Chapter 184 Concealment
I saw that Shengsi beat the flour into a paste, then baked it on a low heat until it was half-cooked, and then used a special filter to leak the semi-dry flour into small rice-like grains.

While doing this, Shengsi was still cutting carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and lean pork. After cutting these into pieces or shreds, they were fried in the pan with the flour granules that had just been drained, adding some seasonings .

In this way, in a short while, a delicious couscous fried rice is out of the pan!
After finishing, Shengsi came out of the kitchen with a plate of fried rice.

"Xiao Ai! It's time to eat!"

Xiao Ai had been staring at the kitchen all the time, now that she saw Shengsi coming out, she didn't even need to call, she had already walked towards the dining table.

She wants to see what the couscous fried rice made by Shengsi looks like.

"Here, here!" Shengsi handed the fried rice to Xiao Ai who had already sat obediently in the seat.

After Xiao Ai took the plate, she placed it on the table in front of her. During this time, she did not speak, and she also looked calm on the surface.

Although she looked calm on the surface, there was a huge wave in her heart!This couscous fried rice is very similar to the ones I have eaten before in terms of appearance, taste, and feeling!This is simply the original couscous fried rice!

How did the saint do it?It's incredible!Originally, it was just a question that made him difficult, but it was completed unexpectedly. Xiao Ai felt that the mystery of the holy priest added a little more.

Seeing Xiao Ai staring at the rice but refusing to eat it, Shengsi couldn't help asking: "Why don't you eat it? Don't you like it? If you don't like it, I can give you a new one."

However, as soon as Shengsi spoke halfway, Xiao Ai grabbed the spoon and ate it, causing Shengsi to swallow the rest of the words, unable to utter.

Seeing this, Shengsi watched Xiao Ai eating quietly from the sidelines. He was waiting for Xiao Ai to finish eating, and then told her something. It's home, and it's time to go home and have a look.

After a while, Xiao Ai found that Shengsi had been staring at her, which made her feel a little awkward.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Xiao Ai put down the spoon, looked at Shengsi and said.

"I'll eat when I get home." Shengsi responded.

"Home?" Xiao Ai remembered that Ayumi said in the afternoon that this house was just bought by Shengsi. At that time, she guessed whether Shengsi should live here. Now it seems that it really is.

"Well, over there! My sister is cooking today!" Shengsi said, pointing in the direction of his home.

"Oh." After Xiao Ai replied, she didn't speak, and started to eat in silence, not knowing what she was thinking.

For a while, the atmosphere became quiet, only the sound of Xiao Ai eating with a spoon wafted in the room.

After a long time, Xiao Ai put down the spoon again, and suddenly raised her head: "Do you know about the bank robbery a few days ago?"

Hearing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, but still nodded, "Yeah."

"At that time, were you and Conan at the scene?" Xiao Ai stood up, staring closely at Shengsi's eyes.

"That's right." Seeing that Xiao Ai's state was a little off, Shengsi seemed to know something.

It should be that she mentioned the word 'sister', which made Xiao Ai think of her 'dead' sister.

"There is an employee named Masami Hirota in that bank, have you seen her?" Xiao Ai's tone trembled slightly when she spoke.

"Oh! You said Sister Yami! I have seen her! I saw her yesterday." Shengsi did not lie. He received a call from Yami yesterday morning asking him about the house. Went to help her out.

"Since you have seen her, why did you... eh?! What did you say?! You saw her yesterday?!" Xiao Ai was about to cry, but she found out that Shengsi said in the middle of her sentence What's more, I met Masami yesterday afternoon!
Now, she was stunned!Didn't my sister die three days ago?How could Shengsi have seen her yesterday? !

Could it be that someone in the organization lied to her?But, that's impossible, that guy Gin couldn't possibly lie about this kind of thing!In addition, the police said that she was missing, so she must have been dealt with, but now what happened to Shengsi who said that she met her sister yesterday?

"That's right, Sister Yami's flower pot rotted yesterday, so I brought her a new one." Shengsi spread his hands and smiled.

Xiao Ai looked like she was about to cry just now, but now she looks shocked. Shengsi thought it was very interesting, so he planned to play Xiao Ai well, and now he can't let Xiao Ai meet her sister too early , otherwise it would be bad to run away.

computer is broken?Xiao Ai was confused for a moment. Before she became smaller, she checked the relevant situation. After her sister died, all the things in her room were taken back by the organizers, and there was no computer in her room at all. Shengsi How could it be possible to help her fix the computer?Also, Shengsi can fix computers at such a young age? !And he is so powerful, now, Xiao Ai is even more curious about Shengsi.

"Then where did you see her yesterday?!" Although Xiao Ai was puzzled, she still needed to get more information from Shengsi first. Only with more information could she guess the real situation of her sister.

Although she didn't believe that her sister was really alive, Shengsi suddenly said that her sister was still alive, which gave her a glimmer of hope, so she must continue to investigate!

"It's at her house, but Xiao Ai, why do you pay so much attention to Sister Yami? Is she your mother?" Shengsi said with a smile.

"Well, I'll just ask casually." Xiao Ai suddenly realized the fact that she is a child now. In fact, she originally planned to tell Conan her identity and live in his house, but the situation has changed now. She was rescued by Shengsi by coincidence, and lived here inexplicably, so her idea now is to hide her identity, not to expose herself, everything is going on in secret.

"Oh, that's how it is. Since you've finished your dinner, I'll be leaving first. I'll see you tomorrow morning!" Saying this, Shengsi put the key of the house on the table, and then made a pair of immediately As if about to leave.

"Hey! Wait!" Seeing that Shengsi was about to leave, Xiao Ai immediately shouted anxiously, completely losing her usual calmness.

There is no way, this is related to his sister's affairs, she can't help but be in a hurry, this is the only relative she has left in the world.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi immediately stopped in his tracks, then turned around and asked, "Oh? Is there anything else?"

I saw that most of Shengsi's face was calm, while the rest was a little puzzled. At this moment, Shengsi's actor-level acting skills were perfectly reflected in Shengsi!
(End of this chapter)

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