is a special type of magic that is very simple for Shengsi, the avatar technique!
Why is it very simple for Shengsi? That is because this magic is to divide yourself into two. For the clone, you can give him strength, but strength is conserved. The more you give him, the more your own will be. less strength, and vice versa.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the separated clone needs to be controlled by oneself, which is commonly known as one mind and two tasks!
And the one-mind dual-purpose Shengsi has been able to do it a long time ago, and with the increase in strength, the current Shengsi has been able to single-minded and three-purpose very smoothly!So this avatar technique was tailor-made for him.

After using an avatar to pick up Ayumi, Seiji's true self chatted with Mr. Kobayashi in the teachers' lounge.

And this chat lasted for ten minutes.

During this period of time, Shengsi made up a story for Xiao Ai. In the introduction of Sheng Si, Xiao Ai is a little girl from the countryside. Because of family reasons, she moved to live with him, and naturally Went to school here.

Under the sign of Shengsi's eyes, the witty Xiao Ai has already remembered all of them.

And our teacher Xiao Lin didn't have the slightest doubt, and patiently told Xiao Ai some precautions in the school.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Seeing that class was about to begin, Mr. Kobayashi led Shengsi and Xiaoai to the classroom. At the same time, the "Shengsi" in the classroom said "go to the bathroom" to Ayumi and left .

After a while, Teacher Xiaolin brought Shengsi and Xiaoai to Class B of the first grade.

After entering the classroom, Teacher Xiao Lin clapped his hands, "Everyone go back to their seats, I will introduce a new classmate to you today!"

Saying that, Mr. Kobayashi walked up to the podium alone.

"new student?"

"Another transfer student?"

"Eh? Isn't that Shengsi? And the girl next to him, is she the new classmate?"

Amidst the slightly noisy discussion, the students all sat down obediently, and the sharp-eyed students saw Shengsi and Xiaoai standing at the door.

After seeing that the students were all seated, Mr. Xiaolin waved to Shengsi and the others at the door, gesturing for them to come over.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Xiao Ai strolled up to the podium.

After the two stood in front, Teacher Xiaolin continued: "This new classmate's name is Hui Yuanai, she is Seiji Miyamizu's distant cousin, she..."

When Mr. Xiao Lin introduced Xiao Ai, there was already a lot of discussion in the classroom.

"It's a cute girl!" This is Yuanta's cry.

"That's right! And she's Seiji's distant cousin! But I've never heard of him before." These were Mitsuhiko's words.

Ayumi, who was sitting on the seat, looked curious. Is this the friend they were waiting for last night? It turned out to be Shengsi's cousin. No wonder Shengsi wanted to wait for her.

Not only the three of them were discussing here, but everyone in the classroom was also discussing in low voices.

While everyone was discussing, Mr. Xiao Lin said, "Okay, now it's time to choose a seat for Huiyuan, so where should Huiyuan sit?"

"Me! Here I am! There is still a vacancy here!" Yuan Tai raised her hand excitedly when she heard this.

Not only Yuantai alone, but several people in the class who have empty seats nearby are raising their hands, except for Conan, of course!

I saw Conan sitting on the seat with a look of lack of interest. Except when Mr. Xiaolin said that Xiao Ai was Shengsi's cousin, he looked up, and the rest of the time he was thinking about the organization.

Compared with a new classmate coming to the class, the organization is what Conan should really worry about.

Xiao Ai on the stage has been watching Conan since the moment she entered the classroom door, because Xiao Ai's plan was to find Conan, but she was taken home by Shengsi.

Originally, Xiao Ai thought that it would be a while before seeing Conan again, but she didn't expect Shengsi to study in the same class as Conan!What a coincidence!
Therefore, Xiao Ai ignored the shouts of others, but walked straight from the podium to Conan's side, and sat down on the empty seat.

"Teach me a lot." Xiao Ai said while cleaning her schoolbag, as if talking to herself, but Conan knew that she was talking to herself again.

"Teach me a lot." Conan was a little puzzled, why did she sit next to him instead of taking so many empty seats in the classroom.

But no matter how doubtful, Conan will not do such a thing as driving people away. Anyway, I am tired of listening to Seiji and Ayumi whispering there every day when I sit alone. .

Ayumi at the side watched Xiao Ai pass by her and sat behind her, the curiosity on her face became more intense.

What kind of person is this little girl who made brother Shengsi wait?Will you play with them?Those were the two questions Ayumi had in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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