Chapter 205 Eating
"Hehe, it's me." Regarding Professor Dashan's enthusiasm, Shengsi just said lightly.

He didn't like this noisy and crowded environment, but now the house was full of people, so Shengsi felt a little uncomfortable, and he already wanted to leave here.

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately said: "Uncles and sisters, we are here to play with Conan, so I won't bother you!"

Saying that, Seiji winked at Conan.

Conan is also very smart. Seeing Shengsi winking at him, he quickly said, "Yeah, Shengsi, let's go out and play!"

After hearing the conversation between the two, some people in the crowd wanted to say something, but would Shengsi let them say it?Of course not. Seeing that others were about to speak, Shengsi immediately interrupted, "I'm really bothering you! Let's go to the next room to play immediately!"

Saying that, Seiji took Xiao Ai and Ayumi and retreated. Seeing this, Conan hurriedly followed.

Because Shengsi was a bit rude, everyone's faces were a little ugly, but Shengsi and the others were not here at this time, so they would not be embarrassed, and Uncle Mao Li and Xiaolan were...
"I'm so sorry, Shengsi is like this, a kid, he just loves to play, come on, let's continue talking about what we just said." Uncle Mao Li seemed very embarrassed by Shengsi's rudeness, but he was very Quickly bring the rhythm up.

Regarding Uncle Mao Li's words, of course everyone had to save face, so they discussed happily again and left Shengsi and the others alone.

After Shengsi and the others came out, they went directly to the living room and chatted happily.

"Conan! Why are you here too?" This was the first question Ayumi asked when she came to the living room, because Conan said she couldn't go in the afternoon, but now she came again, so Ayumi felt very puzzled.

"How did I know that the surprise that Uncle Maori said was to come skiing. When I heard the news, I thought I could meet you here. I didn't expect that I found you from the D area and the B area. To be honest, Are you in Area A?!" Conan was also a little excited to meet them now, so he seemed very excited when he spoke.

"That's right! We are in Area A, Conan, you are amazing! You can guess all of this!" Ayumi looked surprised.

"Hehe." The corners of Conan's mouth twitched when he heard this, since the BCD area has been excluded, of course it is in the A area
Seeing Conan smiling, Ayumi immediately shared happily: "Conan, let me tell you, I learned how to ski today! I'm already very good at skiing!"

After finishing speaking, Ayumi looked at Conan expectantly, expecting to see his surprise.

Conan was also very powerful. He clapped his hands immediately after hearing Ayumi's words, "Amazing! Aweful!"

Seeing this, Ayumi showed a knowing smile.

In this way, after a few people chatted in a pleasant atmosphere for a while, they began to fight the landlord!
As the only magic weapon when you are bored, Doudizhu has fulfilled its due duties.

Shengsi originally wanted to ask Xiao Ai to play, but she didn't seem to be interested in it, and read the magazine by herself, so only Shengsi and the three of them played there.

After playing for a while, Xiaolan also ran out to join their Landlord Fighting Army and brought good news to everyone.

That is, the meal is already being cooked, and they will be able to eat later. This is really good news for Shengsi, who came here with the mentality of waiting for a meal.

Time passed quickly, and when Shengsi and the others finished their last fight against Landlords, it was already past seven o'clock, and dinner was already ready by this time.

It was still the same room. At this time, there was a long table in the center of the room. The table was full of food, and everyone was sitting around talking and laughing while eating.

Because of the good atmosphere, and after the conversation just now, Uncle Mao Li and Professor Dashan are almost brothers and sisters, and the two even toasted each other at the dinner table, drinking happily.

And because there are a lot of guests, there are a lot of dishes for this meal. Shengsi and the others are very tasty, but Uncle Maori and the others want to drink, and they keep talking during the meal, so everyone ate this meal for a long time .

It was about [-]:[-], and everyone had almost finished eating at this time, but Uncle Mao Li and Professor Dashan were still drinking.

Professor Dashan and the others drank little, at most they were slightly drunk, and at least five of the seven or eight empty bottles on the table went into Uncle Maori's stomach.

At this time, Uncle Mori blushed and started talking nonsense, but even in this state, he still seemed to be drinking. Seiji was really speechless about this.

"Here comes the wine!" Jiang Jiao Guobu came in with a plate of wine.

Just now Uncle Mao Li kept calling for wine, so Jiangjiao Guobu went to order a few more glasses of wine.

At this moment, Kaori Nakahara suddenly said, "Ah! That's too bad! I forgot to buy food and drinks. I'll go to the convenience store at the foot of the mountain to buy them right now. Wait a minute!"

With that said, Zhong Yuan planned to get dressed and go out.

Seeing this, Jiang Jiao immediately smiled and said, "Just buy some casually, and bring me a bag of potato chips by the way."

"I want dried squid!"

"I want a vegetable salad!"

Seeing that Zhong Yuan was about to go shopping, everyone asked her to help with it.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan quickly brought a pen and paper from the side and said, "Write down everything you want me to bring on the paper, I can't remember so much at once!"

So, everyone took the paper and pens and started writing on it.

"Ayumi, Ai, what do you two want?" When the paper was passed to him, Shengsi asked the two people beside him.

Hearing this, both of them shook their heads, Ayumi didn't want it because she was a little embarrassed, and Xiao Ai simply didn't want it.
Seeing this, Shengsi passed the paper and pen to Xiaolan, and he didn't want anything, so he passed it on.

"Dad, do you need to bring anything?" Xiao Lan shouted to the flushed Uncle Mao Li after taking the paper.

However, Uncle Mao Li was already in a state of bewilderment at this time, and there was no Niao Xiaolan at all.

Seeing this, Xiaolan shook her head and passed the paper to the next person
Soon, the paper was full of things. After finishing writing, Zhong Yuan took the note and read it. After reading it, he wanted to go out.

Seeing this, Professor Dashan quickly said to Zhong Yuan: "I'll take you out, sober up by the way, or you won't be able to drink later."

As he said that, he put on his clothes and planned to go out to enjoy the cold wind.

Seeing this, everyone got up and walked outside. They had been sitting for a long time, and it was good to move around a bit.

So, a group of people sent Zhong Yuan directly out of the gate of the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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