Chapter 200 Big Bang!
As for the matter in the Mihua Hotel, let's come to an end.

Looking outside the gate of the hotel, after Conan came out, he took a casual look and found the Dahei Building not far away. After finding the direction, Conan ran directly there.

Conan hadn't been walking for half a minute before Seiji and the others followed. After seeing the direction Conan was running, everyone quickly followed.

"Conan! Wait for us!" Yuan Tai shouted.

However, Conan didn't even turn his head, he just shouted: "Hurry up!"

He was really impatient, he was afraid that the stronghold would be destroyed!So I dare not delay even a second!

Seeing this, everyone curled their lips and had no choice but to speed up and chase Conan.

Soon, in about a few minutes, Conan and Seiji arrived at the gate of Dahei Building one after another.

"It should be here." Conan said in rough clothes.

After running for a few minutes, Conan was already a little tired, and now he found that there was nothing unusual about the cocktail bar on the top floor, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Not long after Conan stopped, Seiji and the others also ran over.

"Eh? Why aren't you tired at all?!" Conan was surprised to find that Shengsi and the others all looked calm, none of them were panting like him, and it was impossible to tell that they ran over just now of!
Seeing Conan's surprised look, Seiji smiled slightly, he used a little magic just now, so everyone didn't feel tired at all when running, but Conan didn't get this kind of treatment, he was as tired as a pug.
"We don't know either. I just come here after running. I don't know why I'm not tired." Yuan Tai looked confused.

On the other hand, Xiao Ai narrowed his eyes. He hadn't noticed this situation just now, but now that he was reminded by Conan, he suddenly found that he didn't feel tired at all. This is not scientific at all!

However, just as Xiao Ai was thinking, Conan waved his hand: "Forget about that, the cocktail bar is on the roof, let's go!"

After speaking, Conan walked towards the gate of the building. Compared with Shengsi and the others, why were they not tired at all? Organizational matters were much more important, so after a short rest, Conan was ready to go upstairs.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed.

Dahei Building is a relatively modern building, which was completed in recent years. The equipment and materials inside are relatively advanced, especially this elevator, which is a high-end sightseeing elevator. The transparent design allows you to It is very refreshing to be able to see the scenery outside in the elevator.

"Wow! Brother Shengsi, look, there is the Mihua Hotel over there! That's where we go to school! And! Also! There's the Mihua Library over there!" Ayumi pointed at the things outside with excitement Said to Shengsi.

Seiji just smiled at this, and then nodded.

In fact, Ayumi is not bad, look at Genta beside him, he has gone crazy for a long time!

"Mitsuhiko! Take a look! The eel rice in that shop is super delicious! I must eat ten bowls next time! And! That! The eel rice there is also delicious! I want to eat ten bowls next time, too. "Yuan Tai has fallen into a state of madness.

Seeing Yuantai like this, Shengsi and Conan all twitched, not knowing what to say, but Xiao Ai laughed seeing this scene, and even Mitsuhiko subconsciously stayed away from Yuantai.
Full of disgust!
In this way, after a while, Yuantai came to the top floor of the building under the strange eyes of everyone.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Conan was the first to rush out. He was in a hurry, and only by running as fast as possible could he have a greater chance of finding more clues.

In fact, it is understandable for Conan to be so anxious. Now Conan is very concerned about that organization. He has been investigating things about the organization for the past few days. Now he finally has the hope of uncovering this layer of fog. How can he? give up?So he pursued very seriously!
Seeing Conan rushing out of the elevator, everyone quickly followed.

However, when everyone rushed out of the elevator, suddenly!A loud noise came from the ear, and with the loud noise, thick flames spewed out from the bar door not far away!

"Murashita! Where are you?!"


Screams, riots, all kinds of voices raged in everyone's ears, roaring
"Damn it!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Conan slammed the ground, "It's really abominable! The clue is broken again!"

The clue was lost and recovered just now, but now it is lost again!Conan is about to explode!
Originally, the veil of the organization could be unveiled immediately, and even a way to grow larger could be found, but now with this explosion, everything... everything is gone!
And Shengsi at the side looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but think: This stronghold was directly blown up by the organization!It is indeed the style of the organization!How decisive and cruel!
Looking at Xiao Ai at the side, she looked at the door of the bar billowing with smoke, her eyes drifted away, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko looked at this scene with a look of surprise, and talked about it while watching, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Brother Shengsi, what's going on here?" Ayumi came to Shengsi's side at some point.

"It's nothing, it's just that someone set off firecrackers inside." Seiji stroked Ayumi's hair and laughed. He didn't want to scare Ayumi, so he kept everything to a minimum.

Conan on the side couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard the words, and set off firecrackers. Is it such a big noise in your house to set off firecrackers? !

However, what ruined Conan's view of the world even more was that after hearing Shengsi's words, Genta and the others cheered: "What a big firecracker, it's really powerful. It's much more powerful than the last time's firework. The last time's firework was compared to this one!" Get up, it's just... just"

As he was talking, Yuantai's poor language skills were not enough, and he didn't even know how to say the rest of the words
Listening to Yuanta's words, Conan seemed a little upset. After thinking about it, he should go inside and have a look. Thinking of this, Conan was ready to walk inside.

However, just when Conan was about to go in under the fire, Shengsi's words floated faintly, "Conan, if you are going inside to find clues, don't waste your efforts, everything inside is destroyed Lost!"

Shengsi just swept away his thoughts, and he already knew the situation inside. All the clues about the organization were cleared, and from the time point of view, it was cleared up half an hour ago, and at that time Tequila had just died ten years ago. Just a few minutes.

In just 10 minutes, the people in the organization knew about Tequila's death and made a timely decision to destroy the stronghold. This shows how powerful the organization's operational capabilities are!

(End of this chapter)

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