Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 170 School Day 1

Chapter 170 The First Day of School

When Ayumi was thinking about these questions, Seiji just sat down beside Ayumi.

After watching Xiao Ai choose a seat, Teacher Xiaolin said, "Everyone is ready for class" and left.

After Mr. Kobayashi left, the classroom became noisy again.

Without the teacher to maintain discipline on the stage, a large group of children left their seats and rushed towards Xiao Ai. Children are like this, they are very curious about new people or things, and they will ask a lot about it. The problem is that it was the same when Conan came here last time, and it is the same when Xiao Ai is here this time.

Shengsi knew that his place would soon become a gathering place for [-] whys.

One minute later, as expected by Shengsi, the students with big brains gathered around and began to ask various questions to Xiao Ai.

Even Shengsi was confused by some questions and didn't know how to answer them.

However, Xiao Ai ignored these questions at all, just looked at the textbook in her hand silently, and didn't even glance at others.

For a while, the atmosphere cooled down.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly stood up and said, "Everyone go back, class is about to begin, and we will have plenty of opportunities to meet each other in the future, and it won't be too late to get to know each other again."

Everyone nodded upon hearing the words, and they also felt bored, so they dispersed one after another.

Watching Shengsi disperse the crowd, Xiao Ai looked up at him, but quickly lowered her head again, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing this scene, Ayumi couldn't help but whispered to Shengsi who just sat down: "Brother Shengsi, why does your cousin Huiyuan-san seem to be quiet?"

"Well, I guess I'm afraid of strangers." Shengsi's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to answer Ayumi.

Xiao Ai's personality is just like this. Last night, Sheng Si was surprised by how many words she said to herself. Looking at it now, this kind of indifferent temperament is probably Xiao Ai's real character.

"Scared of strangers? I was also afraid of strangers when I was a child, but I am not afraid when I am playing." Ayumi said with a smile.

"Oh? Really? Then you should spend more time with Xiao Ai." Shengsi's voice was not loud, but the voice was just enough for Conan and Xiao Ai to hear.

When Xiao Ai heard this, she suddenly raised her head to look at Shengsi and Ayumi, and then said: "I don't like playing with children very much, so..."

Although Xiao Ai's words were not finished, the meaning was very clear: Don't play with me!
This is the second sentence Xiao Ai said after entering the classroom, and this sentence is very suitable for Conan's appetite, so this makes Conan look at Xiao Ai with admiration.

And when Ayumi at the side was smiling and ready to agree, Xiao Ai's words reached her ears, so Ayumi's smile became more intense.

"Haihara-san, don't be shy, we will all be good friends with you."

In Ayumi's eyes, Xiao Ai is shy, just like she used to, because she is shy so she doesn't talk much.

However...not at all, however, although Ayumi misunderstood what she meant, Xiao Ai would not explain again, so she just kept silent and focused on reading the elementary school textbook in her hand.

Seeing this, Seiji didn't want Ayumi to be embarrassed, so he quickly said: "Ayumi, class is about to start, let's preview."

"Oh." Originally, Ayumi wanted to say something, but Shengsi told her to study, so she had to go back and read the book carefully.

When the two turned their heads, Xiao Ai glanced at them again.

Interesting, the relationship between two such young children is unusual!Xiao Ai immediately saw that Seiji and Ayumi were very close when they talked, and this relationship was at least best friends.

However, these have nothing to do with me, what Xiao Ai needs most now is information, and it is the information of Shengsi!

Because she estimated that she should live in the house yesterday, and that house belonged to Seiji, so her first task now is to learn more about this person, and the second is to investigate her sister Masami Hirota cause of death!
Yes, because Gin and Vodka left after confirming that Yami was 'dead', Xiao Ai heard the news that her sister was dead in the organization.

Neither Conan nor Shengsi disclosed the news that Yami is still alive, so Miss Yami is considered "missing" by the police. In this way, in Xiao Ai's eyes, Yami is a dead person.

Of course, Xiao Ai is still carrying out her main task, which is to collect information about Shengsi from time to time. Although she hardly said a few words during the whole morning school time, she has already collected Shengsi's information from other people's discussions. Some situations are under control.

In this way, it will soon be time to leave school.

In the corridor outside the classroom.

At this time, Xiao Ai was walking in front alone, while Yuan Tai and Guang Yan were on the sidelines, asking for their health and showing great hospitality.

And behind the three of them is Conan, who is leaning his head, looking handsome, but behind Conan, Seiji, is talking about Xiao Ai with Ayumi, and at the same time he keeps throwing at Conan Contemptuous gaze.

"Where do you live, Haihara-san? Do you live at Shengsi's house?"

"If yes, we can go home together!" Guang Yan and Yuan Tai asked Xiao Ai.

After hearing this question, Xiao Ai stopped in her tracks, and said calmly, "No. 23, No. [-] Street, Mihua Town, this is where I live now."

"Eh?" After hearing the name of the place, Conan was startled. Isn't his home at No. 21, No. [-] Street, Mihua Town? !
Doesn't Huiyuan student live near his home?Isn't she Shengsi's cousin?How can I live there?
With this doubt, Conan turned his head and gave Shengsi a sideways look, "Shengsi?"

Conan's meaning is very clear, that is, to ask Seiji to give a reasonable explanation.

"Brother Shengsi bought a house next to the doctor's house! Haihara-san should live there!" Before Shengsi could speak, Ayumi answered directly.

All these priests told her in class just now, so she can say it now.

Seeing this, Shengsi also nodded in agreement.

"I see." Seeing Shengsi nodding, Conan couldn't help curling his lips.

Looking at this, Conan knew that Shengsi must have just bought a house. Conan didn't know what to say about the behavior of a local tyrant like Shengsi, but why did Shengsi buy a house near his own home?This made Conan a little puzzled.

But this is just a small question, and Conan will not ask it foolishly.

(End of this chapter)

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