Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 187 Yuantai is smarter than pigs!

Chapter 187 Yuantai is smarter than pigs!

"Shengsi! Why do you read these children's books?!" Suddenly, Xiao Ai appeared next to Shengsi. She had just slept for a while, and when she woke up, she found that Shengsi was beside him, so she came over to say hello.

But when she came over, she found that Shengsi was reading a fairy tale book, so she asked suspiciously.

"Eh? Xiao Ai, have you slept well?" Sheng Si immediately woke up from the state of reading after being called by Xiao Ai.

He was a little fascinated by watching, and he didn't even notice that there were people around him. It really shouldn't be. Fortunately, it's Xiao Ai. If it's an enemy, it's really terrifying!

Also, when Shengsi read the magic book just now, he set a small magic on the book in his hand. When others read this book, it was a fairy tale book, but when Shengsi read it, it was a magic book, so Xiao Ai only asked this question.

Shengsi is very strange in Xiao Ai's eyes now, she feels whether Shengsi has schizophrenia, sometimes he looks like an adult, but sometimes, he is completely a primary school student, just like now, he has become a child again, I even read a fairy tale book!
However, Xiao Ai didn't get entangled in why Shengsi also read fairy tale books, but asked Ayumi and the others about their situation.

"Well! I just woke up, why are you alone, where are Ayumi and the others?"

Hearing this, Shengsi breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Xiao Ai didn't continue to ask herself why she read fairy tale books, otherwise she wouldn't know how to explain it.

After Shengsi heard Xiao Ai's words, he moved his mind, and in the next second, Ayumi and the others' situation was clear.

In Shengsi's telekinesis induction, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko were sitting together, probably reading a comic book, while Conan was seriously reading a book on the second floor.

Seeing this, Seiji pointed to Ayumi's direction and said to Xiao Ai, "Ayumi and the others are over there, probably reading comics."

When he said this, Shengsi got up and put the book back on the shelf. Of course, all of this was done under the cover of a blind eye. On the surface, Shengsi put the book on the shelf. In fact, the book The book has already entered the dimensional space of Shengsi.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai glanced in the direction of Shengsi's finger, and found that there was a bookshelf over there, and Ayumi and the others could not be seen at all.

"Are you sure where Ayumi is?" Xiao Ai was a little puzzled. How could Shengsi know where Ayumi was? You know, there are bookshelves all around here, and you can't see the outside at all.

"Yeah!" Shengsi nodded in response without thinking too much.

"Oh? Then let's go and see?" Xiao Ai didn't believe that Shengsi could know where Ayumi and the others were, but she remembered how powerful Shengsi was yesterday, so she was a little skeptical for a while.

"Well, let's go!" Shengsi has just finished reading a book, and it's not appropriate to read any more. He has to wait until he has digested the contents of this book before reading other books, so it's good to take a break now.

So, the two walked towards Ayumi together.

After a while, the two saw Ayumi and the others. Seiji guessed right, the three of them were holding a comic book and reading it at this time. Seeing how they laughed, they must have enjoyed it.

"How did you know?" Xiao Ai was very surprised at this moment, she didn't expect Shengsi to be right, Ayumi and the others were really here.

"Secret!" Seiji smiled slightly, and then walked towards Ayumi and the others.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai couldn't help curling her lips. In fact, she already had a guess in her heart. She probably knew where Ayumi and the others were, or guessed it, and pretended to be mysterious, cut!

With the mentality of looking down on Shengsi, Xiao Ai also calmly walked towards the crowd.

After the two approached, Shengsi said to the crowd, "How are you doing? Are these books good?"

After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi immediately raised her head, "Brother Shengsi, you are here! Take a look, this book is so good! The house built by the piglet in it was blown away by the wind, how stupid! "

"Hehe, is that right? Then it is quite stupid! I guess it must not be as smart as Yuan!" Shengsi smiled wickedly.

"Of course! I'm the smartest! Haha" Yuan Tai said immediately when he heard the words, and he laughed as he spoke, with a proud look on his face.

"But, Genta, you are comparing yourself with a pig! There is no comparison at all." Ayumi turned her head and said solemnly.

"That's right! Pigs are so stupid, you two can't compare at all!" Mitsuhiko also echoed.

Hearing this, Yuan Tai touched the back of her head, "Really? Then I won't compare, hehe."

"Hahaha" Seeing Yuantai's silly look, Shengsi laughed shamelessly, and laughed loudly.

Not only Shengsi laughed, Xiao Ai also laughed after seeing this scene, Yuantai and a pig have such a sense of superiority in IQ, this is really no one.

"No noise is allowed in the library!" Just as everyone was laughing happily, a voice suddenly appeared next to their ears.

The crowd immediately fell silent when they heard the words, and then looked back, only to see a middle-aged man in a black suit standing behind them at some point. It looks a little scary.

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it next time." Seeing this, Shengsi said with a look of embarrassment, as if it was because his laughter was too loud that he was warned.

"En!" Seeing Shengsi admit his mistake, the man responded and left with a box on the table next to him.

"I know him, he is the curator here! His name seems to be Jin Chuan." After the man left, Mitsuhiko whispered to everyone.

"So it's the curator, no wonder he's so fierce!" Yuan Tai looked suddenly enlightened.

Shengsi couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the words, what does it matter if he is the curator?Is there a connection between the two? Besides, he is not very fierce. I really don't understand what is going on in Yuantai's mind.

"That's right! Where's Conan? Why didn't you see him?" When everyone was discussing the curator, Ayumi asked suddenly, and she found that Conan didn't seem to come.

However, just when Shengsi was about to answer, the siren of a police car suddenly sounded outside!
After hearing the sound, everyone immediately leaned against the window and looked at the situation outside.

"It's a police patrol car! Did something happen?" Ayumi said.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" After hearing Ayumi's words, Genta rushed downstairs without saying a word.

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to follow Yuantai's pace and walked downstairs with him. When they reached the second floor, Shengsi called Conan to join him.

To be honest, Shengsi always felt that Yuan Tai had absolutely no tendons in his mind, and also had a halo of lowering IQ!Lower the IQ of the surrounding teammates and make them go crazy with Yuantai.

And now, it is estimated that Yuantai's halo of lowering IQ has already started
(End of this chapter)

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