Chapter 195 Explosion!

Seeing Conan shopping there, Seiji smiled and said nothing. He really didn't expect that Conan wouldn't believe what he was telling the truth, but it's okay, anyway, it's Conan's business, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

However, when Conan was shopping, the man in black said something to the phone, and Conan was keenly aware of it!
Because this is an empty corridor, and no one passes by here, Conan can completely hear the man's voice.

'The deal is done!You don't have to worry, Volka! '

Volka!It's the code name of the organization's characters!The moment he heard this word, Conan froze. He didn't expect Shengsi's joke to be true!This person turned out to be an organized person!

Thinking of this, Conan immediately jumped off the chair, ran to Shengsi, pointed at the man in black who was on the phone and whispered: "Shengsi, he is really an organizer!"

"Oh!" Hearing this, Shengsi replied lightly.

"Eh?!" This is someone from the organization!What do you mean by 'oh'? !Conan felt that Seiji didn't take this matter to heart at all, which is too perfunctory.
"What's wrong?" Seeing Conan looking at him strangely, Seiji asked involuntarily.

"It's nothing, I'm going to stick a transmitter on him, and I must follow him." Seeing Shengsi's half-smile, Conan shook his head, and after saying this, Conan said again: "You come here Is it? If you don’t come, go back and tell Xiaolan that I have something to do.”

As he said that, Conan took out a transmitter from his body, trying to stick it to the man in black.

Seeing this, Saint Slimara gave Conan a hand, "Wait!"

"What's the matter?" Conan looked back puzzled after being pulled by Shengsi.

"His phone call is about to finish. If you go now, if you get caught, wouldn't you be courting death? Why don't we follow him after he finishes calling?" Sheng Si pouted at the man in black, motioning for Conan to look at him. one time.

Conan looked back and found that the man was about to hang up the phone. Seeing this, he turned his head and nodded to Shengsi.

After the two discussed it, they pretended to be playing and used it to confuse the man in black.

Sure enough, the man in black looked back at him after making the phone call, and left alone after finding nothing unusual.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Conan immediately removed their disguises and followed straight behind.

After turning and turning, the two found that the man in black went straight into the toilet. In addition, the transaction that the man said before was completed. Conan guessed that the black box that the man in black took from the front desk just now was their transaction. content.

Thinking of this, Conan called La Shengsi and said: "Let's wait, he will definitely come out later, so follow him then!"

Hearing this, Shengsi nodded, so the two waited at a corner.

Waiting is boring, so the two started chatting.

"Shengsi, can you escape from the hands of four organization killers with guns?" Conan just saw that Shengsi could punch a thousand kilograms with one punch. Now he wants to know the specific strength of Shengsi, so he said something Let's see how Seiji responds.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard this, Conan really looks down on him too much, doesn't he?
Thinking of this, Shengsi couldn't help but sneered and said, "Run away? Do I need to run away? I'll give you [-] killers with guns! Four? I'll kill them all!"

"Nani?!" Conan was surprised at this moment. If Shengsi didn't brag, then his strength is really terrifying!

One person overwhelmed forty people?Or a professionally trained killer, it's scary to think about it.

Conan suddenly felt that his own safety had been greatly improved. At least with Shengsi by his side, Conan didn't have to worry about his own safety.

Just when the two were talking here, suddenly!A sense of danger appeared in Shengsi's mind. With this feeling, Shengsi had no doubt that if he didn't do something, he might be injured.

Thinking of this, Shengsi directly wrapped himself and Conan with his thoughts.

The moment after Seiji finished doing this.

'Boom! With a bang, there was a loud bang from the toilet!
Accompanied by the loud noise, there was a violent shock wave, which rushed straight towards Shengsi and Conan, but with the protection of Shengsi's mind power, the two of them were unharmed under this shock wave!

After the shock wave passed, the two found that the toilet was billowing with smoke and a sea of ​​flames.


Under such a violent explosion, the man in black was definitely killed, which meant that their clues were broken!So, Conan is very angry!

After the dust cleared, Conan and Shengsi immediately rushed towards the toilet.

After entering the toilet, there is a big gap in front of the eyes. Looking through the gap, Shengsi can still see the street outside. Besides, there are burst water pipes and faucets spraying indiscriminately everywhere in the toilet. The most striking thing is, There is also a tattered black box and a black leather shoe in the middle of the toilet.

Shengsi knew these two things, the box was the one that the man in black took at the front desk just now, and the shoes were the man's shoes in black.

Judging from the situation at the scene, only the man in black should have died, and no one else was injured.

"You two kids, come out! It's dangerous inside!" Shengsi and Conan investigated for a while, and the hotel staff also rushed over.

Seeing this, Conan didn't have time to look any more. In fact, there was nothing to see. Everyone was blown to ashes, and there was nowhere to look for clues, so Conan and Shengsi retreated from the toilet. come out.

Not long after they exited, they saw Xiaolan and the others rushing over.

"Conan, Shengsi, how are you? Are you all right?!" Because Conan and Shengsi entered the scene of the explosion just now, they are now covered in dust.

The appearance of the two of them scared Xiaolan a bit, she thought they were injured, so she was very nervous.

"Brother Shengsi, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Ayumi was also taken aback.

Yuan Tai Xiao mourned them on the side, and they also had worried eyes in their eyes, and they were also very worried.

"It's okay, Conan and I just choked on the ashes, it's nothing." Seeing everyone's worried looks, Shengsi waved his hand, then patted the ashes on his body, indicating that it was nothing serious.

After confirming that the two were all right, everyone laughed.

"It's fine! It's fine!"

"How can something happen if I'm here!" Shengsi also made a little smug at this time.

Seeing this, everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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