Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 199 Invisible Pretend

Chapter 199 Invisible Pretend

Being pointed at by Xiaolan, the faces of the three people changed immediately. Among them, Takeshita Hiroyuki was sweating profusely and looked frightened. Nakajima Hideaki also looked shocked. Only the last one had darker skin. The man, who seems to be called Ueda Koji, has no other expressions other than surprise on his face.

"What?! It's you?" Police Officer Mumu looked at the three accused and asked in surprise.

But he thought to himself, this possibility is still very high, because the box that exploded was the special distribution box for Mantiantang employees, and there are only a dozen or so Mantangang employees who came here today, so the three people’s The suspicion is great!
In addition to the number 98 that Conan mentioned, and Xiaolan confirmed that the number 98 is among the three, so basically the suspect is already confirmed to be among the three!

"No, no," was asked by Police Officer Megure, Takeshita Hiroyuki immediately waved his hands and shook his head, looking flustered.

Hideaki Nakajima on the side also looked flustered, at a loss, and hesitant to speak.

"Yusin, I remember that my number plate is 97, and the two of you should be 99 and 98, please show everyone the number plate." Ueda Koji took out a number 97 from his pocket In his heart, Nakajima and Takeshita should not be the ones who planted the bomb. It must be that Xiaolan made a mistake, so he wants his friends to show the number plates Confront it.

"That's right, you two take out your number plates." Officer Meguro also said.

However, Nakajima and Takeshita failed to live up to Ueda's trust. They have their own ghosts in their hearts, and now they dare not show their number plates at all.

Seeing the two people who refused to take out their number plates for a long time, Police Officer Mu Mu let out a low voice: "What? Do you two really have a problem?"

Speaking of which, Police Officer Megure wanted to let the police next to him go over and restrain the two of them.

Seeing this, Takeshita hurriedly said: "Wait! I'll look for it."

As he said that, Takeshita took out a number plate with the number 99 from his pocket, "Look! My number plate is 99, I just couldn't find it for a while."

After taking out the number plate, Takeshita couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Because his own number plate was 98 before, he was a little flustered. He was afraid that he would be found out that he had changed Nakajima's number plate, so he didn't dare to take it out. Now he found that Nakajima It seemed that he didn't dare to take it out, so he bravely took it out first.

After watching Takeshita take out the number plate, everyone's eyes turned to Hideaki Nakajima. Now he is the only one who is afraid to take out the number plate. 99 and 97 have come out. Now, everyone knows Yes, number 98 must be Hideaki Nakajima!

"Mr. Nakajima?! Did you put the bomb?! You are the No. 98?! Why did you kill people?!" Now the target is very clear, so Officer Meguro waved his hand directly, letting the two people around him The police stopped Nakajima in the past.

"No! I didn't! I'm not the one who planted the bomb!" Seeing that he was about to be wronged as the murderer of a terrorist attack, Nakajima quickly argued.

"Is it you or who?! Could there be a second No. 98?!" Police Officer Mumu asked back.

After hearing the words of Police Officer Megure, everyone nodded, obviously agreeing.

Seeing that everyone seemed to believe that he was the suspect of the bomb, Nakajima became anxious. He struggled for a while and then said: "I really didn't set the bomb. It's a fact that I traded with the man in black. But what I traded with him was the company's information. They asked me to buy the company's information and offered a very high price. I couldn't resist the temptation for a while, "

After hearing Nakajima's words, everyone was thinking about the truth of his words, while the president Ishikawa on the side looked angrily: "Nakajima! You! You did such a thing of betraying the company!"

"The price he gave was too high." Nakajima lowered his head.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned. If what Nakajima said was true, then who put the bomb?

"Is this true?" Officer Mumu was a little confused for a while.

"It's absolutely true!" Nakajima nodded. Although the fact that he sold the company's technology was exposed, he was not regarded as a bomb suspect. This kind of result is what Nakajima wanted.

When everyone was thinking about the truth of what Nakajima said, Conan suddenly said: "Mr. Nakajima! You must know that the person you traded with is not simple! There is a big group behind them! I advise you, Tell the police all the information you know!"

Conan originally thought that the organization's clues would be broken, but he didn't expect that there is a ready-made clue here, so Conan must hold on to it tightly.

"Group? I don't know what group it is, but every time we meet we meet at the cocktail bar on the top floor of the Dahei Building!" Nakajima had already revealed the matter at this time, so he directly revealed the information, maybe the police saw him admit his mistake If you have a good attitude, your sentence will be commuted!
"What?! The cocktail bar in the Dahei Building?!" Conan murmured, this should be a stronghold of an organization, and there might be some clues if he rushed there now.

Thinking of this, Conan immediately ran to the outside of the hotel. Conan, who acts in an organized manner, knew that if he went late, he might 'disappear' there!

Because Conan left in a hurry and didn't tell anyone, it felt very abrupt!

"Conan! What are you going to do?!" Xiaolan couldn't help but shouted watching Conan running away. She knew that Shinichi was very focused on tracking down something, to the point of being so focused that no one else was there. For example, no one is a bird now. Yes, just ran away, really!

Conan didn't look back at Xiaolan's shout, and ran outside.

Seeing Conan running out of the Mihua Hotel, Yuan Tai shouted: "Conan must have found some important clues! Our young detective team, let's go!"

Saying that, Yuan Tai took the lead and ran to the outside. Seeing this, everyone in the Detective Boys followed.

When Seiji left, he turned around and shouted: "Gentle reminder, Officer Megure, it was not Hideaki Nakajima who planted the bomb, but Hiroyuki Takeshita! He was originally No. 98. I saw him throwing the bomb at the press conference just now." I changed my storage card with Hideaki Nakajima, it’s done! I’m done talking, I wish you a happy case handling! Bye!”

After speaking, Shengsi left with everyone.

The so-called invisible pretense is the most deadly, it must be the case
After Shengsi left, only the bewildered people in the hall and Takeshita Hiroyuki who was looking arrogant were left behind.
(End of this chapter)

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