Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 189 Curator's Crime

Chapter 189 Curator's Crime

Police officer Mumu told Shengsi about the case just now to ask them to help find a solution, but because they have too few clues now, he didn't have much hope to solve the case quickly. The preparation for the protracted war gave him a big surprise, that's why he was so excited!
When Shengsi saw Police Officer Mu Mu rushing towards him, he immediately moved to the side with a look of disgust on his face. While moving, Sheng Si also pulled Xiao Ai beside him to prevent her from being overwhelmed by the huge size of Police Officer Mu Mu. run down.

Officer Mu Mu also reacted immediately when he saw this, mainly because he was so excited that he lost control, and after he stopped, he said with a little embarrassment: "Well, Shengsi, you continue to talk, I will listen. "

"Sage, is what you said true?" Conan next to him asked in disbelief. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but that it was so unbelievable. He only heard a few words from Police Officer Mumu, Shengsi can find the body now?Liar!
Besides, Shengsi has been standing here without moving. Just now, Shengsi has been reading on the third floor. How did he find the corpse?Did you find it in a dream? !
Although what he said this time does not seem to be very credible, but Seiji has never lied before, so Conan is only suspicious of Shengsi's words now.

After hearing Conan's question, everyone present stared at Shengsi, waiting for his answer.

Being stared at by a group of people, Shengsi didn't panic at all, he first stroked his hair, then pulled a stool from the side, and after Shengsi sat down, he spoke slowly.

"Of course it's true! When did I tell a lie? As for the corpse, Officer Megure, you'll know if you send someone to look for it in the elevator!"

"Elevator?!" Police officer Mu Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said to a group of policemen behind him: "Go to the sky, go to the ground, you two go to the elevator and have a look!"

Yes, the policeman who came to report just now was Murano Kamiten, that's why he took an extra look at Shengsi.

After hearing the order from Police Officer Mu Mu, Heaven and Earth rushed towards the elevator in response.

Seeing this, Shengsi said loudly: "A warm reminder, remember to look for the top of the elevator car!"

After shouting, Shengsi turned his head and smiled at the panicked curator Jin Chuan: "Uncle curator, do you think what I told them is right?"

After hearing Shengsi's words, curator Jin Chuan, who was already flustered, couldn't find Bei.

"This, that, you are right!"

Shengsi laughed when he heard the words: "Haha, that's right!"

Watching the inexplicable dialogue between Shengsi and the curator, Police Officer Mu Mu was in a state of confusion.

"Seiji, does curator Tsugawa know any important clues?"

After hearing Officer Megure's words, before Seiji could speak, curator Tsugawa hurriedly said: "No! No!. I mean it is."

what is itAt this moment, these three words appeared in everyone's mind.

"You killed Kazuo-san, right!" Seeing Director Jinchuan stuttering, Seiji helped Director Jinchuan finish the rest of the sentence.

Shengsi sensed Yutian Kazuo's aura just now, and used a source-seeking technique casually, and found that the person who killed him was Director Jinchuan.

"What are you talking about?! How could I kill Kazuo? This is simply impossible!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Director Jinchuan roared excitedly.

As he said that, he still pretended to run over and grab Sheng Si and give him a good lecture.

Seeing this, Officer Meguro's mind has not yet turned the corner. It was fine just now. Why did Director Jinchuan suddenly become a murderer?

However, Police Officer Mu Mu still believed Seiji's words. Seeing that Director Jinchuan wanted to misbehave with Shengsi, he immediately signaled the two policemen around him to control Director Jinchuan.

After finishing all this, Police Officer Mumu asked with a puzzled look: "Shengsi, what's going on?"

Not only Police Officer Mu Mu was puzzled, but everyone also looked at Shengsi curiously. They were very curious, why did the curator suddenly become a murderer?
On the other hand, Conan nodded slightly. After hearing Shengsi's words, his guess deepened. If Mr. Kazunan's body is really in the elevator as Shengsi said, then the person who killed Mr. Kazunan The biggest suspect is Director Jinchuan. After all, there were only the two of them in the library at that time. Kazuo disappeared. The situation at that time can only be based on the curator’s side story. Therefore, it is possible that Director Jinchuan was lying. That's a lot.

However, what is the curator's motive for killing, why did he kill Yutian Kazuo?Conan didn't know about this, so he was now staring at Seiji to see what he would say next.

"What's going on? Heh, I have to ask why the curator's uncle wants to sell drugs!" Shengsi said with a smile, pointing at the restrained curator.

Shengsi was also guessing why the curator wanted to kill Yutian Kazuo just now, so he began to use telekinesis to find clues in the library, and after a while, he discovered the reason.

I saw that there were many places in the library where drugs were actually hidden. They were all hidden deep, some were hidden in cracks, some were hidden in special books, and some were directly sealed with things.

Seeing this, Seiji guessed that Yutian Kazuo should have discovered the curator's drug trafficking behavior and planned to call the police, and the curator should have killed Yutian Kazuo because he saw the incident was exposed.

However, since the curator was not prepared for the murder, and his psychological quality was not very good, he panicked and hid the corpse directly on the roof of the elevator car. Why did he not dispose of the corpse in the past few days? Maybe it's because I don't have time.

"Drug trafficking?! Director Jinchuan, you actually sell drugs?!" Police officer Mu Mu immediately asked Director Jinchuan with a serious face after hearing the words.

You know, drug trafficking in Japan is also a major felony, and it is not a problem to be imprisoned for ten years or something. If murder is added, it may be indefinitely.

"No! Officer Meguro, don't listen to this brat's nonsense! How could I sell drugs! This is simply impossible!" Director Jin Chuan heard the word drug trafficking, and the whole person went crazy, roaring loudly .

"Shengsi, how did you know about the curator's drug dealing?" Suddenly, Conan asked, he was puzzled, how did Shengsi know about the curator's drug dealing.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, "It's very simple! When I was reading upstairs, I accidentally saw a brown box in a corner, which was full of white books wrapped in plastic. I thought It's a new book, so I opened it casually and took a look, but I didn't expect that it was full of white powder!"

Speaking of this, Shengsi paused for a moment, and then said to the surprised and wide-eyed Curator Tsugawa: "I'm right, Mr. Curator?!"

(End of this chapter)

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