Chapter 191 Mihua Hotel

"Oh." After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai responded and watched TV again, not knowing what was going on in her heart.

Seeing this, Shengsi also read the book silently at the side.

In this way, the night passed quickly.

The next morning, in the classroom.

Shengsi and the others were discussing what game to play this afternoon, each of them was expressing their opinions, a lively scene.

"Conan, what new games will be in today's press conference?" Seiji asked, he guessed that Conan should know a little inside story, after all, the main character of this game conference is Uncle Mori.

In fact, the games of this era are not very interesting to Shengsi. The graphics are mostly black and white. For Shengsi who is used to playing high-quality games, how can it be fun?This is not as good as a game made by Seiji himself.

However, although the game is not very fun, sometimes it is good to simply try it out, so Shengsi is still looking forward to this game conference.

"Eh? New game, actually I don't know very well. Uncle Maori didn't tell me. He just said that there will be a reasoning game in his reasoning mansion, and he will be the host there." Conan After thinking for a while, he said, in fact, Conan didn't want to go to the game press conference, but Xiaolan insisted on going, so he suggested everyone to go together yesterday
"That's it." Although Shengsi was a little disappointed when he heard this, he didn't force it. Anyway, he will know when the time comes.

Here Shengsi and Conan are talking, and on the other side, Genta and the others are discussing excitedly.

"I want to play Masked Superman Super Smash Bros. Shh! Shhh! Shhh! I'll kill you, Mitsuhiko, you skinny monster!" Genta said excitedly, as if he had already transformed into Masked Superman.

And Mitsuhiko, who was caught by him, also smiled and said: "Kamen Rider don't hit me, I'm a good Peepee!"

Seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched, worried about their IQ.

In this way, the whole morning was quietly spent in the anticipation of everyone.

One p.m.

Shengsi and his group showed up at the entrance of Mihua Hotel on time.

"Conan! Shengsi!" Not far away, Xiaolan and Uncle Maoli appeared in everyone's sight.

Yesterday, Shengsi learned from Conan that Xiaolan and Uncle Maoli would come at one o'clock this afternoon, so Shengsi and the others also came at this time.

After yelling, Xiao Lan pulled Uncle Mao Li who was in a strange state and walked towards him.

"Uncle Mao Li, what's the matter?" Shengsi noticed that Uncle Mao Li smelled of alcohol, and he was still slightly drunk. He probably drank a lot yesterday.
"Father, last night he said that he wanted to celebrate in advance. No, it became such a virtue." Xiaolan said helplessly when she heard the words. She kept reminding Uncle Mao Li not to drink too much yesterday, but he refused to listen. , I’m going to drink it, no, it’s stupid to drink it.

"Where! I only drank five or six cups, it's not a big deal!" After hearing Xiao Lan's words, Uncle Mao Li retorted immediately.

"Hehe." Shengsi laughed dryly, five or six cups?Probably five or six glasses of white wine. In fact, Shengsi also admires Uncle Mao Li very much. He is still so sober today after drinking five or six glasses of white wine. He is indeed an old alcoholic!
"By the way, who is this?" Suddenly, Xiao Lan found Xiao Ai in the crowd, this is a new face to Xiao Lan, so she asked.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, and then pulled Xiao Ai closer, "Her name is Hui Yuan Ai, and she is a distant cousin of mine."

"Distant cousin? Doesn't it mean that you came from a far away place? You know, the surname Huiyuan is very rare." As soon as Sheng Si finished speaking, Uncle Mao Li thought about it and said, The words are inexplicable, I don't know what to do, I guess I'm drunk.
Therefore, Xiao Lan ignored his words directly, and turned to smile and said to Xiao Ai: "Advice me a lot."

"Teach me a lot." Xiao Ai said lightly, at the same time she broke away from Shengsi's hand and took three steps back.

Seeing this, Shengsi laughed awkwardly, "Sister Xiaolan, don't be surprised, Xiaoai is like this, she is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, just get used to it."

Hearing Shengsi say this about herself, Xiao Ai thought to herself: Is she a passionate person in Shengsi's heart? Hehe, it's really interesting.
"Oh." Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything. After a pause, she said: "The press conference is about to start, let's go in quickly."

Saying that, Xiaolan took the lead and walked towards the gate of Mihua Hotel.

"Yeah!" Everyone hurriedly followed after hearing the words.

After a while, a group of people walked into the hotel.

"No! I'm going to the toilet!" Just entering the hotel, Uncle Mao Li suddenly covered his mouth with a look of shit on his face.

Seeing him like that, Shengsi knew that he was probably going to vomit.

After saying that, Uncle Mao Li went straight to the toilet beside him.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan put her hands on her waist and said angrily, "Dad, it's true!"

Helpless, everyone had to wait in place, and not long after, about a minute or so, Uncle Mao Li came out with one hand supporting the wall.

"I vomited for a while, and I feel much more comfortable. Okay, let's go."

As he said that, Uncle Mao Li led everyone to the front desk of the hotel, where they wanted to store their belongings.

But because there are too many people here today, when everyone came to the front desk, they found that there was already a long queue here.

However, because Shengsi and the others didn't bring anything, they didn't need to line up. Only Uncle Mao Li and Sister Xiaolan needed to line up.

So, Shengsi and the others rested on the seats beside them.

While resting, Yuantai and the others were still discussing enthusiastically what to play next, and just like that, a few minutes passed in a flash.

"Conan, look, my number plate is No. 100! I'm so lucky! Maybe something good will happen later!" Xiaolan grabbed a sign and walked towards the crowd. Said excitedly, looking very happy.

The sign in Xiaolan's hand is a sign given to you after the front desk stores items, and it is also the only proof for you to retrieve your items later.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched when he heard Xiaolan's words, what a lucky woman!Even this kind of thing can get such a good number.

Just when everyone lamented Xiaolan's good luck, Uncle Mao Li came over.

"Okay, let's go in!"

"Oh yeah! Let's go! Let's go!" Everyone couldn't wait a long time ago, and now they rushed inside after hearing Uncle Mao Li's words.

(End of this chapter)

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