Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 201 Decided to Go Skiing

Chapter 201 Decided to Go Skiing

After hearing Shengsi's words, Conan's footsteps stopped, and the clues are gone? !Right!The organization is so shrewd, the chances of leaving anything behind are extremely small, so let's not talk about finding clues if we rush in now, the fire inside is so big, maybe life may be in danger!
Thinking of this, Conan slowly retreated to the side of the crowd, and then looked at the scene in front of him with resentment.

"Sage, what can you do?" After looking at it for a while, Conan suddenly asked, he was still holding on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that this Saint, who surprised him every time, could surprise him.

Looking at Conan's little expectant eyes, Shengsi was slightly taken aback. In fact, he really found something. Just now, Shengsi found that there were two people wearing black clothes standing on another building not far away. men holding something in their hands.

That's the bomb detonator!

Looking at the detonator and their all-black attire, Shengsi immediately knew that they belonged to the organization!
After seeing the explosion, the two people turned around and left directly. It seemed that they believed that this side had been completely destroyed, so they left with confidence.

However, Seiji has been struggling with whether to tell Conan this information.

If you tell him, Conan will definitely chase after him. Once Conan chases, Ayumi and the others will follow, and if you don’t help Conan, Conan should not be able to catch up, so it’s better not to tell Conan directly than to waste your efforts good.

Thinking of this, Seiji shook his head at Conan, "No."

"Yeah." Conan nodded in disappointment when he heard the words. He no longer had any hope of tracking down the organization, so he felt a little depressed for a while.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly spoke words of comfort.

After a while, the police and Xiaolan also ran over.

Now there is another explosion case here, the Tokyo Police Station was shocked, and a large number of police officers were sent to investigate the matter. Officer Megure is almost too busy!
So, regarding what happened just now, Police Officer Mumu just briefly expressed his gratitude to Shengsi and the others, and then went to deal with the bombing case again. He was too busy to have time to greet Shengsi and the others.

As for Shengsi and the others, they met up with Xiaolan and Uncle Maoli and left directly. There are too many policemen here, and they are still getting in the way of other people's business, so it's better to leave.

Because a lot of things happened today, everyone was very tired, so they went home separately.

On the way home, a group of people talked and laughed, seeming very harmonious.

Soon, Xiao Ai and Shengsi returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, Shengsi threw away his schoolbag, and then said to Xiao Ai: "Xiao Ai?! The man in black just now, why are you afraid?"

Xiao Ai was taken aback when she heard the words, and then panicked, but soon she calmed down and said after a pause: "Because he is a bad guy! He is dressed in black and looks fierce, so I Scared!"

"Eh?!" Shengsi originally planned to tease Xiao Ai, but she didn't expect her to answer him with her own words, which made him unable to refute.
Seeing Shengsi being asked all of a sudden, Xiao Ai immediately changed the subject, "Shengsi, let's cook! I'm hungry!"

Xiao Ai found that Shengsi had an inexplicable feeling for her, and after knowing him for so long, the two of them became less strange and more familiar, so now Xiao Ai seems very strange when talking to Shengsi. is random.

Seeing this, Shengsi had nothing to say, he knew that this matter had been subtly resolved by Xiao Ai, and if he asked again, Xiao Ai might find out something, so Shengsi had to obediently go to the kitchen to cook. The meal is gone.

Seeing the back of Shengsi entering the kitchen, Xiao Ai breathed out softly, "It's dangerous, but the food cooked by Shengsi is really delicious, I'll eat more later!"

So Xiao Ai was full of anticipation and launched a daze on the sofa.
It didn't take long before the simple three dishes and one soup appeared on the table.

"Xiao Ai! It's time to eat!" Shengsi raised his voice and yelled, and started to eat first.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai hurried over and started eating too.

"What? You're not going home for dinner today?" Xiao Ai said suddenly after eating for a while.

In fact, Xiao Ai is very curious about Shengsi's family, but Sheng Si has never planned to take her to his house to play, so Xiao Ai is just curious
"Well, I'm staying here today." Shengsi said after taking a bite of the dish.

"Oh." Xiao Ai replied and then stopped talking.

Xiao Ai always likes to be quiet, and usually seldom talks when eating, and now there is no topic to talk about, so the two of them were silent for a while while eating.
After more than ten minutes, both of them finished their meal.

After Shengsi packed all the utensils on the dining table into the kitchen, he came out and sat on the sofa to continue reading his 'book'.

Seeing that Shengsi was reading again, Xiao Ai was thinking about another thing, that is, who washed the dishes and chopsticks every time they finished eating?

She has been in the kitchen before, and it looks like new every time she goes in, but she has never seen Shengsi wash the dishes, and the time when Shengsi entered the kitchen was definitely not more than 1 minute, but if you look at it now , the kitchen must be new again!
It's amazing!So Xiao Ai was very curious about how Shengsi did this.

However, just when Xiao Ai was about to ask this question, Shengsi suddenly put down the book in his hand and looked at her, "Xiao Ai, let's go skiing tomorrow afternoon."

Seiji suddenly wanted to go skiing for some reason, so he planned to go skiing after school tomorrow afternoon.

"Eh? Skiing? Why?" Xiao Ai actually didn't want to go, she has been waiting for Shengsi to meet her sister, so that she can follow him.

And if Shengsi went skiing, Xiao Ai's meeting with her sister would have to be delayed by a day, which Xiao Ai didn't want to see.

"It's nothing, I just want to go skiing suddenly, and Ayumi will go too! How about it? Are you going? If you don't go, you will have to stay here to watch the house!" Shengsi smiled playfully, he didn't believe that Xiao Ai would not go .

Sure enough, Shengsi's guess was right, Xiao Ai agreed after thinking for a while, since Sheng Si has already made a decision, Xiao Ai can't stop it, so, compared to being bored at home, skiing is much better .

"Aren't Yuantai and Mitsuhiko going?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Oh, Genta said yesterday that he was going to a delicious eel rice restaurant tomorrow afternoon, and Mitsuhiko was going out with his sister, so they didn't have time to go." Seiji explained.

(End of this chapter)

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