Chapter 206

The gate of the villa.

Jiang Jiao shouted to Zhong Yuan who was about to get in the car: "Hurry up! The convenience store will close at ten o'clock!"

"Yeah! I got it!" Zhong Yuan responded and set off in the car.

Watching Zhong Yuan leave, Jiang Jiao waved his hand.Suddenly, Professor Dashan's slightly anxious voice came from beside his ear.

"That's right! What time is it now!"

He was blown by the cold wind just now, and he was almost awake from the wine at this time, and he spoke a lot more fluently.

"It's 56:[-], what's the matter? What's the matter?" Jiangjiao Guobu looked at his watch and replied.

However, Professor Dashan did not answer her words, but ran towards the house immediately after hearing the time.

"What's the matter?" Xiaolan was puzzled by Professor Dashan's anxious performance.

"He went to watch TV, and he is obsessed with the TV series that airs at nine o'clock." Jiang Jiao explained from the side.

Xiaolan smiled slightly when she heard the words, "Wow! That TV series is very good, and I often watch it too!"

"Really? That's true." Jiangjiao was about to say something when he heard the words, but at this moment, Toda Ginji came out of the house after getting dressed.

Seeing this, Jiang Jiao questioned: "Doctor Feitian, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go skiing at night! I didn't ski enough this morning. There are so few people now, I must go for a good skiing. Don't worry, I will be back before eleven o'clock!" Fei Tian said, pointing to a car at the door The car goes.

At the same time as he said the last sentence, he had already entered the car, and he drove away after a while.

"In this case, then I will take advantage of the time when Zhongyuan is going to buy food and drink to go to the bathhouse and take a comfortable hot bath!" Just as everyone watched Toda drive away, Kanazawa Zhiyasu behind him suddenly speak.

With that said, he walked towards the house.

At this time, only Seiji, Conan, Xiaolan and Jiangjiao were left at the door, and Xiao Ai was resting in the living room with Ayumi, and Uncle Mori had already slept like a dead pig.

Looking at such a late day, Conan suddenly remembered that Uncle Maori hadn’t asked the villa administrator for the key since he lost the key. Although they may be right in the villa rented by Shengsi, it’s always right to bring the key or something .

Thinking of this, Conan immediately said: "Sister Xiaolan, we haven't told the villa administrator about the lost key yet!"

"Ah! I've forgotten about this a long time ago!" Xiao Lan looked surprised when she heard this, she had long forgotten about this matter.

However, when she was playing with Shengsi just now, she knew that Shengsi and the others also rented a house here, so now they don't panic too much.

"It's okay! We have a lot of empty houses here, so you can all live here later!" Hearing the conversation between Conan and Xiaolan, Jiang Jiao hurriedly said.

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and pushed everyone into the villa, looking very hospitable.

"Don't bother you, we can stay at Shengsi's house later." Xiaolan waved her hand, indicating no need.

"It really doesn't matter. We have a lot of houses here, and you can all live there!" Jiang Jiao said as she walked in. When she reached the door of the house where she had dinner just now, she pointed to Uncle Mao Li who was lying on the ground and snoring. Said: "Besides, your father slept so hard! In addition, the road outside is difficult, how do you go back, so let's live here!"

Everyone heard the words and looked at Uncle Mao Li who was sleeping soundly in the room.

"Eh, this." Xiaolan looked at Shengsi, wanting to hear his answer.

"Okay!" Shengsi nodded.

In fact, Seiji didn't plan to live here, but Mr. Mori's appearance, and just now Seiji found that Ayumi had fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room, so living here is a good choice.

"That's great!" Seeing Shengsi and the others agreeing, Jiang Jiao clapped his hands with joy.

Now that Shengsi and the others agreed, Jiang Jiao didn't continue to say anything, but started to clean up the dishes on the dining table. Seeing this, Xiaolan hurried to help.

Seeing this, Conan and Shengsi planned to go to the living room to rest.

However, Xiaolan turned around and said, "Conan, come and help!"

"Hehe." Shengsi smiled slightly when he heard the words, made a helpless expression to Conan, then turned and left.

"Ah." Conan yelled annoyedly and walked towards Xiaolan.

in the living room.

Xiao Ai was burying her head in reading a magazine, while Ayumi was lying on the sofa with her eyes closed, breathing evenly, and she was already sound asleep.

Ayumi skied all afternoon today, she was already very tired, and now she was in a warm room, so she fell asleep while sitting.

"Xiao Ai, how are you? Do you want to sleep?" Seiji took off Ayumi's hairpin, and hugged her up.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai pulled down the magazine in her hand, then shook her head.

"Okay then, I'll put Ayumi on the bed first, wait until I get down!" Saying that, Seiji went upstairs with Ayumi in his arms.

Xiao Ai looked at Shengsi's back with a flash of eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

After Shengsi went upstairs, Nianli scanned casually, and then stood at the door of a room that looked like a guest room.

After opening the door, Seiji put Ayumi on the bed directly, threw a cleaning magic on her and put the hairpin on the head of the bed, and Seiji exited the room.

Ayumi is already very tired, and letting her sleep well is the most correct choice.

When Shengsi came to the living room again, Xiao Ai was already watching TV, Xiao Lan was washing dishes with Conan in the kitchen, and Aunt Jiangjiao was cleaning up the garbage in the room.

"Xiao Ai, how's it going? Was the skiing fun today?" Shengsi took a glance and sat down on a stool next to Xiao Ai.

Shengsi had a great time skiing today, so he wanted to see if Xiao Ai was happy too.

"It's okay." After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiao Ai kept staring at the TV without turning her head.

"Then you tonight."

Just when Shengsi was about to say something, Conan suddenly jumped out from the side, "Come on Shengsi! Help wash the dishes!"

Conan was unhappy seeing Shengsi resting leisurely here, so he insisted on letting Shengsi rest.

As soon as Shengsi was interrupted by Conan's words, he couldn't say anything else, so Shengsi had to give Conan a hard look, and then walked towards the kitchen with him.

"Conan! You really are!" Seeing Conan dragging Shengsi over, Xiaolan smiled helplessly.

"It's okay, sister Xiaolan, I'm OK." Although Shengsi wanted to grab Conan and give him a good 'beat', but in front of Xiaolan, Shengsi still had to pretend to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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