Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 204 Professor Dashan

Chapter 204 Professor Dashan
"Conan and the others went there, let's go too!"

Shengsi suddenly pointed to the luxurious villa on the mountain and said, since he decided to go there to eat, so Shengsi didn't talk nonsense, so he planned to walk over directly.

Hearing this, Ayumi didn't think too much, but said impatiently: "Then let's go!"

Now she really wants to share the joy of learning to ski with others, and Conan, as her classmate, is a good person to share.

And Xiao Ai at the side felt a little baffled, isn't it here?Why did Conan suddenly go there? !Also, the place you pointed to, Shengsi, is so far away, and there are many trees and snow blocking it, can you see it?Do you have clairvoyance?

However, although Xiao Ai was puzzled in her heart, she did not show it on the surface. Xiao Ai knew that Shengsi was very mysterious, and she knew nothing about it. It was useless to ask people like Shengsi. He will tell you when he arrives, so Xiao Ai wisely didn't ask any more questions, but followed Ayumi and walked straight up the mountain.

This luxurious villa is not very far from here, about 100 meters away, but since it is an uphill road, it should be a bit difficult to walk.

But with Shengsi leading the way, the three of them pushed all the way, and soon came to the door of this villa.

After arriving at the entrance of the villa, Shengsi found that there were two cars parked here, and there were many footprints in the snow, so he could tell that there were many people passing by here.

The footprints are very fresh. Looking at it this way, the group of people that Shengsi Nianli swept over just now should have just arrived, and they don't live here, and they probably gathered here for some purpose.

"You wait here, I'll knock on the door!" Shengsi turned around and told the two of them, then got up and walked towards the door.

When he came to the front and back of the gate, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, the lion's door button?

I saw two lion door buttons and lion rings on the gate, which looked very majestic!
Seiji did not expect to see such a Chinese atmosphere in Japan, it is really nostalgic.

Shengsi touched the lion's head for a while, and then grabbed the door knob and knocked on the door three times.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three crisp sounds.

After a while, a middle-aged woman with short hair opened the door.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" She poked her head out and asked suspiciously.

Seeing this, Seiji smiled slightly, "We are friends of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, we came to look for him."

Just now, Shengsi has been observing the inside with telekinesis, and he found that the people inside are all talking to Uncle Maori. Seeing this, Shengsi knows that these people should have heard of Uncle Maoli's name, so, Shengsi The company directly reported the name of Uncle Maori.

Shengsi did not guess wrong, and saw the short-haired woman immediately opened the door when she heard Shengsi's words: "It turned out to be a friend of detective Mori Kogoro, he is inside, come in quickly!"

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head and waved to Xiao Ai and Ayumi, and then followed the short-haired woman into the villa.

After entering the villa, the short-haired woman led Seiji and the others straight to a room. As soon as she reached the door, she called out to the door: "Professor Dashan is a friend of detective Mori Kogoro."

"Eh? My friend?" Uncle Mao Li, who was bragging to everyone about how powerful he was, was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

friend?Where did my friends come here?

At the same time, everyone looked towards the door, and they also wanted to see where Kogoro Mouri's friends were.

And Conan in the crowd smiled slightly. He already had a guess in his heart. In his heart, Conan is extremely mysterious. It must not be difficult to find him here, so it is very likely that this friend is Shengsi. They are gone.

"Zhongyuan, bring them in!" After hearing what the short-haired woman said, a fat man in the room shouted to the outside.

The second the man finished speaking, the door of the room was opened by the short-haired woman named Zhong Yuan.

As soon as the door was opened, Shengsi and the others appeared in everyone's sight.

"Eh?! Shengsi! Ayumi! Haibara!" Xiaolan looked surprised when she saw Shengsi and the others, because Conan didn't tell her that Shengsi and the others came to ski, so Xiaolan said to Shengsi at this time. It was a surprise that they were here.

But Uncle Mao Li was much more carefree. When he saw Shengsi, he quickly got up and said with a smile, "So it's Shengsi, come on! Let me introduce you to Shengsi."

"This is Professor Dashan, a leading figure in the medical field!" Uncle Mao Li pointed at the fat man who spoke just now.

After hearing Uncle Mao Li's words, Da Shan said with a smile: "Where is it, there is still a slight difference from the master."

Although Dashan was being modest, it could be seen from his smug expression that he was very happy to hear Uncle Maori's words.

After talking about Dashan, Uncle Maori pointed to the other people present and said, "These are all students of Professor Dashan. The one who brought you in just now is called Nakahara Kaori, and the one next to her is Jiangjiao Guobu."

"Teach me a lot!" said the woman with short hair and glasses named Jiangjiao Guobu.

Seeing this, Uncle Mao Li continued: "These two are called Toda Ginji and Kanazawa Chiyasu."

These two people are middle-aged men, the former looks younger, with dark skin and looks healthy, while the latter looks older and also wears a pair of glasses.

"Teach me a lot." Both of them nodded slightly.

After Uncle Mao Li finished introducing them, he coughed lightly, "Next, I'm going to give you a good introduction to this little friend by my side!"

"He is the head of the young detective team who recently helped the police solve several major cases—the famous detective Shengsi!" Uncle Maori pointed at the Shengsi beside him and said loudly, without concealing his admiration for Shengsi in his tone.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard the words, although he was good, but he didn't need to say that, it made Shengsi, who has always been a humble person, a little embarrassed.

"The famous detective saint is you?! It's really a pleasure to meet you. I have known you for a long time, but I have never seen a real person. I didn't expect to be so young!" After listening to Uncle Maori's introduction, Professor Dashan stood up excitedly. stand up,

Professor Dashan likes to watch TV, especially the reasoning of those detectives on TV. He likes it very much, and the deeds of Shengsi are also spread on TV. The young detective team cracked a certain case and it always appears on TV. However, Shengsi will "smartly" avoid the camera every time, so many people have heard of the famous detective Shengsi, but very few people have seen it!
(End of this chapter)

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