Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 194 The Man in Black!

Chapter 194 The Man in Black!

After casually asking the hotel waiter, Shengsi knew the location of the hotel's toilet, so everyone marched towards the toilet.

Just when everyone was about to go to the toilet, Xiao Ai suddenly held Shengsi's hand tightly and stopped.

After feeling something strange, Shengsi looked back and found that there was a trace of fear in Xiaoai's eyes. Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai didn't speak, but leaned towards Shengsi and shook her head vigorously.

Shengsi could clearly sense that Xiao Ai's body was trembling, what was she afraid of?What made her so scared?Seiji was puzzled.

Seeing this, Shengsi moved his mind, and instantly the layout of the entire hotel came to Shengsi's mind. He wanted to find out what made Xiao Ai so afraid.

It didn't take long, after a few seconds, Shengsi found the reason for Xiao Ai's fear.

I saw a tall adult man standing not far away from them. He was dressed in black and looked 1.9 meters tall. He looked very fierce, and from him, Shengsi could feel extremely strong violence. gas.

In the eyes of Shengsi, this person was directly labeled as an 'organization'. It seems that Xiao Ai was so afraid because she met someone from the organization. Of course I was scared when I got to the people in the organization.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled at Xiao Ai, pointed at the man in black and said, "Are you afraid of him?"

Seeing Shengsi pointing at the man in black, Xiao Ai nodded slightly, and then the fear on her face became stronger.

"Like this kind of bad guy, come a hundred and I'll get you down! I'll protect you! No one wants to hurt you!" Shengsi's voice was not very loud, but to Xiao Ai's ears, it was So a sense of security.

"Really?" Xiao Ai asked blankly.

"Of course it's true! I never lie!" Shengsi said, rubbing Xiao Ai's hair.

"Pfft." Maybe it was because she felt at ease, Xiao Ai burst out laughing suddenly, she suddenly felt that this little kid who saved her life seemed to be pretty good, anyway, it was an inexplicable feeling that made people My heart is warm and comfortable.

While Shengsi was talking to Xiao Ai, the man in black had already walked past them.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and said: "Okay, that bad guy is gone! Xiao Ai is not afraid, let's go too!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Ai glanced back at the man in black and found that he had gone far away, so she responded in a low voice to Shengsi.

"Seiji, Haibara, what's the matter with you two?" Perhaps because the two stayed for too long, Conan also noticed the abnormality of the two of them.

"It's nothing, let's go!" Shengsi waved his hand, indicating to continue walking.

"Oh!" Conan didn't doubt him, and continued to walk forward.

Soon, the group finished going to the toilet, because they were a little tired from playing just now, and a group of people were lying on the sofa next to the front desk to rest.

"Who wants to drink juice?!" Looking at the exhausted people sitting on the sofa, Shengsi said with a smile.

After playing for more than an hour, everyone is almost tired and thirsty at this time. Now after hearing Shengsi's words, everyone's eyes are shining.

"I want orange juice!" Ayumi was the first to say loudly.

"I want soda!" This was the voice of Genta and Mitsuhiko.

"I want orange juice too." Xiao Lan seemed a little cautious.

After the three of them finished talking, Shengsi found that Xiao Ai and Conan hadn't spoken, so Shengsi asked, "Conan? Xiao Ai? Where are you two?"

"I want coffee!" Xiao Ai had been staring into the distance, and now she was called out by Shengsi, and then she realized it.

Perhaps because he noticed Xiao Ai's strangeness, Shengsi followed Xiao Ai's gaze and found that the place she was looking at just now was the front desk of the hotel. To be precise, it was the man in black at the front desk, who was the one The person who scares Xiao Ai, the man in black is at the front desk picking up things with a number plate.

It seems that Xiao Ai's fear of the organization cannot be changed by Shengsi in a short while, but if there is Shengsi now, Xiao Ai will definitely not be hurt!
After Shengsi found the man in black, he turned his head and cast a reassuring look at Xiao Ai. After Xiao Ai nodded, Sheng Si looked at Conan.

Seeing this, Conan stood up directly, and said, "Shengsi, let me go with you. It's not easy for you to take it alone. It's more convenient for the two of us."

Seeing this, Shengsi nodded, "Okay!"

It is not very convenient to carry four or five bottles of things by yourself, especially when you are still a child, so it is also a good choice to go with Conan.

So Seiji and Conan walked towards the vending machine together.

Now in Japan, vending technology is very mature. Basically, there are vending machines in many places. You can buy things at any time as long as you bring money.

In Mihua Hotel, there are naturally more vending machines here, some selling drinks, snacks, and even meals.

Of course, Shengsi and the others don't need to buy food, they only need to buy drinks.

The drink vending machine was not far from the front desk, and the two arrived after a short walk.

Coincidentally, the machine for selling drinks happened to be next to a public phone, and what was even more coincidental, the man in black at the front desk was making a call at the public phone!
Seeing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, but he didn't do anything unusual, after all, what the people in the organization did had nothing to do with him, as long as he just ignored it.

But Conan next to Shengsi's eyes were fixed, and he said to Shengsi in a low voice: "Shengsi, look! That person is dressed in black, do you think he may be a member of the organization?"

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head, and then said with a smile: "It's not possible, but he is!"

"Eh?! Shengsi, how do you know?" Conan's pupils narrowed. He knew that Shengsi usually did not tell lies. If the man in front of him is really a member of the organization, then he must seize this opportunity!
However, Seiji smiled at Conan's seriousness, "Of course I guessed it!"

"Eh? Guess?" Seeing Shengsi smiling, Conan suddenly understood that Shengsi was playing tricks on him.

Thinking of this, Conan shook his head, moved a chair from the side, and placed it in front of the vending machine. After stepping on it, Conan planned to take out his wallet to buy a drink.

Because the vending machine is designed according to the height of an adult, Seiji and the others need to pad things to buy things, and of course Seiji would not do such a laborious thing, so Conan will do it for the drink. .

PS: I will do experiments in the afternoon and have classes in the evening. I just rushed out this chapter, so I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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