Chapter 198 Key No. 98!

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, he actually knew what Conan said in his heart, and this matter is definitely more than that simple!
Although the killers of the organization are weak, they are definitely not stupid!The chance of being killed by the bomb in his hand is extremely small, so the man in black must have picked up the wrong box, so he was killed by the person who planted the bomb by mistake!
So, as long as you find the person who changed the number plate with the man in black, after you find it, you can be sure that this person is the murderer!

After a while, Shengsi and Conan ran to the front desk, and Xiao Ai and the others came with them.

The waiter at the front desk saw a group of children running over and found it very interesting.

However, their fun was only temporary. When Conan came to the front desk, he jumped up and lay down on the cabinet at the front desk.

"Sister, may I ask, besides a tall man in black, has anyone else been here to retrieve something in the past half an hour?"

Conan's sudden jump made the front desk attendant slightly taken aback, but she quickly reacted, "Kid, please wait a moment."

As she said that, she took out a watch from the table, which was full of recorded information about the pick-up card.

After looking at it for a while, she shook her head and said, "Little friend, only one person came to pick up things in the past half an hour, and that person was the tall man you mentioned. Besides, there was no one else."

"Oh!" Conan was a little disappointed when he heard the words. He originally thought that another person would come right away. As long as this is the case, the murderer can be quickly identified. He didn't expect the murderer to be so cunning and never showed up.

"Then may I ask, what is his number plate?" Just when Conan was disappointed, Seiji asked from the side, he just asked casually without thinking too much.

"Number plate? Eh?! That's right! Sister! What's the number plate of that man in black?!" Conan suddenly realized when he heard Seiji's words.

He suddenly felt so stupid, why didn't he think of the number plate!If you know the number plate of the man in black, you can... eh? !It's useless!Even if you know the number plate of the man in black, it's useless, you still don't know who he is swapping with.

So, this is a dead end, and Conan figured it out immediately after asking.

"This is number 98!" The waiter answered after hearing Shengsi's words, glancing at the box next to him.

Because there is only one small brand in the box dedicated to the brand at this time - 98, and all other brands are more than two hundred.

Because when the number plates are issued, the small number is issued first and then the large number, so that 98 is particularly eye-catching!

"Eh?! 98! Isn't sister Xiaolan's number plate number 98, then [-] is someone who was ranked next to sister Xiaolan at that time!" Conan originally thought that this number plate was useless, but he didn't expect Now there is an unexpected surprise, just ask Xiao Lan to see if he has any impression of this, if he has an impression, the murderer will soon surface!
"That's right! The murderer will be found soon!" Shengsi said with a smile, he was just asking casually, but he didn't expect such a coincidence, the number plate turned out to be 98, now it's all right, you don't need to 'deduce' yourself Now, Conan can fully know the answer.

"What's the matter? Have you found the murderer yet?" Yuan Tai couldn't help asking seeing Shengsi and Conan smiling.

"It's almost there!" Conan jumped off the stage, and ran towards the toilet as he spoke. He wanted to find Xiaolan and ask who the number 98 was. As long as he knew who the murderer was who.

When everyone saw Conan leaving, they hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long before Conan and the others met Officer Megure and the others who just rushed over.

"Conan, Shengsi! What did you do just now?" Police Officer Mumu looked at the group of people who came running, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, we already know who the murderer is!" Conan turned on the pretentious mode.

In fact, he hasn't turned on this mode for a long time. Recently, he was with Shengsi. Every time he solved a case, Shengsi was the first to discover the murderer. Today, they discovered the murderer at the same time and took the initiative by themselves, so , this time I can finally pretend to be a good one to force a cough, it is a good testimonial against the murderer!

"What?! You already know who planted the bomb?" Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

Just go out and run around to find out who the murderer is?This is too powerful.

"En!" Conan nodded.

Seeing this, Police Officer Mumu took a look at Shengsi, hoping to get Shengsi's affirmation.

In the mind of Police Officer Megure, Seiji's words are much more credible than Conan's.

If Conan knew what Police Officer Megure thought, he would probably hide in the corner and draw circles
"Yes! Conan is right, we have found the murderer! He is" Shengsi nodded, expressing his agreement with Conan's point of view, and at the same time, Shengsi wanted to say who the murderer was.

However, Conan on the side became impatient when he saw that Shengsi was going to reveal the murderer. He finally found a chance to pretend, how could he let Shengsi snatch it away.

So, before Shengsi finished speaking, Conan said loudly: "Sister Xiaolan, your number plate is one hundred, right?"

Originally, everyone was looking forward to the murderer that Shengsi said, but now they were followed by Conan's words, and everyone's attention was instantly shifted to Xiaolan.

Seeing this, Shengsi curled his lips and didn't speak. He could see that Conan wanted to show off.

Let him out if he thinks of it, it's a big deal anyway. I have robbed him of the limelight so many times, let's forget it this time, thinking of this, Seiji turned around and started talking to Ayumi and the others.

At the same time, Takeshita Hiroyuki, who was in the group of Police Officer Megure, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He kept praying in his heart: It's just a group of children, and he definitely won't know!Certainly not!

"Number plate?" Xiaolan didn't respond to Conan's question for a while.

"That's the sign given to you by the locker at the front desk." Seeing that Xiaolan was puzzled, Conan explained.

"Oh! That's right, mine is number [-]! What's wrong?" Xiaolan took out the signboard in her pocket with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Sister Xiaolan, do you still remember who got the No. 98 number plate?" Conan's eyes narrowed.

"98? That's right! Isn't No. 98 among the three of you?" Xiaolan looked thoughtful at first, then suddenly turned her head and pointed at Hideaki Nakajima's group.

(End of this chapter)

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