Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 186 Mihua Library

Chapter 186 Mihua Library

Soon, the three of them came to the classroom. After getting along with each other yesterday, Xiao Ai and Yuan Tai got along a little better at this time, but it was only a little bit. I will reply, even so, Yuan Tai and the others never tire of talking to Xiao Ai.

Who told Xiao Ai to agree to join the Detective Boys under Shengsi's persuasion last night? Yuan Tai and the others seemed very enthusiastic about the new members of the Detective Boys.

After a morning of study time, in the afternoon, the group agreed to go to the Mihua Library to play.

As for the reason for the initiation, it is because the homework that is always assigned today is to write a book report, commonly known as the post-reading impression. As for the books you choose, it is up to you. It is precisely for this reason that everyone plans to go to Mihua Library to read in the afternoon .

So, after everyone went home and put away their schoolbags, a group of people gathered in front of the gate of Mihua Library at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Mihua Library is the largest library in Mihua Town and one of the landmark buildings of Mihua Town. It is four floors high, covers an area of ​​nearly ten acres, and has a collection of more than [-] books.

Now everyone is standing in front of the library gate, discussing what books to read.

"Let's go to the third floor! There are so many good-looking books there!" During the discussion, Mitsuhiko suggested that he had been to the library last time and knew that there were many good-looking anime books on the third floor, so he proposed to go to the third floor. look there.

"Okay!" Everyone responded, they didn't know where to go anyway, so they followed Guang Yan.

After unifying their opinions, everyone walked straight into the library.

"There is an elevator over there." As soon as he entered the gate, Mitsuhiko pointed in one direction and said, and at the same time, he led everyone to walk there.

And when everyone heard the words, they also found the elevator next to the toilet. It happened that there was no one in the elevator at this time, so they all rushed in.

After a while, everyone took the elevator to the third floor.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, everyone looked up and saw five large characters not far away - 'Children's Book Area'.

Seeing this, the corners of Conan's mouth couldn't help twitching, he shouldn't listen to Mitsuhiko's words, how to write after reading the books here, it's really nerve-wracking!

However, Shengsi didn't care about it. Anyway, the books he read were not these books, but the magic books he brought with him, so he just read books wherever he wanted.

As for Xiao Ai, her eyes were sleepy, as if she was about to fall asleep.

After entering the children's book area, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi ran away like three wild horses that had run free.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help but shook his head, raised his hand and put a Psychic mark on each of the three of them. This Psychic mark can prevent them from getting lost. After doing this, Shengsi turned to Conan and Xiao Ai and said: " You can read any book you want, and I will read it first!"

Saying that, Shengsi left first, and when he left, he also marked the two of them with mind power. Although Xiao Ai and Conan will not get lost, it doesn't matter if they are marked.

After Shengsi left, Xiao Ai and Conan looked at each other on the spot and then dispersed.

Xiao Ai's idea is to find a place to take a nap, she got up too early today, so she is a little sleepy now.

As for Conan, he went directly to the second floor, where there were some prose, poems, novels and so on. He wanted to read those books. These children's books Conan was really boring to read, how could he write an afterthought.

After the group separated, Ayumi and Genta searched for comic books in the library. After finding a good book, they read it there. Judging from their chuckles from time to time, they were very happy.

And Xiao Ai found an empty corner, leaned against the table and fell asleep.

As for Conan, he also found a novel on the second floor and read it.

In the end, Shengsi sat on the seat not far from Xiao Ai and read the magic book he had handed in from Diwen. Before Xiao Ai told him that he was going to sleep, Sheng Si was directly near Xiao Ai read.

After Xiao Ai fell asleep, Shengsi began to read the book.

The books brought by the holy priest this time are amazing things. These books are the notes and sentiments of the magician!It is the foundation of the Koizumi family for hundreds of years. These books are usually carried by Di Wen and sealed with magic spells.

If it weren't for Shengsi's great contribution to their family, Di Wen would not have taken out these books.

And now, Shengsi is frantically absorbing the knowledge in the book, and he has been deeply attracted by the knowledge described in the book.

In the cognition of wizards, everything in the world is composed of magical elements, such as the human body, which is composed of five main elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as some special elements. It is what science calls carbon-based life.

And the practice of magic is to let oneself use the elements of one's own body to communicate with the magic elements in nature, resonate with them, and use or even obtain them.

The promotion of a magician is a journey of mutual progress between oneself and the magic elements of nature, and for a magician, it is the embodiment of the resonance between one's own elements and the magic elements of nature to the extreme.

The so-called utterance is nothing more than that. For example, the water mage William Yax, whom Shengsi saw last time, directly strengthened the water element in a person's body when he killed people, directly causing other people to die. The elements in the body are unbalanced or even homogenized, turning people into a puddle of water!

This is the horror of the magician manipulating the elements!
After becoming a mage, basically you don’t know how to use magic anymore, because magic is just a detour in front of a mage. The principle of using magic is to use the magic power in your body to communicate with the magic elements in nature so as to Casting magic, and wizards don't have to be so troublesome at all, they have already integrated with the magic elements, and they can control the nearby magic elements with a single thought, pay attention!It's manipulation!Rather than the communication of the great magister.

Manipulation is like using your arms and fingers, you can make the elements move according to your own ideas, but communication requires you to talk to it yourself, and then it moves, the two are completely different!

In addition, wizards can even be transformed into elements directly when they have practiced to a high level. For example, William Yax, he can directly transform into a ball of water, but his cultivation is not yet complete. When transforming from a human into water, he needs A certain amount of time, so the main reason why Shengsi was able to kill him last time was his lack of time and his carelessness! .

In addition, there are many magic theories recorded in this book of mages' sayings, among which the profound aspects are completely unheard of by Shengsi, and those unique magical insights are really fascinating for Shengsi to read Forget it!

(End of this chapter)

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