Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 196 He's a Bad Guy!

Chapter 196 He's a Bad Guy!

"What happened over there? Do you know?" Xiaolan couldn't help asking when she found out that the two were fine. Shengsi and Conan came from there just now, so Xiaolan guessed that they should know something.

After hearing Xiaolan's words, everyone stared at Conan curiously. They also wanted to know what happened there, because it was blocked by the hotel staff, so they had to get information from Shengsi.

"There was a bomb in the toilet, and it killed a man in black clothes." Shengsi said, he deliberately emphasized his tone when he said the words 'all in black', and at the same time glanced at Xiao Ai.

"Ah! People were killed?! It's so scary!" Ayumi heard the words with a hint of fear in her voice.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko also covered their faces with their hands, looking scared.

Xiao Ai was taken aback when she heard Shengsi's words, black clothes?Is it tequila? !He was killed?

Tequila is the code name of the man in black!

However, just as Xiao Ai was thinking, Xiaolan asked, "Besides, are there other people injured? Have you called the police?"

"We went to the toilet just now and took a look around, but we didn't see anyone injured. As for calling the police, a waiter ran towards the front desk just now, so he probably already called the police." Conan explained.

Shengsi also echoed the words, "Conan is right, and I didn't see anyone injured."

"That's it, that's really great, but it's a pity that someone died." Xiaolan was very happy to hear that no one was injured, but she still felt slightly uncomfortable when it came to dead people.

"The one who died was a bad guy!" Seeing Xiaolan's appearance, Shengsi suddenly said playfully.

"Eh?! Bad guy?" Xiaolan didn't understand what Shengsi meant.

"That's right! That's a very bad, very bad guy! He's dressed all in black, and he looks fierce! He doesn't look like a good guy at first glance!" Shengsi said solemnly.

After hearing Shengsi's words, the corners of Conan's mouth couldn't help twitching, yes!You are right!Sensi you are amazing!This can all be figured out by you!Although the person who died was indeed a bad person, what a pity!
Originally, it was still possible to trace it, but now it's all right, the clues are directly broken!It's abominable!

Ayumi and the others said excitedly after hearing Shengsi's description: "Shengsi is right! This kind of person must not be a good person! Die the bad guy! Die the bad guy!"

As they said that, they jumped up excitedly.

Seeing this, Xiaolan said helplessly, "People in black clothes are not necessarily bad people."

She really didn't understand what children were thinking. Those who wore black and looked fierce must be bad guys?What kind of gangster logic is this? Xiaolan expressed helplessness.

"But, he's a bad guy! Don't you think so? Conan." Seeing that Xiaolan didn't believe it, Shengsi directly pulled Conan into him. Shengsi believed that Conan would tell the 'truth'!

Sure enough, when Conan was asked by Shengsi, he immediately said with a strange expression: "That's right, he is a bad guy!"

"Really?" Xiaolan was still a little puzzled, but Conan's words were still credible in Xiaolan's heart.

"Of course it's true! If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Ai, the man in black just now is not a good person!" Shengsi suddenly brought the topic to Xiao Ai.

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Ai. In everyone's impression, Xiao Ai seldom speaks, and she doesn't seem to be a person who can talk nonsense, so everyone is looking forward to Xiao Ai's answer.

Xiao Ai had been thinking just now whether the dead person was the man in black just now, and now it seems that the answer has come out.

"I think, she should be a bad person." Xiao Ai said lightly, she had recovered her calm at this time, and at the same time she was thinking, why Tequila would die when it was alright, this is very strange.

In her impression, the organization's killers are generally very shrewd, and follow the principle of never revealing, which means that as long as they are exposed, they will die!
If you don't die, the rest of the organization will kill you too!In this environment, the organization's killers were always careful, but this time, Tequila was killed? !

In Xiao Ai's impression, Tequila is a very shrewd killer, how could she be killed?

Was it removed because it was exposed or for some other reason?If it is another reason, what is it?This is worth Xiaoai's deep thinking.

After Xiao Ai finished expressing her point of view, she fell silent again and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly said: "Look! Xiao Ai said that he is a bad person, so he must be a bad person!"

"That's right! I think he's a bad guy too!" Genta and Mitsuhiko also interjected.

"Uh, okay." Xiaolan had no choice but to admit it, but she thought in her heart: It's just a child, even if it's a very smart child, it's just a child, and I won't care about it like him.

Just like that, after everyone talked again for a while, sirens sounded outside the Mihua Hotel!

More than a minute later, a group of police officers rushed in, and as everyone expected, it was the chubby police officer Megure again.

At the same time as the police arrived, Uncle Mao Li and the staff of Mantiantang also came after hearing the news.

They also have to bear part of the responsibility for such a special incident as an explosion during their company's development conference, so they take it very seriously!

"Xiao Lan, why are you here?" Uncle Mao Li hadn't figured out the situation yet, and when he found Xiao Lan and the others here, he was stupefied.

"We were there a long time ago. When the explosion happened, Conan and Shengsi were still there!" Xiaolan said helplessly. Facing her father's 360-degree obsession, Xiaolan was extremely helpless.

Before Uncle Maoli could speak, Police Officer Mumu caught the point of Xiaolan's words in an instant, and he asked Seiji and Conan excitedly, "What?! You two were at the scene?! "

This is a very important clue. If Shengsi and Conan see enough things, they may be able to find many clues. As long as there are clues, after a period of exploration, the case will be solved soon. Therefore, Police officer Mumu was so excited.

"En!" Seiji and Conan had no choice but to nod their heads in embarrassment to Police Officer Megure's excitement.

Seeing this, Police Officer Meguro said with joy on his face: "That's really great! Can you tell me what happened at that time?"

Just now, the police inspected the toilet and found that the explosion source of the bomb was in the center of the toilet. But what kind of bomb is it?Where is it placed?When did it explode?These are not very clear.

And now Shengsi said that he and Conan were on the scene at the time, which is a good breakthrough point.

PS: I have an exam today, so I sent it late.

(End of this chapter)

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