Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 185 The Status Quo of the Magic World

Chapter 185 The Status Quo of the Magic World

"I want to ask that sister Yami where she lives?" Xiao Ai asked softly, she is now eager to confirm whether the sister Yami mentioned by Shengsi is her sister!
"What do you want to do? Sister Yami told me, I can't tell where she lives, or she will ignore me." Shengsi said firmly.

At this moment, Shengsi's acting skills exploded, and he almost believed himself when he spoke.

Because now Shengsi will not let Xiao Ai meet her sister, so now he has to talk to Xiao Ai in a roundabout way.

"Uh..." Xiao Ai was at a loss for words when she heard the words, Shengsi was right, if her sister had hidden herself, she wouldn't let others know where she lived, but!Why is it that St. Stephen is able to know? !
I really want to ask where my sister is, but Xiao Ai knows that Shengsi will not tell.

But now knowing that her sister may not be dead, this news is still very exciting for Xiao Ai.

As for meeting her sister, anyway, Shengsi will definitely meet her in the future, as long as he finds the right time, there will always be a chance to go with Shengsi in the future.

"If it's okay, I'll leave. See you tomorrow morning!" Seeing Xiao Ai thinking, Shengsi waved his hand, opened the door and walked out.

"See you tomorrow!" Xiao Ai in the house watched Shengsi leave, she did not stop, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, she knows that as long as she lives here for a long time, one day, Xiao Ai will meet her sister of.
And Shengsi, who walked out of the gate, was in a happy mood at this time. He has now drawn a big cake for Xiao Ai, and she still wants to eat this big cake. Shengsi believes that this should be able to tie Xiao Ai here. It's been a while.

As long as it takes a long time, she will get used to the life here. In this case, even after Xiao Ai meets her sister, there is a very high chance that she wants to stay here.

Thinking of this, Shengsi who was walking on the road started laughing, his silly appearance attracted passers-by to stare at him, looking at him like a fool, but Shengsi didn't care about it at all, he looked at him in a happy mood. Everything is pleasing to the eye.

Soon, Shengsi returned home. After eating the dinner made by his sister, he went to the Koizumi family, continued to fetch some books, and at the same time discussed the situation in the magic world with Diwen and the others.

Since the turmoil of the Wizards Conference, the reputation of the William family has plummeted, and the Ethero family in Egypt also expressed their disdain for the William family.

The entire magic world is also the voice of crusade against the William family, which makes it difficult for the members of the William family to move around in the outside world, let alone investigate who did it at the magicians conference.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning that the Bailong family was directly relegated from the top magic family to a second-rate family because of the killing of the patriarch and the fact that it was almost exterminated. It is really embarrassing.

And the Love family, who cooperated with the William family, discovered that the spearhead of the wizarding world was directed at the William family, and he immediately distanced himself from the William family. Although this move saved their family from a lot of trouble, it caused them to suffer. The deep contempt of the wizarding world also greatly increased the William family's dislike for them.

After talking about the external situation, they discussed the situation of their own family. First of all, because the holy priest rescued Diwen at the Magician Conference, but the appearance of the holy priest was disguised at that time. The news that Diwen of the Koizumi family has a relationship with the mysterious strongman spread in the magic world.

This also caused many magic families in Japan to join them, and the three magic crystal mines promised by the Ozawa family were immediately sent over by them. In addition, the other three first-class magic families in Japan are now based on the Koizumi family. The partner called himself, and there was a hint of obedience.

Watching the Koizumi family start to flourish, Seiji was happy, and so were Di Wen and the others.

Soon, a happy discussion is over,

When we bid farewell to Diwen and the others, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Shengsi went home and meditated for a while, and then went straight to sleep.

The next day.

Shengsi went out at 07:30 in the morning, and when the time reached [-]:[-], Shengsi just arrived at the place where Xiao Ai lived.

He came here to make breakfast for Xiao Ai. After breakfast, it will be almost eight o'clock. Then he will go out and walk to the place agreed with Ayumi. The three of them will go to school together, eh!The plan is perfect.

But when Shengsi opened the door, he froze.

I saw Xiao Ai got up very early, and she was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast slowly, wearing a white dress, looking very quiet.On the other side of the table, there is a plate with a square leg sandwich, three rice balls, and a glass of milk. It seems that this is the breakfast that Xiao Ai prepared for Shengsi up.

"Morning!" Shengsi greeted and sat down opposite Xiao Ai, ready to have breakfast.

"Morning." After hearing Shengsi's greeting, Xiao Ai looked up at him, then continued to eat her breakfast.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't say anything, and also ate breakfast.

"It's delicious, the breakfast is good." Shengsi said after taking a bite.

Hearing this, Xiao Ai stopped eating, "Thank you."

Although Xiao Ai's answer felt indifferent, Shengsi still saw the slight curvature of her mouth. It seemed that Xiao Ai was in a good mood.

Soon, the two finished their breakfast.

Because there was still some time before eight o'clock, the two sat on the sofa to rest.

After being quiet for a while, Xiao Ai couldn't help asking: "Did you make the layout of the room?"

"Eh yes!" Shengsi had already guessed that Xiao Ai would tell him about the room, mainly because he arranged it too girlishly, so Xiao Ai probably wouldn't like it.

"I ripped off those cartoon stickers and threw them in the trash can, don't you mind?" Xiao Ai pointed to the trash can next to her and said.

Hearing this, Shengsi looked in the direction Xiao Ai pointed, and found those rolled-up patterns in the trash can.

"Hehe. Why would I mind? You can do whatever you want." Shengsi smiled and said, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

Sure enough, I still don't like it.

After talking about this topic, the two casually said a few words, and soon, it was eight o'clock.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Xiao Ai went out, and after seeing Ayumi at the agreed place, the three of them walked towards the school together.

Along the way, the three of them laughed and talked very harmoniously. Well, it was just the two of them laughing and talking, and Xiao Ai, she just watched the two of them laughing and talking.

PS: The next chapter will enter the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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