Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 174 Looking for Clues

Chapter 174 Looking for Clues (Please order first!)
Not to mention Mrs. Nakata sighing in the living room, Junye led Shengsi and his party straight to his brother's bedroom. After entering the room, he said excitedly: "This is my brother's room. Since my brother disappeared, we haven't been in his room very much except for the police a few times."

Shengsi nodded when he heard the words, then clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone put down the schoolbags and start looking for clues."

Because everyone came directly after school, so the schoolbags have not been put down until now.

"Okay!" Everyone except Xiao Ai responded excitedly, even Conan was no exception, he is also interested in this case now.

After they put their schoolbags together, they scattered around the house to search for them.

This is a very standard bedroom for high school students, Shengsi swept the whole room when he entered.

On the left hand side of the door is an ornamental bookshelf, while there is nothing on the right hand side. On the opposite side of the door is a large window. There is a bed next to the window. Next to the bed is a desk. On the right side of the desk is a It's a bookshelf for putting books, and besides that, it's the right side of the whole room, where there's a big wardrobe and a table for placing things.

It is worth mentioning that there are several unknown paintings on the walls of the bedroom.

These are the overall layout of Brother Junye's room.

"Xiao Ai, why don't you come to play a little detective game too!" Seeing Xiao Ai standing at the door indifferently, Shengsi ran over to hold her and said.

Eh?The moment he took Xiao Ai's hand, Shengsi found that Xiao Ai was still struggling and almost broke free. Seeing this, Sheng Si tightened his little hand and dragged Xiao Ai aside.

"Why don't you play with us?" Shengsi now defines himself as a child, so he wants to say what a child should say.

Xiao Ai didn't answer when she heard the words, but quietly looked at Shengsi, just kept watching.

"Okay, can we talk now?" After more than ten seconds, Shengsi suddenly let go of Xiao Ai's hand, and he could see that Xiao Ai's intention was to let him let go of her hand.
Seeing Shengsi let go of his hand, Xiao Ai brushed her hair and said, "What did the two policemen say about you being a detective just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally helped them solve a few cases." Shengsi waved his hand, indicating that it was a trivial matter.

"Oh." Xiao Ai stopped talking after oh, not knowing what to think about.

"Would you like to play detective games together? If you play well, you will be rewarded!" Seeing that Xiao Ai remained silent, Shengsi said tentatively.

However, at this moment, Yuan Tai exclaimed, "Look!"

After hearing Yuantai's exclamation, everyone immediately turned their heads and looked over there, thinking that Yuantai had discovered some incredible information.

But when everyone saw what Yuan Tai was holding, they were all speechless.

"What a pair of big shoes!" Yuantai said excitedly, holding a pair of white sneakers in his hands.

"This is a very expensive pair of air-cushioned shoes!" Mitsuhiko also echoed.

Seeing this, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched, "I said, please focus on finding clues, please. Also, be careful when handling these things, so as not to mess them up."

"Oh." Yuan Tai replied dejectedly, and then put the shoes back where they were.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Xiao Ai's mouth turned up slightly, apparently amused by Yuan Tai's nonsensical behavior.

Shengsi also laughed at the side: "Yuantai is still so frizzy, really."

This episode of Yuantai did not affect everyone, and the one who should look for clues is still looking for clues. After finishing talking about the Queen Mother, Shengsi continued to smile and said to Xiao Ai: "How is it? Let's play detective games together?"

Saying that, Seiji pointed to Conan who was rummaging through the desk over there, "Look! Conan is playing very hard!"

Following the direction pointed by Shengsi, Xiao Ai took a deep look at Conan, and then said: "You guys play, I will take a look."

"Well, then don't run around!" Shengsi didn't force it, and after admonishing Xiao Ai, he continued to look for clues with Ayumi.

Seeing Shengsi go away, Xiao Ai began to think, yesterday's shrewd and calm and today's innocence, Shengsi, Shengsi, which one is the real you?Or. None of these? !

Xiao Ai found that she couldn't see through Shengsi anymore, mainly because Shengsi had changed so much from yesterday and today that Xiao Ai couldn't tell the difference.

A few minutes later, Yuan Tai lay down on the bed tiredly, "Conan, no matter how hard you search this place, you can't find any useful clues. I guess, Junye's brother really ran away from home!"

Yuantai still thinks that Junye's elder brother ran away from home.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! Look! This wallet!" Conan said, pulling out a wallet from the desk drawer.

"Junye, this wallet belongs to your brother, right?"

"Yes." Junye nodded.

"If a person runs away from home, he won't even take his wallet with him, so it should be an accident or he was involved in some incident." Conan analyzed.

When Mrs. Yuan heard the words, her face turned bitter. He knew that he was talking stupid again.
At this moment, Seiji noticed that Ayumi suddenly slipped under the bed.

"Ayumi, it's dirty down there, don't go in there!" Seiji said, picked up Ayumi, and threw her on the bed.

"But I saw a lot of paintings below!" Ayumi said after being thrown on the bed, pointing to the bottom of the bed.

Because the bed sheet was so long that it directly covered the scene under the bed, so everyone didn't know what was under the bed for a while.

"Painting?" Shengsi lifted a corner of the bed sheet in doubt.

"Oh! It's true!" Shengsi found that there were really many paintings under the bed, and as he said that, Shengsi took out all these paintings.

"Wow! It's so ugly!" After Shengsi put all the paintings on the ground, Yuantai pointed to a picture and said loudly.

Following the painting that Yuan Tai pointed out, everyone found that the painting was really ugly. It was a colorful and ugly face. If you didn't look carefully, you really wouldn't find that it was a face. After Shengsi took a look at the painting, he really didn't know what the author wanted to express, and felt inexplicable.

"What are these paintings? It's so novel, I've never seen it before!" Ayumi said to Shengsi.

Just when Shengsi was about to answer Ayumi's question, Xiao Ai suddenly spit out three words: "Picasso!"

(End of this chapter)

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