Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 183 Chapter Family

Chapter 183
Xiao Ai cried for a long time, and the crying saint began to wonder if his judgment was wrong. In the past few minutes, Police Officer Mumu and Conan tried to persuade him, but it was useless. In the end, I had to persuade the "cousin" Shengsi. Fortunately, Xiao Ai still listened to the "cousin" Shengsi, and after a while, under the words of Shengsi, "I will buy you a lollipop later" , Xiao Ai laughed through tears, and finally stopped crying.

In fact, it was Shengsi's words that hit Xiao Ai's smile, so she couldn't help laughing, otherwise she would have been crying for a long time.

Buying lollipops to coax people is probably only useful for children like Ayumi, but Seiji bought a lollipop for himself, which immediately hit Xiao Ai's laugh, so Xiao Ai really couldn't cry up.

Seeing this, Shengsi said in a timely manner: "Officer Mumu, then we will leave first, you can continue to work."

"Well, okay." Police officer Mumu originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Now that Shengsi and the others looked like they were leaving, he seemed a little unkind when he spoke, so Mumu The police officer let them go directly, without even taking notes.

So, Seiji and his group returned to Tokyo by train together with Junye and his brother.

When everyone arrived at Junye's house, it was almost six o'clock. It was already very late at this time, and the family members were already waiting for their children to come home for dinner, so Shengsi and the others were not at Junye's house. Stay longer, after declining Mrs. Nakata's invitation to stay for dinner, everyone took their schoolbags and went home.

After parting from Conan and the others at an intersection, Seiji took Xiao Ai and Ayumi towards Ayumi's house.

Along the way, Xiao Ai seldom spoke. Basically, Seiji and Ayumi were talking there. During this time, Sheng Si told Ayumi about Xiao Ai's "origin" again, satisfying Ayumi's curiosity. After listening to Ayumi, she said that they will definitely become good friends.

Regarding this, Shengsi just haha. And Xiao Ai just haha.

After a while, the three came downstairs to Ayumi's house.

"Ayumi, bye." Seiji waved at Ayumi.

"Yeah! Brother Seiji, Haibara-san, see you tomorrow!" Ayumi greeted her and turned to go upstairs.

Thus, Xiao Ai and Shengsi embarked on the journey home.

"Who are you?" Xiao Ai suddenly said after walking for a while.

"Eh?" Shengsi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he pretended to be puzzled and said, "My name is Gongshui Shengsi, didn't I tell you that? You forgot again?"

He knew that Xiao Ai was starting to be curious about his previous behavior, but Shengsi just didn't tell her all the time, making her anxious, which was very interesting.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but give Shengsi a white look, "You know that's not what I asked."

"It's not this? Which one is that?" Shengsi started to play dumb.

"That's it. Forget it!" Originally, Xiao Ai wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, she decided not to ask, because she felt that she would naturally know in the future, so there was no need to bother to ask now.

"Ah?!" Shengsi couldn't keep up with Xiao Ai's train of thought for a moment, shouldn't Xiao Ai continue to ask, then tease her, and finally tell her?

And what's going on now?Why doesn't Xiao Ai play her cards according to the routine?It's really uncomfortable to let myself have nothing to say about what I'm going to prepare later.

However, when Shengsi was thinking about what to say, Xiao Ai had already stepped forward alone.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly followed.

There was no words all the way again, after more than ten minutes, Shengsi and Xiao Ai walked into the door.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" As soon as he entered the door, Shengsi put his schoolbag and said immediately. Xiao Ai didn't speak along the way, and Shengsi didn't have anything to talk to her about. He was really suffocated. Now, he finally found an excuse to talk to her up.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai immediately became interested.

"What? What can I do if I want to eat?"

"Of course, you are my cousin now, tell me what you want to eat! My brother will make it for you!" Shengsi patted his chest with the posture of "I'll pick off the moon for you if you want it".

Seeing this, Xiao Ai smiled slightly, thought for a while and then said: "Then I want to eat couscous fried rice!"

Couscous is a local food that Xiao Ai ate when he went to Morocco for a mission. It is delicious, but basically only local people have eaten this kind of food. It can be said that the whole Japan probably has eaten this kind of food. Food for no more than ten people!Since Shengsi can do anything, Xiao Ai will embarrass him by naming a food that Shengsi cannot cook.

But Xiao Ai's strategy is doomed to fail.

The moment Shengsi heard the sad words, he immediately replied without thinking: "No problem! Just wait! I'll make it right for you!"

"Eh?" Now it was Xiao Ai's turn to be surprised, what? !Shengsi would actually do it?Such an out-of-the-ordinary food, even food that most people have never even heard of, can be cooked by a priest? !Is it a lie or will it really be done?
Now, Xiao Ai is more curious about Shengsi!
However, just when Xiao Ai was about to ask Shengsi if he could really make it, Shengsi had already walked into the kitchen.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai had no choice but to put down her schoolbag, and quietly waited for Shengsi's 'Gus Gus' on the sofa.

In the kitchen, Shengsi was vigorously swinging the mixing spoon in his hand, beating all the flour in the bowl into a paste.

This couscous fried rice is actually no stranger to Shengsi. In his previous life, he had a mission to kill a drug dealer in Morocco, but the drug dealer was hidden very deep. find him.

And for more than a month, Shengsi has been eating and drinking there, and he has basically eaten up all the local delicacies, such as couscous fried noodles, couscous fried rice, couscous big blossoms, etc. Shengsi ate it all over the place!Because these foods are delicious, Shengsi also asked the local people how to make them. As for the couscous fried rice that Xiao Ai mentioned, Shengsi has of course learned it!
Although the name is weird, couscous is actually a kind of wheat and a staple food of the local people. As for couscous fried rice, it is actually a kind of fried rice similar to that in Lanzhou, Huaguo. A special sauce, plus some deli vegetables and fruits, fried together, not only nutritious, but most importantly, very delicious!
But Shengsi doesn't have that kind of wheat here now, so he had to use flour instead.

As for the couscous fried rice, although Shengsi's materials are not so authentic, the taste is still not bad.

PS: Don't waste your daily tickets, let's throw them at Fengyun, la la la.

(End of this chapter)

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