Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 192 Shengsi Was 'Hanged'

Chapter 192 Shengsi Was 'Hanged'

After walking inside, everyone found that it was a hall, and the hall was crowded with people at this moment, and at a glance, the heads were removed.

On the walls, posters and posters of Mantiantang are pasted everywhere, and there are also product information about Mantiantang on the radio from time to time.

In addition to people, there are also many game consoles in the hall. These are the new games released by Mantiantang, and they are here for people to try.

Shengsi glanced casually, and saw games such as claw machines, King of Fighters, and Super Mario, which gave Shengsi a strong sense of the times.

In addition, in the innermost part of the hall, there is a table with an electronic screen on it. Below the screen are several high-level people who are full of heaven, and an empty seat is reserved on the side. The abnormal eyesight can see clearly, there is a sticky note on the table in front of that seat, with the five characters of Mori Kogoro written on it.

This should be the seat where Uncle Maori sat when the press conference was held later.

"Wow! There really is Masked Superman Smash Bros!" As soon as he entered the hall, the sharp-eyed Genta found a game console not far away, and saw that it said Masked Superman Super Smash Bros. Fighting games like King of Fighters.

"Where?! Where?!" Ayumi and Mitsuhiko asked quickly after hearing the words.

"There!" Yuan Taifa pointed and said excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go play!" After saying that, the three of them ran directly to the direction Yuantai pointed.

Seeing this, Shengsi shook his head, these three little devils, they don't care about anything every time they play, there are so many people, if he doesn't look at them every time, no one will know when they are separated, it's really nerve-wracking ah.

"Really, these three brats are really disturbing. Look at them, Xiaolan. The press conference will be held soon. I'll go first." Uncle Mao Li was also a little worried when he saw Yuantai and the others running away. After talking to Xiaolan, he walked towards the innermost table in the hall.

It seems that this press conference is about to officially start.

Watching Uncle Mori walk away, Seiji turned around and said, "Sister Xiaolan, you and Conan can go and play, I'll just keep an eye on Ayumi and the others."

After all, he was brought here by himself, so it would be too embarrassing for Xiaolan to watch, besides, Shengsi felt that it was more convenient to watch.

"That's it, that's okay, Conan! Let's go play!" Xiaolan agreed after thinking about it for a while. If it was Shengsi who helped to see people, Xiaolan would be very relieved, so she didn't refuse.

"En! Shengsi, goodbye!" Conan blinked at Shengsi and left with Xiaolan.

It would be boring for Conan to play games with a bunch of little ghosts, but it would be great if he only played with Ran!

So, what Shengsi said just now is right for him, and Conan has to thank Shengsi!
After the two left, Shengsi turned his head and smiled at Xiao Ai who was looking around, "What? Which one do you want to play?"

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai turned around, "Didn't you go to Ayumi and the others? If you don't look at them, what if you get lost later?"

"I've been watching!" Seiji put two fingers in front of his eyes and pointed at Ayumi and the others, signaling that he had been watching them.

Shengsi has been watching Ayumi and the others with telekinesis. There are so many people here, no more than a library, so Shengsi has been watching Ayumi and the others with telekinesis to prevent problems.

"Eh?" Xiao Ai was a little confused, you are right to see them now, because I can see them too!But wait a minute?What do you think?
Looking at Xiao Ai who was puzzled, Shengsi grabbed her and walked away without saying a word.

"Leave them alone?" Xiao Ai was a little worried.

"Don't worry! They are having so much fun, let's go too! That's right! What do you want to play? This one?" Shengsi pointed to the claw machine and asked Xiao Ai.

"Don't play!" Xiao Ai didn't even look at this.

She was thinking in her heart, anyway, Seiji wasn't worried about Ayumi and the others, what else was she worried about, this game conference looked very interesting, and it was good to play.

"What about this?" Shengsi pointed to another machine, which is also a fighting game, similar to the one played by Yuantai and the others.

"This." Xiao Ai was a little hesitant when she heard the words.

Seeing this, Shengsi directly pushed Xiao Ai to the seat to finish, and then sat down on the other side.

"Okay! Let's start!" Said Shengsi and started the game, leaving Xiao Ai no chance to respond.

Led by Shengsi's rhythm, Xiao Ai touched the joystick in a daze.

So the two started the imperial city PK.

At the beginning, Shengsi played around and deliberately lost to Xiao Ai to make her a little happy, and then continued to be tortured and killed by Xiao Ai
Shengsi didn't expect Xiao Ai to be so good at playing games, especially Xiao Ai after entering the state, it was terrifying, I saw Xiao Ai's hands flying rapidly on the buttons, like a dancing elf.

And the characters manipulated by Xiao Ai slapped Shengsi on the screen in various ways, which made Shengsi slightly embarrassed.


Killing Shengsi again, the corners of Xiao Ai's mouth turned up slightly, looking very happy.

Seeing this, Shengsi rubbed his temples, "Xiao Ai, it's time to show your real skills, you have to be careful next time."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai glanced at Shengsi and didn't speak, but the corner of her mouth slightly raised seemed to say: You?lame!

How could Shengsi bear this kind of contempt?

In the next duel, Shengsi chose a character that he had played several times. Shengsi was completely familiar with this character, and he believed that he would be able to defeat Xiao Ai this time.

"Ready go!" With a cry from the machine, the duel began!

I saw the character controlled by Shengsi and the character controlled by Xiao Ai punching left and right on the screen, and the punching was exhilarating.

More than ten seconds later, there was another 'KO! ' rings.

Shengsi lost again!
"Xiao Ai, you are so amazing! My little brother bows down!" Looking at the big word KO on the screen, Shengsi suddenly stood up and clasped his fist at Xiao Ai.

However, Shengsi's appearance as a child is very funny, Xiao Ai couldn't help but chuckled when he saw Shengsi's appearance.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly. His goal has been achieved. In fact, all the games he has played for so long are just pretending to lose. The purpose is to make Xiao Ai happy. Shengsi looks at Xiao Ai every day. With a cold look and almost never smiling, this made Shengsi very uncomfortable, so this happened.

(End of this chapter)

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