Chapter 179
"It is estimated that the robbers inside are watching here, how do we get there?" Conan asked.

He found that the camera on the other side of the corridor just covered the entire corridor. If they went out, they might be spotted by the people inside, so Conan didn't know what to do now.

"Simple!" Shengsi said lightly.

After saying this, Shengsi just raised his hand, and a small stone flew out of Shengsi's hand from who knows where.

After half a second.

With a 'bang' sound, the lens of that camera was blown away by Shengsi!
Seeing this scene, everyone looked shocked, even Xiao Ai was no exception, she was really shocked.

You know, there can be more than ten meters away from the camera to Shengsi. Shengsi can blow up a camera more than ten meters away just by flicking a small rock with the force of his fingers. What is the power? Just saying that it is not easy to hit the camera from more than ten meters away, and Shengsi not only has accuracy but also has terrifying power. This is not a child, I am afraid that the organization His super killer is nothing more than that, but judging from the age gap, Shengsi is simply inhuman!
This move directly suppressed Xiao Ai!

Xiao Ai was just surprised, which was fine, but Yuan Tai next to her looked like she was about to cry out in shock. Seeing this, Sheng Si immediately covered Yuan Tai's mouth and turned to everyone and said, "Quiet!"

After Yuantai and everyone nodded, Shengsi slowly let go of his mouth.

After Yuantai and everyone quieted down, Shengsi continued: "Someone will come out to check later, you wait here, and you will come out after I get him done, did you hear that?!"

"En!" Everyone nodded in a daze.

Although they could not make a sound, they hadn't recovered from the shock just now, so they were all in a daze at this time. In this case, they would be confused when Shengsi said anything.

But this is not a big deal, as long as everyone obeys Shengsi's orders, it will be fine.

After Shengsi finished speaking, he ignored the stunned crowd, but turned his head to pay attention to the situation in the corridor.

I saw a door in the middle of the corridor, on which was written Dadujian Newspaper Office, presumably this door was where the robbers were staying, and at this time the door was tightly closed, except for a slight noise from the crack of the door. Outside the dim light, everything seemed so peaceful.

But under this calm appearance, there is an undercurrent!

In Shengsi's telekinesis induction, a man with one hand wrapped in a bandage was cautiously walking towards the door of the corridor. From a glance, it was clear that this man was sent out by the boss inside to check the situation.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately leaned over, and then charged up, he needs to knock this person out in an instant, because this person just came out to check the situation, so the people inside don't know what happened at this time, as long as he knocks this person out If people are subdued, the people inside will not notice any abnormalities in a short period of time. In this case, it will take a lot longer for Shengsi and the others to operate.

At this moment when Shengsi was thinking, the door of that newspaper office was opened!The man with bandaged hands came out of the door.

He looked left and right for a while, and after making sure that there was no one in the corridor, he walked towards the camera.

At this moment, Shengsi moved!

The speed was extremely fast, with a distance of seven or eight meters, Shengsi came to the man's side with two steps and a small rollover.

In this short distance, Shengsi used his previous life's killer skills to the limit, and every step he took was relieved of his strength by special techniques. Therefore, Shengsi walked without a sound, just like a ghost generally.

And it took less than a second for all these holy priests. From Conan's point of view, the last second the holy priest was still beside them, and the next second, the holy priest was already far away.

And Xiao Ai in the crowd opened her mouth wide. If Shengsi surprised Xiao Ai with the monitoring of stone bombs just now, then this scene shocked her.

With such a fast speed, and without making a sound, the super killers in the organization may not be as good as him!And his movements are obviously specially trained, there is no extra movement, everything is so perfect!
Not only that, after Shengsi came to the man, he quickly grabbed his pants and climbed up like a monkey. Before the man could react, Shengsi stabbed him with a knife in the back of the neck.

"Amount..." The man whimpered and passed out.

Seeing that the man lost control and was about to fall, Shengsi immediately reached out and grabbed his collar to prevent him from making a sound when he fell to the ground. After grabbing the collar, Shengsi dragged the man directly to the wall.

Shengsi's set of movements looks smooth and smooth, very beautiful.

After finishing all this, Shengsi clapped his hands and turned back, "Okay, you can come out now!"

After hearing Shengsi's words, a group of people rushed over immediately.

"Shengsi is so powerful!" Guangyan praised Shengsi and poked the man who had already fainted with his hand, looking very curious.

"Of course! Brother Seiji is the best!" Ayumi first agreed and then looked curiously at the man by the wall.

Except for Xiao Ai and Conan, the others were surprised that Shengsi was so powerful while pointing at the man, especially Jun Ye, who kicked the man a few times, obviously to vent his dissatisfaction with the man. Missing my brother.

Because Conan had seen the strength of Shengsi a long time ago, he was not surprised, but watched the scene inside the door carefully, because he was afraid that there would be monitoring in the house, so Conan dared not go in now .

And Xiao Ai has been in a daze, she still hasn't recovered from Shengsi's amazing action just now, the main reason is that Shengsi's performance is too amazing, no!Not only amazed, but already frightened her.

Now Xiaoai is frantically guessing the identity of Shengsi in her mind, guessing whether there is any record in the organization of people like him, but no matter how she thinks about it, she has no clue, because there is no record in the organization at all!
"Shengsi, what should we do next? Shall we rush in?" Conan asked suddenly. He felt that it would be better to follow Shengsi at this time, so he wanted to ask Shengsi for his opinion.

"No, you wait outside the door, I'll just go in and save people." Shengsi smiled, he found that these robbers really had guns in their hands, so he wouldn't let so many people go in with him.

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded, they still wouldn't mess around in this situation, and Sheng Si said before that everything was under his command, so everyone had no objection to this.

After seeing everyone nodding, Shengsi said to Conan: "Conan, watch them, don't let them in!"

(End of this chapter)

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