Chapter 197 Analysis
Regarding Officer Mumu's question, Shengsi smiled, and then said: "At that time, Conan and I were buying drinks. Suddenly, we found a man in black. His whereabouts were very strange, and he was not a good person at first glance! So, I Discuss with Conan to follow him later and see what he is going to do."

"After he finished making the phone call, we started to follow him. After a while, we found that he had suddenly entered the toilet, so the two of us waited outside. After waiting for a while, there was an explosion in the toilet! Afterwards, we rushed in immediately and found a tattered box and a black leather shoe on the ground, and this leather shoe was the shoe worn by the man in black."

Shengsi said all the information he knew in one breath.

After listening to Seiji's words, Police Officer Megure turned his attention to Conan, his meaning was very clear, he wanted to ask Conan if what Seiji said was right.

Seeing this, Conan nodded, indicating that what Shengsi said was right!

"In that case, it's very likely that the bomb was in the toilet?" Officer Meguro guessed.

Because most people would never bring a bomb in to blow themselves up, so Police Officer Meguro's guess was right. The bomb should have been in the toilet, and the man in black was accidentally killed after entering.

"Oh? But Officer Megure, I don't think so!" Seiji smiled, looking very mysterious.

After hearing Shengsi's words, all eyes were on Shengsi for a while.

Officer Mumu was the first to ask: "What's wrong? Seiji, do you have any new discoveries?"

Because Seiji's reasoning ability is very strong, so Police Officer Meguro thinks highly of him now, and he attaches great importance to his words. What is the point of grasping, so I said this.

"En! Come with me!" Shengsi nodded and motioned everyone to follow him.

Saying that, Shengsi walked towards the toilet, because almost all the policemen brought by Police Officer Mumu knew Shengsi, and with the company of Police Officer Mumu, no one stopped Shengsi and his group when they entered.

In fact, Shengsi has roughly understood the whole thing in his heart, and now it is his performance time.

When he was bored, pretending to be aggressive in front of everyone, Shengsi thought about it, and found that he was still a little excited inside!

"Sage? What did you bring us here for?" After reaching the toilet, Yuan Tai asked another stupid question!

Seeing this, Ayumi on the side quickly said: "Brother Shengsi is of course leading us to find clues! Yuantai is so stupid! You don't even know this!"

Yuan Tai touched her head in embarrassment when she heard the words, "Really? So that's the case."

And the people on the side saw Yuan Tai's naive look, and all laughed
"Okay, let's talk about it, Shengsi." After laughing for a while, Police Officer Meguro said, the business has not started yet, what are you laughing at?

Seeing this, Shengsi straightened his face, then picked up a round sign from the ground beside him and said, "Look! This is the sign next to the box! It is turned outwards! It means that it was received from the inside. It was caused by a violent impact! So! The bomb should have been in the box! This shows! The man in black went into the toilet with a bomb in his arms!"

The box that Shengsi was referring to was a special distribution box for the staff of Mantiantang, all of which had the same appearance, with a pure black body and the logo of Mantiantang, this was the box that the man in black brought over from the front desk.

"Oh?! It seems to be true!" After hearing Seiji's words, Police Officer Megure also discovered this detail.

The shape of this logo is really weird. If the bomb exploded from the outside, the logo on the box could not be turned outward like this, but turned inward.Now the logo is turned outwards, which shows that what Shengsi said makes sense.

Not only police officer Mu Mu discovered this detail, but Xiaolan and the others also discovered this detail.

Just when everyone was sighing, Shengsi spoke again, "When we were buying drinks just now, I heard that person say that the transaction was completed or something. I think he must be dealing with someone, and the bomb in the box It is estimated that another person put it in!"

Shengsi knew that the bomb was put in by the person named Takeshita Yuxin. He used the source-finding technique to find the person who put the bomb at once, but the specific reason was not very clear to Shengsi, so he That's all the information I can give now.

Just as everyone was thinking after listening to Shengsi's words, a voice came from the toilet door.

"That. May I interrupt you?"

Hearing this, everyone looked back and found a fat middle-aged man in black standing at the door with three young men. Two of the young men were Nakajima Hideaki and Takeshita who had just met at the strength measuring machine. Yuxin, and the other person, Shengsi, didn't know that it was the fat middle-aged man who spoke just now.

"May I ask who you are?" Officer Meguro asked.

"Hello, I'm Ishikawa, the president of Manten Heaven. I'm sorry that this happened when our company held a press conference. In fact, I received a very strange letter three days before the event. "Speaking, Ishikawa took out a letter from the box full of heaven in his hand and handed it to Police Officer Megure.

"What kind of strange letter?" Police officer Mu Mu opened the letter in his hand with doubts in his heart.

After reading the contents of the letter, the next second, Police Officer Mumu's face changed: "This is a threatening letter! Why didn't you call the police before?!"

"I thought it was just a prank at the time, so... I didn't pay attention to it, until now, me..." Ishikawa looked regretful at this time.

Seeing this, everyone also looked sorry.

Suddenly, when everyone's attention was on Ishikawa, Conan spoke!
"Shengsi! Come with me!" Conan ran out while holding Shengsi's hand!

Seeing this, Uncle Mao Li immediately said: "Hey! Why are you two going?!"

Xiaolan was also shouting, "Conan! What are you going to do?"

But Xiao Ai Yuantai and the others kept silent and chased after him directly. The so-called young detective team acted together, that's all!
Police officer Mumu looked at the two leaving with a dazed look on his face. After talking to Ishi Chuan on the spot for a while, he followed along with Xiaolan and Uncle Maoli.

At this time, outside the toilet, Shengsi and Conan ran straight to the front desk.

"This is not a terrorist incident! It's a murder! The suspect directly put the bomb in the locker at the front desk, then exchanged number plates with each other, and finally killed the man in black!" Conan explained while running.

(End of this chapter)

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