Chapter 177 Tracking
Genta danced and danced when he said it, his appearance was very funny, which made Ayumi laugh out loud
But Junye didn't smile, but nodded and said: "En! Save brother!"

Seeing this, Shengsi knew that they must have discussed the plan just now, but now, they just wanted to talk to him.

"How is it? Shengsi?" Conan asked, his lenses reflected a glimmer of light in the setting sun, looking very handsome.

Conan guessed that Junye's brother was taken away by the organized people, so those people must be very dangerous.And having seen the strength of Shengsi, he knew that as long as he brought Shengsi with him in this operation, there should be no major problems. With Shengsi, it is estimated that ten Xiaolan will be beaten to the ground!So, what is Conan afraid of?
But Junye, Genta, and the others, Conan actually didn’t want to take them with him, but they kept pestering them to go, and if there was a saint to protect them, it shouldn’t be a big problem, so Conan didn’t say anything, but Ask the saint directly for his opinion.

"I'm fine!" Seiji smiled and nodded, agreeing with Conan's plan.

In fact, Shengsi has been on the telepathy sensor since just now until now. He was tracking the man in gray. At that time, Shengsi felt that the man in gray was related to the kidnapping of Brother Junye, but now he heard Conan's analysis Afterwards, Shengsi became more certain.

"What about you?" Shengsi asked the crowd.

"No problem!" Everyone responded in unison, looking very excited. They like this kind of exciting adventure the most.

"En! That's good, let's follow him now!" Conan said, making a follow-up gesture to everyone, and then he took the lead and walked into the alley beside him.

That gray-clothed man was walking from here just now, and Conan and the others have to follow up now, because the gray-clothed man has been walking for a while, so Conan is a little anxious now.

Seeing this, everyone followed Conan into the alley.

After trotting for a few steps, everyone saw the man in gray near a newsstand across the road.

At this time, the man in gray was on the phone on the public phone. Judging by his leisurely appearance, it probably took a long time to make the call.

"Hush!~" Conan turned his head and made a silence gesture to everyone, and then said: "We will follow up after he finishes the call."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

In the next second, Mitsuhiko suddenly pointed across the road and said, "Look, Conan, there is a tram stop over there! I guess he will take the tram and leave later!"

Conan glanced at the opposite side when he heard the words, and found that, as Mitsuhiko said, there was a station not far from the newsstand.

"Yo Xi, he will definitely take the bus! Look at the coins in his hand! There are seven or eight! If he came out to spend counterfeit coins, he would definitely not bring any other money, so it must be an automatic ticket vending machine The change found by the machine!" Conan analyzed.

However, just when Conan said his analysis and thought it would be affirmed by everyone, Yuan Tai said quietly, "Conan, it's so far over there, we can't see what he is doing at all!"

"Ahem, it doesn't matter. Our next plan is to see where he gets off the car. As long as he gets off the car, we will get off the car. In this way, we can find their lair!" Conan forgot that he had Dr. Ali made him glasses with magnification so that he could see so far away, but Yuantai and the others didn’t
But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your own plan, you will definitely find them!

After hearing Conan's plan, Seiji pondered for a while and then said: "Dadujian, I just saw that person bought a ticket to Dadujian."

"Eh? Seiji, how did you see it? We were still there just now!" Conan asked suspiciously, but when he asked this question, he actually already knew what Seiji's answer was.

Sure enough, as Conan expected, Seiji smiled slightly after hearing Conan's question: "Secret!"

"Okay, I know, but... Now that I know the name of the station, I'll go buy a ticket." Conan said to Shengsi as if I had seen through you a long time ago.

Although what Shengsi said has no basis at all, and can even be said to be groundless, but judging from past examples, every time Shengsi said 'secret' is true!Therefore, Conan believed it directly now.

Hearing that, Seiji lost 1 yuan to Conan, "Buy seven tickets!"

Conan smiled and copied the money in Shengsi's hand and said, "I'm just waiting for your words."

As he said that, Conan walked across the road, and when he was walking, he reminded everyone: "Stay here, wait for me to come back!"

After Conan left, everyone discussed this matter again, except for Xiao Ai, who was thinking about the conversation between Conan and Shengsi just now, and the amount of information contained in these few sentences was too great for Xiao Ai to ignore .

From Conan's words, Xiao Ai can know that Shengsi is a very powerful person, and seems to be somewhat mysterious. Not only that, Xiao Ai can also see from Shengsi's style that Shengsi is a local tyrant!Throwing 1 yuan at every turn is really enough!
Of course, these are just a few pieces of information that Xiao Ai collected from the conversations of the people. In fact, there are many details that Xiao Ai has written down. She knows that these will be useful in the future.

"Xiao Ai, what do you think?" Shengsi couldn't help asking, seeing Xiao Ai standing beside him in a daze.

Shengsi's current idea is to win over the relationship between Xiao Ai and everyone, and communication is the best way to promote the relationship.

After hearing Shengsi's words, everyone's attention immediately shifted to Xiao Ai.

And Xiao Ai was stared at by so many people all of a sudden, she was stunned for a moment, but she didn't feel flustered at all, and she said calmly: "I have nothing to say, you guys go ahead."

"Well then. Come on! Let's continue the discussion." Shengsi was a little embarrassed when he heard this. After all, he let others speak, but they didn't like you, so it was more embarrassing. Quickly continued to control the rhythm.

And although everyone was a little uncomfortable with Xiao Ai's indifference, but the child, he forgot all of a sudden, and turned around to chat with everyone again.

After a while, Conan came across the road with seven tickets.

"Here, one ticket per person. I checked just now. That person is about to finish his phone call, and we are ready to go." Conan distributed one ticket to each person.

"En!" Shengsi nodded when he heard the words. Although he was talking to everyone just now, his attention was always on the man in gray.

Now looking at the man again, Seiji found that, as Conan said, the man was about to hang up the phone, and he seemed to be leaving soon.

(End of this chapter)

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