Chapter 178
"Let's go! Let's follow!" After a while, Conan said quickly after seeing the man hang up the phone.

With that said, Conan led the crowd directly to the station across the road.

When everyone walked across the road, the man in gray had already entered the station.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed.

More than a minute later, Shengsi and his party followed the man in gray into a tram bound for Dadujian. For fear of being discovered, there was a carriage between the two.

Just like that, nearly half an hour later, Shengsi and the others followed the man in gray and got off at Dadujian Station.

After getting off the car, Conan and his group followed the man in gray. Because of the distance, the man in gray didn't notice them.

I saw that the gray-clothed man went to the painting materials store first after leaving the station. When he came out, everyone found that he was carrying a bag full of bags. After seeing this scene, everyone's guess that he was a kidnapper deepened!
After leaving the painting material store, the man went to the fruit store to buy some fruit.

In the end, Shengsi and the others followed the man in gray and stopped beside the Dadujian Police Station.

After a long time, Conan stared at an office building next to the police station and said, "Amazing! Amazing! How dare they make counterfeit banknotes near the police station!"

"Conan, is my brother in there?!" Junye said excitedly, he followed Conan and the others for an afternoon, and now he was finally about to find his brother, so he was very excited.

Just now, Shengsi and the others followed the gray-clothed man from Dadujian Station to here, and found that the gray-clothed man went directly into the building next to the police station, and it seemed that he would not come out.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help sighing in his heart: The robber's trick of playing under the lights is wonderful!The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, these people really know this well!

A gang that manufactures counterfeit banknotes, most people would think that this kind of illegal thing must be carried out in a hidden place, but these people are different. They do the opposite and make counterfeit banknotes directly next to the police station!In this case, as long as the camouflage is good, it will basically not be discovered!

"Well, your brother is probably inside!" Conan nodded. If this is the robber's lair, Junye's brother is likely to be tied inside.

After finishing speaking, Conan continued: "Should we call the police and wait for the police to come over, or just rush in?"

Originally, Conan planned to call the police directly, but because of the presence of Shengsi, this gave Conan another option, that is to go directly to subdue them!Conan believed that with Shengsi around, basically there would be no major problems.

"Let's go in directly." Shengsi thought for a while, if he called the police, he would have to wait for a long time, but now that the sky had darkened, he was about to go home, so Shengsi planned to rush in directly.

"That's good! You wait here, Shengsi and I will go up and rescue Junye's brother!" Conan said to everyone after hearing the words.

His plan is to use Shengsi's force to subdue them quickly, and then call the police to let the police arrest them!

Although Conan's plan is very good, but... no one buys him at all!
As soon as Conan's voice fell, Yuantai was the first to object, "Conan, why are you like this again? You always want to act alone. Since we are a team, of course we have to explore together! Don't you think so, Shengsi?! "

"That's right! That's right! It's interesting to explore together, just you and brother Seiji to explore together, we're so boring!" Ayumi also said aside.

Mitsuhiko and Junye were very casual about this, and they said they could either follow or stay here and wait.

As for Xiao Ai, she didn't speak, but just kept staring at Shengsi, probably to see what Shengsi had to say.

Seeing this, Shengsi coughed and said, "Everyone, stop arguing. Since there are so many people who want to go, let's go together!"

"But... Shengsi!" Conan said immediately after hearing the words.

He was a little worried about the safety of Ayumi and the others. You must know that they are members of the organization!But these murderous villains!So Conan didn't want them to take risks.

"It's okay." Shengsi's faint voice sounded, with an inexplicable confidence in his tone.

In fact, Shengsi did not intend to bring Ayumi and the others, because Shengsi did not want to show inhuman power in front of everyone, so he was afraid that he would not be able to protect everyone.

However, Ayumi proposed to go, and Xiao Ai kept staring at her, and as long as she was careful, there would be no problem, so Shengsi agreed.

"Yeah! That's great!" Seeing Shengsi agree, Yuantai and the others cheered.

"But!" While everyone was cheering, Shengsi gave a vaccination. "Wait, you can only stand behind me, you can't surpass me, and! Follow my command and act, and you are not allowed to act without authorization!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded obediently.

"If that's the case. That's fine." Seeing this, Conan had no choice but to agree. If there is a saint to protect him, there shouldn't be a big problem.

After everyone's opinions were unified, they walked towards the office building together.

Because Shengsi had vaccinated everyone before, so at this time, except for Conan, the whole group stood behind Shengsi.

Soon, everyone came to the downstairs of the office building.

This is a small office building. According to Shengsi's perception, the gray-clothed man just went straight up to the third floor. There is a company called Dadujian Newspaper Office. It seems that they directly disguised themselves as a newspaper office. , On the surface, it is printing magazines and newspapers, but in fact, it is secretly making counterfeit banknotes!

The third floor is easy to go to. Following the safe passage in the corridor, the group of people went straight up to the third floor.

After going up to the third floor, everyone found that this was a long passage. For some reason, the lights above the head were not turned on, and because the sky had already darkened, the passage was dim and the atmosphere seemed a bit eerie.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew by, and Mitsuhiko, who was walking at the end, suddenly swayed, "Ah! It's so cold!"

"Shhh!~ Keep your voice down, those kidnappers might be nearby! Don't make any noise!" Conan hurriedly turned his head and warned in a low voice.

Because he is not sure how the situation here is, Conan is extra careful now.

Mitsuhiko stopped talking immediately after hearing Conan's words, and the others also quickly covered their mouths, looking terrified.

At this moment, Shengsi suddenly stretched out his hand, and then pressed it back, signaling everyone not to move.

"There are cameras! Don't move, everyone!"

After hearing the words, everyone retreated quickly and hid in the corner.

After Conan heard Shengsi's words, he immediately looked up and looked around, and finally saw a camera facing this side at the end of the corridor.

PS: There is a problem with the Internet, so I only post it now.

(End of this chapter)

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