Chapter 188 Corpse!

When the group took the elevator downstairs, they found that the curator who had just scolded them was negotiating with three police officers.

And among those three police officers, there was the well-known police officer Mumu!

Seeing this, Conan waved to Officer Megure from a distance, "Officer Megure!"

When he was called out by Shengsi just now, Shengsi didn't tell him what was the matter, but now he knew everything after seeing Police Officer Mumu. It seems that something happened here, so the police came.

"Oh! Conan! And Seiji! What a coincidence, your boy detective team is here." Officer Meguro also found them after hearing Conan's shout.

"Did something happen here? Why are the police dispatched?!" After approaching, Conan asked.

After hearing Conan's question, Officer Megure smiled and explained the matter.

"It's like this. Yesterday, a lady named Yutian Sadako came to our police station to report to the police, saying that her husband, Mr. Yutian Kazuo, who works as a staff member in the Mihua Library, has been missing since the night before yesterday, and he has not been seen until now. We heard that the last place where Mr. Kazuo appeared the night before was at the Mihua Library, when he was working overtime with Director He Jinchuan, and since then, he has disappeared, so we came to check the situation today.”

Hearing Officer Megure talking about himself, Director Tsugawa immediately shook his head: "I went home before him that night, and I don't know what happened after that."

"In this way, Mr. Yutian and Mr. Nan should have been killed or kidnapped on the way home." Conan said after thinking, his reasoning is quite correct based on the fact that the curator told the truth.

However, the curator is lying!Shengsi could tell at a glance that the curator Jin Chuan was lying!It's so easy to see, I saw curator Jin Chuan sweating on his forehead when he spoke, and his eyes were slightly flustered, it looks like he's lying!

Not only did Shengsi see it, Xiao Ai stared at the slightly flustered look of the curator, she also saw that the curator was not telling the truth!

As for why he didn't tell the truth, there are only two possibilities. The first one is that he knows something, but he can't or dare not tell it for some reason, and the second one is the curator himself!He was the one who killed or kidnapped Mr. Henan, no matter how bad he was, he was an accomplice!So he can't say either.

After hearing Conan's words, Police Officer Meguro shook his head: "Conan, it's possible for you to say that, but Mr. Yutian is a very serious person. He usually uses the phone in the library to call his wife at home before going home. Make a phone call, but he didn't call the night before, so Mr. Henan had an accident while working overtime here the night before!"

"In other words, when he was working overtime the night before, he was either taken away from here by someone, or he was in the library all the time! And if he is still here, then he might be dead!"

At the end, Police Officer Mu Mu's tone became very solemn, after all, this case might not be a disappearance case, but a murder case!Therefore, Police Officer Meguro attaches great importance to this!
And Seiji nodded secretly after listening to Officer Mumu's analysis. Officer Mumu's analysis made sense, and it was very likely that Yutian Kazuo was still in this library.

As for why there has been no news about him in this library, there are only two possibilities. One is that he has been imprisoned and cannot spread the news, and the other is that he is dead!The body was either hidden in the library, or it was thrown away.

Thinking of this, Shengsi moved his mind and immediately covered the entire library. He wanted to see what he could find in this library.

After scanning the entire library, Shengsi found something unusual!

In Shengsi's telepathic induction, there was a human-shaped thing lying on the roof of the elevator car in the library. This was Yutian Kazuo's corpse!
In that case, Shengsi and the others stood under the corpse for a long time just now. Thinking of this, Shengsi felt a little uncomfortable, but it was nothing.

Now that Seiji found Yutian Kazuo's body, all he had to do was to tell the story and let Officer Megure and the others know.

If Shengsi suddenly said that there was a corpse on the top of the elevator, Police Officer Mu Mu would believe it, but he would wonder how Shengsi knew, and now Shengsi will explain, if Shengsi explained, it would be very difficult. Trouble, this is what Shengsi doesn't want to see.

So Shengsi is now trying to find a way to get this news out, but don't be surprised. In this case, Shengsi needs to organize the language in advance.

However, when Shengsi organized the language, a policeman ran towards Police Officer Megure from the library, and when he ran, he glanced at Shengsi, looking very surprised.

But his surprise only lasted for a moment, and the next second, he reported to Police Officer Megure.

"Officer Mumu, we have searched all over here just now, but nothing unusual was found."

Police officer Mu Mu pondered for a while, and then said to curator Jin Chuan: "Sorry, I really bothered you!"

After finishing speaking, Officer Mu Mu turned around and shouted to the police behind him: "Okay, let's close the team!"


With that said, Officer Megure and the others planned to leave.

And will Shengsi let them go?That is definitely not the case!
Seeing that Officer Megure and the others were about to leave, Seiji yelled very pretentiously, "Officer Megure, Mr. Kazuo is dead! And... I know where his body is!"

When Shengsi spoke, he put his hands across his chest, looking very mature.

"What?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, everyone looked over in shock.

Conan was dumbfounded by what Shengsi said. He himself only guessed that Kazuo was dead and the body was still in the library, but Shengsi already knew where the body was!It's really scary!

Xiao Ai on the side was also very surprised. She had also heard that Shengsi was a famous detective these days, but now Shengsi only heard a few words from Police Officer Mu Mu, so the body was found?Xiao Ai didn't believe this, but thinking of Shengsi's strangeness before, she was a little skeptical.

And curator Jin Chuan who was standing aside heard Shengsi's words, his heart thumped, and cold sweat broke out all of a sudden. He looked at Shengsi nervously, waiting for what Shengsi would say next.

In the end, it was Police Officer Mumu, who rushed towards Shengsi after hearing Shengsi's words, with a frenzied expression on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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