Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 181 This Toy Cannot Be Played!

Chapter 181 This Toy Cannot Be Played!
"Don't! Don't shoot! I'll come out!" The moment the man in gray was pointed at by the gun, his expression changed, and he broke out in cold sweat. This is a real guy!It's not a joke, he was really afraid that Shengsi would kill him with a single shot.

In fact, his heart is in a state of bewilderment at this time, where did the kid come from, it's so weird!He even subdued his eldest sister by himself, and there has been no news about Inuyama and Anzheng who went out just now, and he is probably finished. In addition, he is still pointed at by Shengsi with a gun, so he is really scared to pee now I have no choice but to do what Shengsi said.

After the gray-clothed man squatted on the side as promised, Shengsi shouted to the door: "It's all settled, come in!"

After hearing Shengsi's call, Conan, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, rushed in immediately.

"Junye!" Junye's elder brother also found out that something was wrong here, so he came out to take a look, but he didn't expect to find Junye who happened to rush in with the crowd as soon as he came out.

"Brother!" Junye also ran over with surprise on his face, and threw himself into his brother's arms.

Junye and his brother were happily together there, but Conan ran over and said, "Shengsi, are there no other accomplices here? Also, what about that person?"

The person Conan was referring to was the gray-clothed man squatting there with a frightened expression on his face.

"Call the police!" Shengsi said calmly, throwing the gun in his hand aside.

Now that Junye's brother has been rescued, and the robbers have been subdued by Shengsi, it's time for the police to come and clean up the mess.

"I just asked Genta and Mitsuhiko to call the police." Conan answered casually and then walked towards the man in gray.

In Conan's heart, these robbers are all members of the organization, that's why Conan pursued them so hard.

Now!It's time for him to reap the fruits
After Shengsi heard Conan's words, his thoughts moved slightly, and he found Genta and Mitsuhiko who were arguing with the police at the police station downstairs.

Originally, Shengsi found that there were no Genta and Mitsuhiko among the group of people, and he was wondering. Unexpectedly, they were sent by Conan to call the police.

However, Shengsi found that their trip to the police did not seem to be very smooth. Although the two tried their best to explain there, the police did not believe their words at all.

"Brother Shengsi, how are you? Are you okay?" Just as Shengsi was thinking, Ayumi's concerned voice came from his ear.

Hearing this, Seiji turned around and patted Ayumi's head and smiled, "Your brother Seiji is so powerful, how could something happen?!"

"That's right, Brother Shengsi is so powerful, how could something happen!" Ayumi also laughed.

While Seiji was talking to Ayumi, Junye came over with his brother.

"Thank you so much, Shengsi!" Junye's brother said sincerely, he just learned what happened from Junye, so he was very grateful to Shengsi.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter." Shengsi waved his hand, indicating that it's no big deal.

"No, no, no, this is not a trivial matter! For our family, it is the biggest thing!" Junye said anxiously, seeming to take this matter very seriously.

However, just when Shengsi was about to continue to speak modestly, Xiao Ai walked over from the door.

"It's amazing! Detective Shengsi!" Xiao Ai said lightly, holding a pistol in her hand, looking very cold and so on!pistol!How did Xiao Ai hold a pistol?
But this kind of doubt only lasted for a moment, and the next second Seiji figured it out. When he knocked down Inuyama just now, he remembered that he had a gun in his hand, as if he was kicked into the corridor by himself. It was actually picked up by Xiao Ai.

It's a bad thing for children to play with guns, especially a child like Xiao Ai who knows how to use guns!
Seeing this, Shengsi wanted to give Xiao Ai a good lecture.

However, just as Shengsi was about to speak, Conan shouted from behind him: "Shengsi, be careful!"

The moment he heard the voice, Shengsi immediately turned his head and saw the situation behind him clearly.

I saw the gray-clothed man who was squatting on the side just now had rushed towards this side at some point, his target was probably the pistol that Shengsi had just casually discarded at the side.

And Conan was falling on the ground, probably pushed down by the man in gray.

A group of nasty brats actually beat us up like this, and now we grabbed a gun while you were not paying attention, so that you will be obedient, and the eldest sister will definitely praise me when the time comes!

These are what the gray-clothed man is thinking at this time, but the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Because the man in gray is a bit far away from Shengsi, it takes about two seconds to get the gun from there. However, within these two seconds, Shengsi can subdue him two or three times, so, The dream of the man in gray has been shattered.

However, just when Shengsi was about to make a move.

'boom! ! ! '

A gunshot rang through the room.

A bullet flew out of the muzzle of the gun in Xiao Ai's hand whistling, across the cheek of the man in gray, and then continued to fly towards the window next to the house with undiminished momentum. Finally, the bullet broke the window and made a loud noise!
"Ah!" The man in gray was frightened and froze. After yelling, he sat down slowly because his legs were weak. At that second just now, he felt that he was so close to death!

At this moment, the matter of claiming credit to the eldest sister, and subduing this group of little devils all disappeared in the gray-clothed man's mind. At this moment, all he could think of was the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe!

Everyone looked at the man slumped on the ground and turned to look at the shooter, but when they saw that the shooter was Xiao Ai, they all looked shocked, especially Ayumi, because Even so close, she was startled by the gunshot.

Although everyone has seen guns a few times, they have only seen them. Now, the shock of firing a gun in front of you will shock anyone for the first time, especially when the person who shoots is still a young man. Children, this feeling of shock is even greater.

The shock is the shock. In Shengsi's view, Xiao Ai's shot actually helped a little. The police downstairs were coaxing Yuantai and Mitsuhiko, telling children not to make trouble here, but when they heard After the gunshots, I immediately believed what Yuantai and the others said, and they are now rushing here!
However, Shengsi was a little surprised watching Xiao Ai shoot. Although you used to play with guns, you are just a little girl now. Then at the same time: "Xiao Ai! You can't play with this toy casually! Come on, give the gun to brother!"

When talking, Seiji kept smiling, looking very handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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