Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 180 Confrontation

Chapter 180 Confrontation
After Conan nodded in agreement, Seiji walked straight into the 'newspaper office'.

After entering the newspaper office, Shengsi was surprised to find that these people were disguised very well. If he only looked at it with the naked eye, Shengsi would not have noticed that this seemingly legitimate newspaper office was actually a place for making counterfeit money.

In Shengsi's telepathy, Shengsi found that this newspaper office is divided into four houses, one big and three small. The big one is where Shengsi is now. What's special, and among the three small rooms, one is a grocery store, and the other two are the places where those people made counterfeit banknotes. Shengsi discovered that there were four people inside at this time.

One of them is Jun Ye's elder brother, who is being forced to draw counterfeit banknotes in the room at this time, and the strange woman Jun Ye mentioned is standing in the middle of the house and doesn't know what she is doing. The gray-clothed man that Shengsi and the others were following was talking about surveillance with another fat man.

In fact, the room Shengsi is currently in is monitored, but Shengsi has always walked in the dead corner of the surveillance, so he is not worried about being discovered.

"Inushan, why did An Zheng not come back after being out for so long? Is something wrong?" the gray-clothed man said to the fat man named Inuyama.

Hearing this, Inuyama looked back at the monitoring screen and found that there was nothing unusual except that the screen in the corridor turned into snowflakes.

Seeing this, Inuyama said with a smile: "Don't worry, that guy Anzheng probably went out to buy something to eat again."

"Haha, that's true. That guy Anzheng is like that. He went out to steal food last time. I guess it's the same this time." The man in gray clothes said with a smile as if he remembered something.

However, when the two were chatting and laughing, the woman in black in the middle suddenly said, "Inuyama, go out and have a look, I feel something is wrong, remember to bring your gun, and come back immediately if you find anything unusual!"

"Oh, okay." Inuyama was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he felt inexplicable, is it necessary for the boss to make such a fuss?It was so solemn and he had to carry a gun, but although he didn't care about it in his heart, he was still very serious in his actions. After all, it was something the boss told him to do, so he had to do it.

After receiving the order, Inuyama prepared his gun and walked towards Seiji's house, while the remaining three continued their work without realizing that something had happened to the man with the bandage just now .

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately retreated from the surveillance blind spot to the corridor.

"Shengsi, what's the matter? Why did you come out again?" Conan asked immediately when he saw Shengsi come out.

"One person will come out later, you go to the place just now and wait, you will come out after I finish him." Shengsi pointed to the stairs, motioning for everyone to go.

"Yeah!" Everyone followed the words and ran towards the place pointed by Shengsi, because it was a very important moment, so they were not willful.

"Brother Shengsi, come on!" Ayumi encouraged Shengsi before leaving.

"Hehe." Shengsi laughed twice when he heard the words and did not speak.

After everyone hid in the stairs, Seiji threw the bandaged man directly opposite the gate, so that anyone who came out of the newspaper office could see him immediately.

After finishing these, Shengsi squatted down beside the gate, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

After a while, Seiji heard the footsteps of that person named Inuyama.

As the footsteps approached, Shengsi began to hold his breath, waiting for an opportunity to ambush him.

Two seconds later, Inuyama found Anzheng at the door.

"Anzheng!" Inuyama shouted and rushed towards Anzheng. At this time, his mind was all on Anzheng, and he didn't notice Shengsi squatting by the door at all.

Seeing this, Shengsi jumped up and slashed his wrist with a knife. The purpose of Shengsi's doing this was to prevent him from shooting, so Shengsi directly knocked out his pistol. At the same time, Shengsi pointed at him Another kick to the head.

With a bang, Inuyama fell directly to the ground and passed out.

Because there are only two robbers in the room, Shengsi is not afraid that they will hurt Ayumi and the others at this time. In front of the two armed robbers, it is still very easy for Shengsi to protect a group of people, so he is not afraid now The sound was found.

Sure enough, although the sound of Inuyama falling to the ground was very small, the sound of the gun in his hand falling to the ground was still relatively loud, and it was in the environment of the corridor, which even produced an echo, so the woman in black in the room and The gray-clothed man noticed the anomaly here.

In Shengsi's telekinesis, the woman in black was walking towards this side holding a gun, while the other man in gray was keeping an eye on Junye's brother in the house.

Seeing this, Shengsi made a gesture of going back to the people who were going to come. At the same time, Shengsi rushed into the newspaper office again. He planned to directly confront the robbers.

When rushing into the newspaper office, Shengsi snapped his fingers again, and the camera in the newspaper office went off. At the same time, he immediately came to the only way that the woman had to go out, and crouched beside him.

"Eldest sister! The other surveillance camera is also out of order!" After Shengsi blew up the camera, the man in gray came from the room with a slightly panicked cry.

"What! Damn it!" Hearing this, the woman kicked open the door and rushed out holding a pistol. She knew that the two people outside were already in danger, so she wanted to take advantage of this gap to come out and beat Shengsi. caught off guard.

However, Shengsi has been waiting for a long time.

The moment the woman rushed out, Shengsi directly threw out a pen and knocked down the gun in the woman's hand. At the same time, amidst the woman's exclamation, Shengsi kicked her head.

"Ah!" The woman's cry only lasted halfway and then stopped abruptly.

"Big sister!" When Shengsi kicked the woman, the man in gray yelled, and then rushed towards Shengsi.

When he rushed to five meters in front of Shengsi, he stopped. At this time, the woman just fell to the ground.

"Who the hell are you, kid?! Why are you here?!" Just now, Shengsi kicked the woman down and stopped the man in gray, so he didn't dare to move forward, only dared to stand in the distance. Drink hard.

However, Shengsi did not ignore him, but silently picked up the gun that the woman dropped on the ground, pointed the gun at the man in gray and shouted, "Come out! Go squat over there!"

There was endless indifference in that cold tone, which made the gray-clothed man dare not bet on whether the holy priest would shoot or not.

(End of this chapter)

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