Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 176 Counterfeit banknotes!

Chapter 176 Counterfeit banknotes! (Fourth change! Beg for the first order!)

After more than an hour, everyone came out of a painting material store.

"This is the seventh place I've been looking for, but no one has said that they have seen Junye's brother, or that anyone has seen that strange woman." Conan said panting.

Because Conan believed that those men in black belonged to the organization, he seemed very anxious to track down them, which caused everyone to run after Conan.

No, everyone is tired from running now, even Conan is gasping for breath.

Of course, except for Shengsi, I saw that Shengsi said without blushing and heartbeat: "Everyone, take a rest, there is a convenience store here, you can go in and get whatever you want to drink or eat, I treat you!"

Seeing everyone running for so long, they should be tired and hungry, so Shengsi wants everyone to rest and relax first.

"Yeah! That's great!" Everyone yelled and rushed into the convenience store, even Xiao Ai was no exception.

She also ran all the way here just now, maybe she just got smaller and was still a little uncomfortable, Xiao Ai felt extremely tired at this time and needed to take a break, but she never said it out, she followed the big team all the time, very stubborn.

Just now Shengsi has been paying attention to everyone, and Shengsi also knows about Xiao Ai's situation, which is one of the main reasons why Shengsi asked everyone to rest.

Seeing everyone rushing into the convenience store, Shengsi smiled behind everyone, and then followed in calmly.

in a convenience store.

"Wow! Chocolate!" Yuantai showed off to Mitsuhiko while holding a box of chocolates.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help shaking his head, what's there to show off?It seems that Yuan Tai's brain is really weak.
A holy priest who has reached the realm of a great magician basically will not be thirsty. The water element flows through his body, and it is really difficult for a holy priest to be thirsty.

But even so, Shengsi still took a bottle of coconut water from the drink shelf.

Although Shengsi is not thirsty, drinking something to satisfy his appetite is also very flattering.

When everyone returned to the cashier with their drinks and prepared to pay, Shengsi found Conan standing at the counter empty-handed, while his eyes were fixed on a man in gray who had just left the convenience store.

Seeing this, Shengsi narrowed his eyes and glanced at the man in gray.

He was in a hurry, with an inexplicable wariness in his eyes, and judging from his eyes, he should have been working in that dark environment for a long time. Generally speaking, there was something wrong with this person.

And Shengsi has an intuition that this person is related to the disappearance of brother Junye!Although Shengsi's intuition is very nonsensical, but!Please don't underestimate the intuition of a great magician!

"Conan, why didn't you take anything?" Ayumi looked at Conan's empty hands and couldn't help asking.

Conan didn't answer, but suddenly said to the waitress inside the cash register: "Sister, can you show me the 1000 yuan bill that gentleman used to buy things just now?"

"Eh?! Little brother, what are you going to do?" The waiter was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Conan was going to do.

"Hurry up and show me!" In the next second, under the astonished eyes of everyone, Conan jumped onto the counter and grabbed a 1000 yuan bill from the cash register, then held it in his hand and watched stand up.

Now that Conan finally found some clues about the organization, of course he must seize it!So he's a little hysterical now.

No watermark!It's counterfeit!really!My guess is correct!Jun Ye's brother must have been kidnapped by those people to make counterfeit banknotes!At this moment, Conan almost knew what the kidnappers were doing to kidnap Junye's brother.

Now I just need to follow that person and run to their lair. In this way, I should be able to find Junye's brother!

"Really! What the hell are you going to do, kid?! Don't make trouble, okay?!" Just as Conan was thinking about the problem, the waitress snatched the thousand-yuan bill from Conan's hand.

"Conan, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Yuantai and the others were also puzzled by Conan's weird behavior.

Perhaps because he didn't want to explain to the children, Conan didn't answer the words, but jumped off the counter and said to himself: "I advise you to call the police as soon as possible, that thousand-yuan bill is a counterfeit!"

After speaking, Conan ran out immediately, apparently chasing the man in gray just now.

Seeing this scene, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Junye immediately chased after him, "Conan! Wait for me!"

Because they left in a hurry, the drinks and snacks in the hands of the three of them hadn't been paid yet. Seeing this, the waitress hurriedly shouted: "Hey! You haven't paid me yet! Also, what are you talking about the counterfeit money?" The same thing? Tell me clearly!"

But Conan and the four of them had already left, and there was no time to answer her words.

However, Shengsi and the others are still there, so...
"This is [-] yen, I think it should be enough, and you don't need to look for the rest!" Seiji threw a [-] yen bill on the counter, then turned to Xiao Ai and Ayumi and said: "We let's go."

"En! Let's chase after Conan!" Ayumi said while drinking orange juice, but Xiao Ai just nodded and didn't speak. up.

The waiter at the side was overwhelmed by Shengsi's arrogance, and she didn't know what to say. When she came back to her senses again, Shengsi and the others had already walked away.

In fact, Shengsi didn't do this to pretend, the main reason was that he only had 1 yuan in banknotes and no change. As for why he said he didn't need to change it, it was because Shengsi thought it was troublesome to change money, so he didn't need to look for it.

At this time, it was almost five o'clock. Since the sky was dark earlier in April, it was already sunset at this time.

After leaving the convenience store, the three of Seiji also ran in the direction Conan and the others were walking just now. After walking for a few minutes, the three found Conan and the others standing at the entrance of an alley, as if waiting for something.

After Shengsi and the others approached, Conan immediately said: "Shengsi, you are finally here. I am afraid that there will be danger later, so I will wait for you to come before acting."

When hearing Conan's words, Xiao Ai glanced at Shengsi again, thinking: What does Conan's words mean?Could it be that Shengsi is very powerful?Strong enough to protect all of them?
However, just when Xiao Ai was in doubt, Yuanta, a loud voice beside her, interrupted her thinking: "Shengsi, Conan just said that that person is one of the kidnappers who kidnapped Brother Junye, and the purpose should be to get Junye's elder brother helps them make counterfeit banknotes and then makes profit from it! So now, we just need to follow up, chase them to their lair, catch them all, and finally rescue Junye's elder brother!"

PS: Just coded, so the delivery is slow.

(End of this chapter)

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