Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 175 Is it related to the organization?

Chapter 175 Is it related to the organization? (ask for the first order!)
"Really! This is the weeping woman painted by Picasso. I think this one should be copied by someone." Mitsuhiko also recognized the painting.

"Van Gogh, Mognet, Gauguin, Utrillo." Conan read the sources of the remaining paintings, looking very knowledgeable.

Guangyan turned around and said in surprise: "Every painting is exactly the same, it's really amazing!"

After hearing the paintings praised by Mitsuhiko, Junye explained from the side: "In fact, these paintings are all drawn by my brother. He is famous for imitating the paintings of famous artists in their high school art club."

"If you say that, then he must have been kidnapped to paint!" Yuan Tai said aside.

I have to say, this time Yuantai finally uttered a somewhat standard sentence, which really impressed Shengsi.

After hearing Yuantai's words, Mitsuhiko's eyes narrowed, "It's very possible! Maybe the robbers saw that he could paint, so they asked him to imitate famous paintings and trade them with the real ones! I guess they must be a huge criminal gang Already!"

"Yoxi!" Yuan Tai nodded when he heard the words, obviously agreeing with Mitsuhiko's words.

"Brother Shengsi, what do you think?" Ayumi didn't express her opinion on this, but asked Shengsi in a low voice.

"Me. I don't know, let's see what they say first." Shengsi shook his head and said, in fact, he already had a guess in his heart. Seiji estimated that his drawing ability was a large part of the reason for tying him up, but it's hard to say what the specific reason was.

"Eh?! Brother Seiji doesn't know?" Ayumi blinked her eyes suspiciously, she guessed that Seiji knew and didn't want to talk about it.

However, just when Seiji was about to answer Ayumi's question, Conan suddenly said, "No, it's not enough to remove the authenticity of the package. The composition of these paintings is indeed very similar, but his use of color and the way of painting It’s still too bad, it’s not at the level of a fake, besides, the purpose of the kidnappers shouldn’t be money, if the kidnappers ask for money, they won’t be kidnapping Junye’s brother but directly kidnapping Junye!”

After saying this, Conan picked up another painting and said, "I think the strange thing is this painting. Do you feel familiar?"

I saw that the painting Conan held was a head of a person. After hearing what Conan said, Seiji thought about it and found that he seemed to have seen this head somewhere.

right!This person's head is engraved on the thousand yen!It seems to be Natsume Soseki.

"Who is this?" Genta asked after hearing Conan's words.

"It's Natsume Soseki!" Conan replied with a smile. Judging from his calm smile, he should have some guesses in his heart.

Junye who was on the side heard the words and immediately said: "Yes, my brother's idol is Mr. Natsume Soseki, because he loves this painting he drew very much, so he took this painting to participate in the art exhibition."

Jun Ye paused at this point, and then continued: "However, because my brother drew this painting based on a photo, it seems that everyone who went to the exhibition complained about this painting. The only thing he drew well was a strange woman."

"Strange woman?" Conan grasped this key word, since it is someone who can be remembered by Jun Ye, it seems that this woman's clothes should be quite strange.

"The woman wore a dark hat with a deep brim, and she was dressed in black from head to toe. Because she was wearing a strange dress, I remember it very well." Jun Ye said while gesticulating.

All in black with a dark hat!At this moment, Conan felt that he had caught something!
Thinking of this, Conan suddenly asked Junye: "When did you see her?!"

"About ten days ago." Junye was taken aback by Conan's sudden movement, and he stumbled a little when he spoke.

"Besides that woman, are there two men in black clothes nearby?!" Conan continued to ask, he had a hunch that these people belonged to the organization!
Junye was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then replied, "Eh? Conan, how do you know? There are indeed two men in black beside that woman."

"Conan? What's wrong with you?" Everyone noticed Conan's strangeness and asked involuntarily.

However, Conan was thinking about things at this time and had no time to talk to them.

really!Conan guessed right!These men in black should be members of the organization!But why did they kidnap Junye's brother?Or was Junye's brother accidentally involved?
In any case, since there are clues about the organization, I must pursue it.

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly said: "Junye! Where does your brother often go around here? His wallet, student ID card, bus ticket, etc. are all in the drawer, and I just checked and found his bicycle It also stopped at the door, and these signs indicate that your brother was kidnapped nearby! Let's go and look nearby!"

As he said that, Conan hurriedly grabbed Junye and ran out, because this matter might be related to the organization, so Conan was very concerned.

"That's right! If you look around, there might be some clues!" Mitsuhiko heard what Conan said, and he also felt that it made sense.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! Young detective team, let's go!" Yuan Tai raised his arms, like a general returning from a big victory.

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" Ayumi and Mitsuhiko cheered, and ran towards Conan with Genta.

Seeing this, Shengsi also turned to Xiao Ai and said, "Let's go!"

Xiao Ai nodded when she heard the words, and walked outside together with Shengsi. Soon, there was no one here.

When everyone caught up with Conan, Conan and Junye came out of a coffee shop with disappointment on their faces.

"How?" Although he knew they didn't get any useful clues, Shengsi still asked symbolically.

Conan shook his head when he heard the words, and then said to Junye: "Let's go to the next place, someone will always see your brother!"

Saying that, Shengsi took the lead and ran towards the distance.

"En!" Junye nodded fiercely and followed.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed.

After a while, everyone came to the next location, which was a video game hall. According to Junye, his brother would come over to play when he was free.

However, here, everyone did not find the slightest clue.

So, everyone rushed to the next location - the department store, but they asked the front desk here, and no one had any impression of Junye's brother.

(End of this chapter)

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