Chapter 202 Skiing
"That's it." Xiao Ai murmured, as if she understood, but her calm expression made Shengsi unable to guess what she was thinking.

"Since you agree to go, then this matter has been decided so happily!" After saying that, Shengsi closed the book in his hand, then got up and walked upstairs.

Since you can't figure it out, then don't guess, so Shengsi didn't guess what Xiao Ai was thinking at all, but asked her to guess what he was going to do.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai hurriedly said: "What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Cleaning up the clothes, of course! Tomorrow is Friday! We're going to play for two days! So, it's still necessary to bring a few sets of clothes for backup!" Shengsi said while going upstairs, and took two steps , Shengsi suddenly turned around and said: "That's right, Xiao Ai, how about the clothes I bought for you? Do they fit? Do they look good? Because I don't know what you like, so I just bought a few."

Speaking of this, Shengsi paused for a moment and then said: "Well, let's go shopping tomorrow night, and you can choose what you want to buy at that time!"

He didn't know what kind of clothes Xiao Ai wore at the time, so he just bought her a few clothes based on his own guesses. Until now, Shengsi didn't know whether Xiao Ai liked the clothes he bought or not.
"The clothes are okay." Xiao Ai seemed very flat about Shengsi's enthusiasm, and after saying this, Xiao Ai walked towards her bedroom.

Although Xiao Ai is very calm about this on the surface, she is really a little excited in her heart. She can finally buy clothes, so happy!Although the clothes that Shengsi bought are not too bad, they are not too good either, so Xiao Ai has long thought of buying clothes, after all, every woman loves beauty, and Xiao Ai is no exception!

But because she didn't have any money and didn't want to ask Shengsi for money, she didn't buy it all the time. Now that Shengsi said that she would take her to buy clothes tomorrow, Xiao Ai hummed excitedly as soon as she entered her bedroom.

And how terrible is the hearing of the saint outside? !Xiao Ai was humming in the bedroom, Shengsi could hear it, seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly
Soon, the night was over.

As usual, the three of Shengsi came to the classroom on time. After a boring 'study' all morning, they ushered in a happy time after school.

On the way to school.

"Conan, you really don't want to go skiing with us? It's fun!" Ayumi said to Conan excitedly. She heard Shengsi said that she would take her skiing this morning, and she was in a state of excitement all morning.

"I want to go, but Uncle Mao Li said that he will take sister Xiaolan and me to a very magical place in the afternoon, and it is also a very surprising place, so I can't go with you." Hearing Ayumi's invitation Finally, Conan said with a look of embarrassment.

In fact, Conan wanted to go, but he remembered Uncle Maori's exhortation in the morning. Between temptation and exhortation, after thinking about it, Conan still chose the latter.

After all, this is the future father-in-law. Although he is a bit stupid, Conan still has to listen to what he says, so Conan can't play with Seiji and the others.

"If that's the case, then we won't force it, bye!" Shengsi took Ayumi with his left hand, then took Xiao Ai with his right hand, and walked towards Xiao Ai's house.

Seiji didn't want to bring other people, but now Conan just has something to do, it's too late for Seiji to be happy, why would he give in to Ayumi to continue inviting, so it is the best choice to leave as soon as possible with Xiao Ai and Ayumi!
And Conan watched Shengsi lead the two away one by one from left to right, the corners of his mouth twitched, he could feel Shengsi's full disgust for him.

Soon, the three of Shengsi came to Xiaoai's house. After arriving at home, Shengsi took out a travel bag from the house. This backpack contained the three of them's change of clothes. Each of them had three sets. It was enough for them to live for many days. After making these preparations, they planned to set off.

The ski resort they are going to is the largest ski resort in Tokyo, the name is Tokyo Ski Resort, which is located in the suburbs, some distance from Mihua Town.

It took about an hour. After the three of them took JR and a short taxi, they arrived at the gate of the ski resort.

Regarding the rule that three children are not allowed to enter without the company of adults, Shengsi used a little magic, and the conductor gave them three tickets for adults.

And Seiji continued to use this little magic, and the three of them took the tickets and entered the Tokyo Ski Resort under the 'scrutiny' of the ticket inspector.

As the largest ski resort in Tokyo, this ski resort has rental villas, so Seiji rented a villa here directly, so that they can live here at night.

After entering the ski resort, the three of them first came to the villa rented by Shengsi, put away their things and put on their ski equipment, and then the three of them began to ski happily on the snow mountain.

In fact, Ayumi doesn't know how to ski, but under the patient teaching of Shengsi, she will soon be able to master skiing skills.

So, the three of them played happily on the ski resort. Because of Shengsi's protection, Xiao Ai and Ayumi had a good time playing, and they didn't have to worry about danger at all.

"Oh yeah!"

Shengsi bounced vigorously and turned a 720-degree circle in the air, attracting the attention of people nearby.

"Brother Seiji is so amazing!" After landing, Seiji stopped directly beside Ayumi.

"Where is that, hahaha." Shengsi hasn't skied for a long time, and he accidentally showed his real skills just now, and now it seems that the effect is good!
On the other hand, Xiao Ai's eyes lit up seeing Shengsi's handsome movements. Although she has skiing skills, she would never be able to do the movements that Shengsi did just now.

And Shengsi didn't say much after landing, after talking for a few words, Shengsi said: "Xiao Ai, Ayumi, let's continue!"

Saying that, Shengsi took the lead and rushed down the mountain. Seeing this, the two hurriedly followed.

Just like that, the three of them rushed straight down the mountain like a sharp sword.

Rush down the mountain, then take the elevator-like machine up the mountain, down the mountain, and up the mountain again
After four or five times like this, the time has already reached five o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, there are no people in the ski resort, and Ayumi and Xiaoai are also tired from playing, so the three of them put away their skis and headed towards the villa. gone.

This ski resort is very large, divided into four areas: A, B, C, and D. Shengsi and the others are skiing in area A, and the villa they are going to now is also the villa in area A.

However, when Shengsi and the others came to the villa, Shengsi accidentally left three figures not far away, two big and one small, very conspicuous
(End of this chapter)

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